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The Real Scrapblog is Here... Finally — Scrapbook maker, Scrapblog strutted its stuff at the We Media conference last month, went off the grid, and finally came back online today. — Scrapblogs are Flash-based slide shows made up of pages of photo or video layouts you can jazz up with a myriad of designs and effects.

Embracing the chaos: and recognizing opportunities — Our client, Carlos Garcia of Scrapblog proved this week that embracing the chaos can expose exciting opportunities for a startup. — On Tuesday afternoon, Chris and I stopped by the Adobe booth at ETech to chat with Michelle Turner about Apollo.

Microsoft Security Advisory (935423) — Vulnerability in Windows Animated Cursor Handling — Microsoft is investigating new public reports of targeted attacks exploiting a vulnerability in the way Microsoft Windows handles animated cursor (.ani) files. In order for this attack to be carried out …
Security Fix, Download Squad, McAfee Avert Labs, Zero Day, The Microsoft Security …,, F-Secure Antivirus … and TechBlog

FLIPMEAT: The marketing of Photobucket — Surprise, surprise. Just as Photobucket talks to potential acquirers, there's a burst of press about the photo hosting service. The biggest web site you've never heard of, says Fortune's David Kirkpatrick. Worth $300m-$400m, Lehman Brothers …

RIAA Lawsuit Decision Matrix — BBspot has obtained secret documents which RIAA lawyers use to determine whether to file a lawsuit against a copyright violator. These documents give insight into the RIAA's decision-making process, and could help people avoid lawsuits in the future.

An End Run on Copyright Law — In a March 24 op-ed, Viacom's general counsel, Michael Fricklas, defended his company's lawsuit against YouTube and Google. Resisting the urge to litigate this case in public, we still thought it useful to reply briefly. — Viacom's lawsuit is an attack …

Apple should pull the plug on the iPhone — BERKELEY (MarketWatch) — The hype over the unreleased iPhone has actually increased over the past month despite the fact that nobody has seen or used the device. This, if nothing else, proves the power of branding and especially the power of brand loyalty.
Apple 2.0, Cult of Mac, Gizmodo, Apple Gazette, Business Logs, Howard Lindzon, Urlocker On Disruption, Michael Gartenberg, Engadget, CrunchGear and The Apple Blog

Microsoft unveils Deepfish, a new approach to mobile web browsing — Microsoft appears to be working hard in innovating for mobile technologies lately. Following this week's announcement of ZenZui, a spinoff company having originated in Microsoft's Redmond Research Lab …

Author apologizes but fails to fix Panda worm — The worm's author claims to have written a fix, but Symantec says it doesn't undo file and registry changes made by the worm and is ineffective against variants — The accused mastermind behind the Panda Burning Incense worm has not done …

Dell gives the go-ahead for Linux — Computer giant Dell will start to sell PCs preinstalled with open source Linux operating systems, the firm has said. — The second largest computer maker in the world said it had chosen to offer Linux in response to customer demand.

AT&T to speed up HSDPA, add dozens of new markets — ORLANDO, Fla.—AT&T Inc.'s wireless division is testing an upgrade to its HSDPA network that the carrier says will dramatically increase uplink speeds. — According to Kris Rinne, AT&T's executive vice president of network planning and architecture …

Wi-fi buses drive rural web use — Buses equipped with wi-fi are being used to deliver web content to remote rural villages in the developing world. — In rural India and parts of Rwanda, Cambodia and Paraguay, the vehicles offer web content to computers with no internet connection.

THE TWO-EDGED SWORD OF WEB 2.0 — As web workers, most of us are steeped in Web 2.0 throughout our working day (never mind that we can't agree on what "Web 2.0″ means). Many of us have embraced online applications from Google, Yahoo, and elsewhere to do the bulk of our work …

U.S. equity firm stalks BCE, plots takeover — Deal would be the largest in Canadian corporate history — The world's most powerful private equity firm, New York's Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, is stalking BCE Inc. in the hope of launching a friendly takeover bid for the owner of Bell Canada.

Eisner: The Web Doesn't Change Content — Michael Eisner has demonstrated more than the idle curiosity or knee-jerk distrust in online video one might expect from a man with a long career of high-profile executive roles at ABC, Paramount Pictures, and Disney.
TechCrunch, Variety, Digital Media Wire, IP Democracy, Mashable!, GigaOM, The Media Age, Financial Times and

101 Fantastic Freebies — Want to make your PC more productive, secure, informative, and entertaining? These downloads and services will do the trick—and they don't cost a dime. — Once upon a time you actually had to pay for great software and services — hard to believe, but true.