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YouTube Video Awards — YouTube will announce on Monday the launch of "YouTube Video Awards" - a late attempt to honor the best-user generated videos of 2006. The seven categories are Most Inspirational, Most Creative, Best Series, Best Comedy, Musician of the Year, Best Commentary and "Most Adorable Video Ever."
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And the YouTube award goes to... NEW YORK (AP) — Lonelygirl15, OK Go and other YouTube sensations will get an opportunity to walk down a virtual red carpet. — The video-sharing Web site announced Monday that it will hold the first YouTube Video Awards to recognize the best-user created videos of 2006.
Alice Hill's Real Tech News

SCOOP: Apollo public alpha available later tonight — I'm about to get on a plane for Ajax World, but I just got word that the public alpha of Apollo is going to drop on the Adobe Labs site tonight. The current build is targeted mostly at Flex developers but has enough HTML support …

Public Alpha of Apollo Debuts on Adobe Labs — For immediate release — New Technology Enables Web Developers to Extend RIAs to the Desktop — Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq: ADBE) today announced that the first public alpha version of Apollo is now available for developers on Adobe Labs.

Comcast Unhappy With Google On Search Deal; Talking To MSN; Other Ad Inventory Talks — Comcast, the second largest broadband ISP in U.S., is in talks to use Microsoft's search services on its broadband portal, a sign the cable titan isn't happy about its current search deal with Google, reports WSJ, citing sources.

Stolen Identities Sold Cheap on the Black Market — Recovering from identity theft can take years and cost thousands of dollars. But how much is your identity worth to the thieves who sell it to other fraudsters? Turns out, less than the price of two tickets to the movies.
Computerworld Blogs blogs

Study: Racing Games Cause Real Car Crashes — If you've been obsessed with PGR or Gran Tourismo lately, German psychologists think you should be extra cautious next time you get behind a real-life wheel. — They say that people who play car-racing games drive more aggressively …

Fujitsu adopts flash memory for new tablets — Tablet PCs probably get dropped more than other computers, so Fujitsu has created two machines that store data by using flash memory rather than traditional hard drives. — The LifeBook P1610 and LifeBookB6210 are now available with either 16GB or 32GB flash drives.

Is VoIP an Excuse for Bad Voice Quality? — In a few hours, the annual Spring VON is going to kick off in San Jose, California. Hundreds of companies, big and small will hawk their wares, pundits will pontificate and a lot of people will talk about convergence.
VoIP Watch

Lycos, Early Search Engine, in a U.S. Remake as Jubii — Through a quirk of dot-com history, Lycos Europe cannot sell itself in the United States using its own once-famous name. Instead, the Internet service, partly owned by Bertelsmann of Germany and Telefónica of Spain …

Researchers Track Down a Plague of Fake Web Pages — Tens of thousands of junk Web pages, created only to lure search-engine users to advertisements, are proliferating like billboards strung along freeways. Now Microsoft researchers say they have traced the companies and techniques behind them.

QuickTime gains 720P Apple TV high-definition export mode — In an undisclosed and largely unnoticed update to its QuickTime video playback and conversion software, Apple has quietly added an "Export to Apple TV" feature capable of creating high-definition videos viewable on the Apple TV accessory.
CrunchGear, Gizmodo, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Gadget Lab, and digg

BALLMER ON GOOGLE - UH OH — Late last week Steve Ballmer gave an speech at Stanford in which he stated that Google is a "one trick pony" - that trick being search, of course. He also noted that Google's staff growth is "insane" and called Google, in short, "cute." — Lordy, Steve.

Google Map's medical center phone data: Code Red! — Last month there were reports of errors in Google Maps listing for Duke Medical Center phone numbers. Not only were the numbers often times wrong but Google Maps was listing as many as 5 phone numbers for a single facility, few of which went to the central switchboard.

Deanna Brown Leaves Yahoo; Joins Scripps As President, Interactive Group — You're reading it here first: Deanna Brown, who was the general manager of Yahoo Media Group's Lifestyles business unit, is leaving and joining Scripps Networks for the newly created position of president, Interactive Group.
The Browser

Time Rich or Time Poor? — Broadly speaking, there are two types of internet users, Time Rich and Time Poor . I'd speculate that many of the readers of this blog fall into the Time Poor category, but the vast majority of internet users fall into the Time Rich category.
Blackfriars' Marketing

SAMSUNG Introduces the Newest Bluetooth® Headset Designed by Bang and Olufsen - WEP 420 — With the launch of the newest Bluetooth® headsets, — Samsung aggressively targets the mobile phone accessory market — Hanover , Germany , March 19, 2007 - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. …

Nvidia to unveil line-leading gaming GPU next month? — Receive the days biggest stories by email, sign up here — Next month will see the arrival of a new top-of-the-line Nvidia GeForce 8 series GPU, the 8800 Ultra, along with a host of lesser products, it has been claimed.

The Shape of Cinema, Transformed at the Click of a Mouse — FOR some time now, it has been possible to imagine a moment when you — yes, You, the Person of the Year, the ultimate arbiter of cultural relevance — will be able to watch whatever you want whenever you want in the setting of your choice.
Reel Pop