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And the YouTube award goes to... NEW YORK (AP) — Lonelygirl15, OK Go and other YouTube sensations will get an opportunity to walk down a virtual red carpet. — The video-sharing Web site announced Monday that it will hold the first YouTube Video Awards to recognize the best-user created videos of 2006.

YouTube Video Awards — YouTube will announce on Monday the launch of "YouTube Video Awards" - a late attempt to honor the best-user generated videos of 2006. The seven categories are Most Inspirational, Most Creative, Best Series, Best Comedy, Musician of the Year, Best Commentary and "Most Adorable Video Ever."

YouTube copies Vloggies — Ahh, YouTube is coming late to the video awards show game. Mashable is saying that tomorrow YouTube will announce its own online video contest. Destined to be very popular, I'm sure. — Glad to see we're six months ahead of YouTube (not that it'll matter much …

Apple TV said to be worthy of overtaking both TiVo and Netflix — Although AppleTV has ceded the limelight to iPhone and similarly been overshadowed by the buzz preceding the launch of Leopard, it could prove to be as disruptive to legacy video purchase-and-consumption behavior as the iPod …

QuickTime gains 720P Apple TV high-definition export mode
MacUser, Infinite Loop, Gizmodo, Gadget Lab, CrunchGear, The Unofficial Apple Weblog and digg

Joining Sun — I saw my first Sun workstation about 15 years ago, in 1992. I was a business student at Purdue University, and a childhood love for computers had just been reawakened. I was spending countless hours in the basement of the Math building, basking in the green phosphorescent glow …

Charting the Next 25 Years — I'm delighted to be able to welcome a new colleague who's starting with Sun today. He is starting a newly-defined role as Chief Operating Platforms Officer at Sun, and is responsible for building a new strategy to evolve both Sun's Solaris and GNU/Linux strategies.

Adobe Launches Apollo — As I mentioned in The Morning Reboot, Adobe has released an alpha version of its new cross-platform deployment software. The new software, which is code-named Apollo, aims to bridge the gap between traditional desktop applications and the growing functionality of web applications.

Researchers Track Down a Plague of Fake Web Pages — Tens of thousands of junk Web pages, created only to lure search-engine users to advertisements, are proliferating like billboards strung along freeways. Now Microsoft researchers say they have traced the companies and techniques behind them.
Valleywag, Google Watch, Clickinfluence, Search Engine Land, Zero Day, Silicon Valley Watcher, UMBC eBiquity and hubbub

Fujitsu adopts flash memory for new tablets — Tablet PCs probably get dropped more than other computers, so Fujitsu has created two machines that store data by using flash memory rather than traditional hard drives. — The LifeBook P1610 and LifeBookB6210 are now available with either 16GB or 32GB flash drives.

Report: U.S. most prolific source of online attacks — U.S. networks pumped out the highest percentage of attacks during the second half of last year, with China running a distant second, according to a report released Monday by security firm Symantec. — The U.S. accounted for 31 percent …

Magazine publishers see future, but no profit, in shift to Internet — HANNOVER: In 1980, the aspiring global media baron Rupert Murdoch turned to the president of his U.S. newspaper operations, Donald Kummerfeld, and, as he was wont to do, made a bold prediction.

SXSW Showdown: Dodgeball Vs. Twitter — Now that South by Southwest 2007 has come to a close I finally have some minutes to write about the two most flaunted services of the show: Twitter and Dodgeball. — With both services, users establish a friends list to whom messages are broadcast.

Web 3.0: When Web Sites Become Web Services — Today's Web has terabytes of information available to humans, but hidden from computers. It is a paradox that information is stuck inside HTML pages, formatted in esoteric ways that are difficult for machines to process.

Microsoft partner: Vista less secure than XP — Security company Kaspersky claimed that Vista's User Account Control (UAC), the system of user privileges that can be used to restrict users' administrative rights, will be so annoying that users will disable it.

Calculate Your Optimal BitTorrent Settings — The calculator gives some good suggestions that might improve your overall download speed. Just enter the maximum upload speed of your connection, and the calculator will give you your recommended upload speed, maximum connections per torrent, and some other settings.

Nintendo vs. Sony: It's Like Atari vs. Betamax — Overview — I was trolling around YouTube and came upon three gaming commercials - one vintage ad for the Atari VCS 2600 (circa 1977 - check out the Wikipedia entry here), one current ad for the Wii and one new-ish ad for the PS3.
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