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Web 3.0: When Web Sites Become Web Services — Today's Web has terabytes of information available to humans, but hidden from computers. It is a paradox that information is stuck inside HTML pages, formatted in esoteric ways that are difficult for machines to process.

Web 2.0 - Over and Out — Many of us in the VC community have been quietly wondering about the state of Web 2.0 innovation. We aren't seeing much. Startup activity remains strong, but the consumer web landscape seems to be populated with the same bodies with different skins.

Joining Sun — I saw my first Sun workstation about 15 years ago, in 1992. I was a business student at Purdue University, and a childhood love for computers had just been reawakened. I was spending countless hours in the basement of the Math building, basking in the green phosphorescent glow …

Exclusive: Yahoo oneSearch Launches on US Mobile Web — On Tuesday Yahoo will significantly expand the reach of their new mobile search product, Yahoo! oneSearch, by making it the default mobile Yahoo homepage at for US users. In effect this brings oneSearch …

Symantec Reports Rise in Data Theft, Data Leakage, and Targeted Attacks Leading to Hackers' Financial Gain — New Internet Security Threat Activity Research Reveals a Shift towards Collaborative, Global Online Communities Operated by Cyber Criminals — The latest Internet Security Threat …
TechCrunch, Computerworld Blogs blogs, Datamation IT News Blog, John Furrier and Slashdot

Apple TV said to be worthy of overtaking both TiVo and Netflix — Although AppleTV has ceded the limelight to iPhone and similarly been overshadowed by the buzz preceding the launch of Leopard, it could prove to be as disruptive to legacy video purchase-and-consumption behavior as the iPod …

How Google Blog Search Ranks Results — Unlike most blog search engines, Google Blog Search ranks the results by relevancy. You can change that by clicking on "sort by date", but the default option is useful if you want to find the most significant blog posts about a topic. But how does Google rank blog posts?
Conversion Rater, Search Engine Roundtable, WebMetricsGuru, 901am, Jim Kukral Online … and UMBC eBiquity

Coriander launch: second step — Here it is, the long awaited Netvibes coriander release. — Firstly, thanks for the incredible feedback for the new features we introduced during the first step of the Coriander launch, when we discussed the release of the universal widget API.

The Coming Apollo vs. Firefox Battle — Adobe announced the public alpha of its Apollo development framework that allows developers to build cross-platform hybrid web/desktop applications using Flash and Ajax. The tech blogosphere responded mostly positively, looking forward to the era …
Monkey Bites

AT&T/Cingular blocks cellular customers from free conference call services — AT&T/Cingular has begun blocking access to a free conference calling service last week, claiming that such services are costing the wireless giant millions in rerouting and "termination fees."

Philips intros iPod-ready LCD-TV kitchen system — Philips has introduced a new iPod-compatible, under-cabinet multimedia player. The Philips DCD778 Docking Entertainment System sports an 8.5-inch widescreen LCD display and can play audio and video from an iPod, DVD, (S)VCD, MP3-CD, CD(RW) and Picture CD.

YouTube to present video awards — Video-sharing website YouTube is to present awards for the best user-generated videos of 2006. — YouTube users will be able to vote for their favourite clips in seven categories, including most creative, and "most adorable" video ever.

Ridiculous: One Digg Clone Takes Legal Action Against Another Digg Clone — File this under "ridiculous." Digg clone SuperGu has sent a cease & desist letter to (open source) Digg clone Pligg alleging a number of copyright infringements. — Among the complaints: SuperGu is claiming ownership …

Magazine publishers see future, but no profit, in shift to Internet — HANNOVER: In 1980, the aspiring global media baron Rupert Murdoch turned to the president of his U.S. newspaper operations, Donald Kummerfeld, and, as he was wont to do, made a bold prediction.

Sirius, XM Sued on Patent — A patentholder has sued merger partners Sirius (SIRI - Cramer's Take - Stockpickr) and XM (XMSR - Cramer's Take - Stockpickr), claiming infringement. — Attorneys representing Austin, Texas-based Keystone Autonics are seeking an injunction …

Researchers Track Down a Plague of Fake Web Pages — Tens of thousands of junk Web pages, created only to lure search-engine users to advertisements, are proliferating like billboards strung along freeways. Now Microsoft researchers say they have traced the companies and techniques behind them.