Top Items:
Call for a Blogger's Code of Conduct — Before I start, I should disclose that in addition to being an author and a conference presenter for O'Reilly, Kathy Sierra is a friend, and I've been talking with her about the situation referred to in this post since I first became aware of it last weekend.
Death of the cell phone charger — A Pennsylvania entrepreneur has developed technology that gives you all the battery juice you need directly from the air. Business 2.0 reports. — (Business 2.0 Magazine) — How much money could you make from a technology that replaces electrical wires?
Students sue anti-plagiarism site for copyright infringement — Got a term paper to write? No problem, just fire up the old internet connection and copy some text from Wikipedia. Of course, in the good old days, you had to copy off of a neighbor or buy a copy of a paper some other student had written a few years ago.
![](/img/pml.png) Different Than The Rest Of The Video Crowd — is a new video startup that is different from the rest of the crowd. Unlike YouTube and dozens of others, it isn't focused on building a portal around user-uploaded videos. Instead, they are allowing website publishers …
Office 2008 for Mac hits beta: lush 'Escher' graphics engine revealed — Hello Diggers, MacSurfers, TUAWers and readers of many other Mac sites who are kindly linking to us! We've temporarily disabled comments to help the server cope with the rather immense traffic coming in right now.
The Tao of Mac, Compiler, Infinite Loop, The Mac Observer, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, MacMegasite, Macsimum News and digg
Thinking About Online Photo Services — I woke up this morning thinking about online photo services. Probably because of my friend David Kirkpatrick's column this week on Photobucket. David points out how huge Photobucket has become by riding on the coattails of the social networking boom.
Spam experts at MIT lift curtain on search — CAMBRIDGE, MASS.—If there is a solution to search engine spam, no one's going to reveal it, according to experts at the MIT Spam Conference 2007 on Friday. — Nothing is going to change while there is money to be made off things like AdSense …
Despite Vulnerabilities, Apple's Mac OS X Weathers The Security Storm — Security pros say the Mac platform isn't a high-risk operating system and is more secure than Microsoft's Windows XP. — While an increasing number of bugs have been found in Apple's Mac OS X operating system …
QQ: China's New Coin of the Realm? — Officials Try to Crack Down — As Fake Online Currency — Is Traded for Real Money — HONG KONG — China's fastest-rising currency isn't the yuan. It's the QQ coin — online play money created by marketers to sell such things as virtual flowers …
Software Development as a Collaborative Game — Alistair Cockburn maintains that software development is a cooperative game: … It's a fascinating, thought-provoking article on the essential nature of software development. I can now see why Bill de hÓra calls Cockburn "the agile world's best kept secret."
Lie-Detection Software Could Scan E-Mail, Text Messages — Software could be trained to detect patterns of lies in text for law enforcement, dates, and spouses. — Researchers at Cornell University want to create lie-detection software for e-mail and text messages.
Maybe Amazon Doesn't Want To Be The Web Platform — from the internal-divisions dept — For some time, Amazon has been trying to position itself as not just a web retailer, but a web platform as well. The company has come out with a number of services that allow third parties to rent …
TechCrunch Has Acquired F** — Today we are announcing that we have acquired Philip "Pud" Kaplan's F** in a stock for assets transaction. The basic details of the transaction are included in a press release that will go out shortly, and Pud has mentioned this on his personal blog.
Silicon Valley Sleuth
Switched On: Hollywood's remote control turns revenue off — Each week Ross Rubin contributes Switched On, a column about technology, multimedia, and digital entertainment: — Last week's Switched On compared two devices that only peripherally compete with each other today …
LH Top 10: Free Windows Downloads — At every turn on the internet, someone's offering a free software download for your PC. But separating the wheat from the evilware-addled chaff isn't for busy users with better things to do than test applications all day long. That's where we come in.