Top Items:

NBC Universal and News Corp. Announce Deal with Internet Leaders AOL, MSN, MySpace And Yahoo! to Create a Premium Online Video Site with Unprecedented Reach — Charter Advertisers, Including Cadbury Schweppes, Cisco, Esurance, Intel and General Motors, Will Now Reach 96% of U.S. Internet Audience Through This Groundbreaking Venture
GigaOM, Epicenter, IP Democracy, Business 2.0 Beta,, franticindustries, BuzzMachine, Read/WriteWeb, Bloomberg, LeeAnn Prescott, Valleywag, mydigimedia,, John Furrier, Screenwerk, Licence to Roam, David Card, Don Dodge on The Next …, Data Center Knowledge, Search Engine Watch Blog, Mashable!, Blogspotting, ResourceShelf, larry borsato, Tech Beat, Microsoft News Tracker, A VC, SearchViews, Bloggers Blog,, Boing Boing, hubbub, Los Angeles Times, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Search Engine Land and TechCrunch

Notes From News Corp./NBC Universal Media Call — I've just joined the "NewTube" media call with NBC Universal CEO Jeff Zucker and News Corp. COO Peter Chernin. Notes to follow. — Chernin is kicking things off. It took him about 2 minutes to say "Web 2.0″ for the first time.

NBC, News Corp. push new Web rival to YouTube — update This may be the best illustration of the influence YouTube has amassed in two short years: the powerful forces rising up against the video site. — Three of the Web's largest Internet portals—AOL, MSN and Yahoo …

NBCU-News Corp.: More Like The Anti-YouTube Than YouTube Killer — A lot of attention has been paid here and elsewhere to the notion that major media companies were planning a MeTooTube. But the venture actually being created by NBC Universal and News Corp. goes far beyond—it's more like the anti-YouTube.

Why the NBC/Newscorp Video Venture is a Great Idea — I have no idea what the traffic will be for this new venture if they create a single destination site. I have no idea what the traffic will be for video hosted by the distribution partners they signed up, Yahoo, MSN, AOL and Fox and NBC/Universal sites themselves.

Confirmed: TV Networks Launch New Company To Counter Perceived Google/YouTube Threat
Valleywag, Rational rants, Between the Lines, ZDNet News, Phil Morle, Download Squad, CenterNetworks, The Social Web and Screenwerk

DMCA takedown backlash: EFF sues Viacom over Colbert parody clip — Viacom's DMCA takedown notices continue to generate controversy. The media giant fired off more than 100,000 notices to YouTube earlier this year, but it appears to have caught numerous legitimate videos in the crossfire.

Viacom Sued Over YouTube Parody Removal
Search Engine Roundtable

KML and GeoRSS Support Added to the Google Maps API — Posted by Nigel Tao, Software Engineer, Google Maps Team — One of the things I love most about Google Maps and Google Earth is that it's easy for anyone to create and display new geographically referenced content.

FCC hits brakes on in-flight calling (for now) — The seemingly never-ending "will they or won't they" saga involving the FCC, the FAA, airlines, mobile carriers, and the extraordinarily annoying plane passenger sitting next to you has taken another unexpected turn this week.
TechSpot News

PlayStation 3 launched in Europe — Sony has launched its PlayStation 3 (PS3) console in Europe and Australia, hoping to retake its gaming crown. — The company trails Microsoft and Nintendo in sales of next generation consoles and the launch has been beset with problems in the last year.

Crowdsourcing: A Million Heads is Better than One — The "wisdom of crowds" is a popular web 2.0 buzzword, popularized by James Surowiecki's book of the same name. At its most basic, the term means that two heads are better than one, and that still more heads will yield even better results.

Publishers Sue XM Satellite Radio — A group of music publishers sued XM Satellite Radio over the XM + MP3 service late today (March 22). EMI Music Publishing, Warner/Chappell Music, Sony/ATV Music and Famous Music claim they want to "put an end to the pervasive and willful copyright infringement" …

Michael Moritz Will Not Seek Re-Election to Google's Board of Directors — Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) today announced that Michael Moritz has informed the company that he will not seek re-election to its board of directors at the 2007 stockholder meeting. Moritz, who has been a director since May 1999 …

Surprise, Microsoft Listed as Most Secure OS — UPDATED: Microsoft is frequently dinged for having insecure products, with security holes and vulnerabilities. But Symantec (Quote), no friend of Microsoft, said in its latest research report that when it comes to widely-used operating systems …
Gizmodo, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Download Squad, larry borsato, CyberNet Technology News, Channel 9, 901am, Guardian Unlimited, digg and Slashdot

It's Here! — Yes! Yahoo Widgets 4 is now available for download. This version has a lot of cool new features for users as well as developers of Widgets. — For those that think we've been sitting around drinking tequila and not really focusing on Konfabulator/Yahoo Widgets …

Leopard not ready for April—"Barely beta, not final or Gold Master" — There have been a lot of rumors lately from "unconfirmed" sources about Leopard's expected ship date. For a while, everyone was sure it was going to ship mid-to-late March. Then mysteriously, the ship date …

Referrals, now with Google Checkout — Today we're excited to announce that in addition to AdSense, AdWords, Firefox with Google Toolbar, and Google Pack, you can now refer your users to Google Checkout through AdSense. — Checkout gives your users a faster, safer, and more convenient way to shop online.

The Future of Web 2.0 — I've been in Singapore this week, giving presentations on Web 2.0 and helping the government's Infocomm Development Agency with their plans to foster startups in the country. I often get asked about the future of Web 2.0—is it a bubble, when will it be replaced by something new?