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Draft Blogger's Code of Conduct — When I wrote my Call for a Blogging Code of Conduct last week, I suggested some ideas of what such a code might contain, but didn't actually put forth a draft that people could subscribe to. We're not quite there yet, but we have a plan.
Ars Technica, Valleywag, The Blog Herald, IP Telephony, VoIP, Broadband, InformationWeek Weblog, Andrew Lark, Invisible Inkling, Deep Jive Interests, Connecting the Dots, Apple 2.0,, the j. botter weblog, J. LeRoy's Evolving Web, Zoli's Blog, Epicenter, Guardian Unlimited, Fractals of Change, WebProNews, gapingvoid, The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs, Roam4free, Mark Evans, daily.gigaom, Smalltalk Tidbits …, 901am, Enterprise Web 2.0, Burningbird, The, Social Media Club and Digital Common Sense
No twinkie badges here. — I was doing my best to ignore Tim O'Reilly's misguided effort to play hall monitor to the blogosphere, wishing it would just go away. But unfortunately the New York Times did not ignore it. How could it pass up a juicy opportunity to make us all look like the louts they all too often think we are?
My Thoughts On O'Reilly's Code of Conduct — Tim O'Reilly has posted a draft code of conduct that bloggers would voluntarily accept and promote. This all stems from the Kathy Sierra/Chris Locke issue from a couple of weeks ago. The New York Times is all over this as well.
Code of conduct or not? — Tim O'Reilly just posted the draft of a Blogger's Code of Conduct that he's hoping we all adopt. I instantly asked the mob hanging out on Twitter what they thought. Brett Nordquist had this funny thought: — "Something tells me the sites with the 'Anything Goes' logo will be more interesting."
Why Are We *Still* Confusing "Blogging Code of Conduct" With "Having a Comments Policy"? — I always get a chuckle out of reading things in newspapers that I read around the blogosphere days, if not weeks earlier. Case in point: the Kathy Sierra hubaloo has finally got a bit of a footnote …
100 Million iPods Sold — Apple® today announced that the 100 millionth iPod® has been sold, making the iPod the fastest selling music player in history. The first iPod was sold five and a half years ago, in November 2001, and since then Apple has introduced more than 10 new iPod models …
PC World: Techlog, Gizmodo, MacUser, CrunchGear, VoIP & Gadgets Blog, Guardian Unlimited, I4U News, Paul Thurrott's Internet Nexus, Graceful Flavor, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Paul Colligan's …, Media 3.0 with Shelly Palmer, MacMinute, Mark Evans, Podcasting News, and digg
Apple sells 100 millionth iPod, deems experiment a success
Wifi-Enabled SanDisk Sansa Connect Features Yahoo! Music Unlimited, LAUNCHcast, Messenger, and Flickr — It's with great pride I announce the release of the SanDisk Sansa Connect, the new Wifi-enabled portable MP3 player set to free you from the USB cable chaining you to your PC …
Yahoo/Sansa's Music Player Foray: 100M iPods too Late?
AMD Updates First Quarter Outlook — SUNNYVALE, Calif.—(BUSINESS WIRE)—AMD (NYSE:AMD - News) today announced it expects to report revenue of approximately $1.225 billion in the quarter ending March 31, 2007. Revenues declined sharply quarter-over-quarter for the Computing Solutions segment …
AMD gives us a Tech reality check — If you are paying too much attention to the blogger code of ethics debate, then you are missing what could turn out to be technology industry's very own blizzard of 2007. The demand for devices - from PCs to wireless phones to everything is heading south - fast.
Microsoft Brings Instant Chat to TV Screen, Through Games — Microsoft planned to announce today that it will make its Windows Live Messenger service available on its Xbox 360 game consoles, bringing instant messaging from the computer to the television. — The move was meant …
Pictures of the New Text Input Device — Okay, I'm no product shot expert, but I was able to get a few pictures of the new Text Input Device this morning. There have been some questions about how it attaches, and how comfortable the controller would be with the keyboard attached.
Media Moguls Make Their Move Online — Former media titans such as Eisner and Bochco are finding lots to like as they produce new shows aimed at social networking's explosive growth — The acting is wooden, the monologue darn near nonexistent. But there's something mildly addicting about Prom Queen …
Why Google Isn't Stealing Newspaper Content — from the make-it-stop dept — This is just getting ridiculous. Google may have signaled its willingness to pay up with its deal with AFP, and now it seems that newspaper publishers are interested in taking them up on the offer.
You Grew Up Playing Shoot'em-Up Games. Why Can't Your Kids? — I was playing a round of Gears of War, trying to redo a level on "insane" mode, and the walls were painted with guts. I slaughtered my way to the boss, revved up my chainsaw, and sliced into his chest — releasing a fractal fountain of gore.
Personal trainer uses Wii for workouts — As anyone who's managed to get their hands on a Wii will no doubt have already discovered, it's relatively easy to work up a sweat and lose some pounds using Nintendo's little white box. Now, the real life activity that's required to succeed …
iPod tells soldier he was shot - the real story — I talked to Kevin Garrad this afternoon and here's the story firsthand: — The armor stopped the bullet. — The iPod was how Kevin Garrad found out he was shot. This is the real story. — Kevin said he got into the fight …
RIP - Dell Axim — It's with great sadness that I bring you the news that the last of the Dell Axim X51v line has gone out the doors of Dell and puts an end of a great run of Pocket PCs from Dell. — In late 2002, Dell released the Dell Axim X5. The Dell Axim X5 shook up the Pocket PC world offering …