Top Items:

My Yahoo! Gets Web 2.0 Makeover — Hot on the heels of My.Netscape's personalized homepage makeover, Yahoo has announced a new version of its own long-running personalized homepage, My Yahoo. It will at first be a private beta, with a limited number of users being offered a beta account at

All New My Yahoo — There's an all new My Yahoo launching today at 11 am PST. This is the web's most popular customizable home page by far, with 50 milliion or so worldwide users and half of the total market (the other half is controlled by Netvibes, GoogleIG, Pageflakes, and others).
Scott Rosenberg's Wordyard

Digg Hits 1 Million Registered Users — Congratulations to Digg, which announced that they've had a million accounts registered at at the site (at least ten of which are mine ). This is a 5x increase year over year - In March 2006 they had just 200,000 registered users. In March 2005, less than 50,000.
Digital Markets

Digg Hits 750,000 Sock Puppets — Digg recently announced that they passed the 1,000,000 Mark for number of registered users. But as Michael Arrington points out, everyone who uses Digg is spamming it by creating multiple "sock puppet" accounts: … More than 10 are his …

What is the Answers Network (Beta)? — We've received a lot of feedback regarding the quality of content on Yahoo! Answers. While we are continuing to find ways to attack trolls, fight spam, and filter and delete abuse on the site, we've also learned that a large portion …

Who's in your knowledge network? — You've got a burning question and you know someone out there has got the answer. We've all been in this situation and for over 90 million people worldwide, spanning 20 countries, and 9 languages, Yahoo! Answers has been the answer.

Sony's Home: Singapore, Sodom, or something else? — As we know, nation building in a foreign territory has its pitfalls, especially if that territory already has a well-established set of competing factions. But those challenges will not deter Sony from planting the PlayStation 3 flag …
reBang weblog

Sony Gives Critics Cause For Pause … I've been pretty tough on Sony for their DRM strategy, their crappy stores, inability to build a decent online music service, and most recently for really screwing up the PS3 launch. I guess it was only a matter of time before the odds turned in their favor …

Apple: America's best retailer — The high-tech wundercompany has landed - not only on our street corners and in our malls, but also for the first time, on the top 10 of Fortune's Most Admired Companies. — (Fortune Magazine) — "Sorry Steve, Here's Why Apple Stores Won't Work," BusinessWeek wrote with great certainty in 2001.

The Economics of Online Advertising — Mark Jacobsen pointed to a sobering post by Jeremy Lieuw on the lightspeed venture blog about the economics of online advertising. Entitled Three ways to build an online media business to $50m in revenue, the article does the math:

Ask Lets You Shape Your Local Search Results — The Blog announced a neat new feature that enables you to literally shape your own local search results. You can go to Ask City, locate a location, draw a circle or square in a certain location and then search specifically within that location.
Rex Hammock's weblog

FEDERATED MEDIA: John Battelle's incredible denial — Federated Media's chief operating officer tells an M&A newsletter — off-the-record, he thought — that it's a "ripe time" for a media player to buy the ad sales network in 2007, before its price goes up.

AT&T's QWERTY-equipped SMT5700 drops by FCC — Whoa, what do we have here? First up, this is the first smartphone (thought not the first phone) we've seen with the new AT&T branding. Second, this is the first partnership of which we're aware between China's Amoi and an American carrier.

Skype: Now you, too, can run a phone sex line (or even tech support!) — Skype's new beta for Windows (3.1 beta) comes with an interesting feature: the ability to charge people who are calling you. Dubbed Skype Prime, the new beta service allows customers to charge incoming callers by the minute or assess a one-time fee.

Survival of the Nimble — I bend but do not break. Those six words, penned by poet Jean de La Fontaine in 1668, describe one of the most important strengths of a small business: The ability to be flexible. This ability to react rapidly is one of the most important differences in small versus large companies.
Search Engine Watch Blog

News Corp. in Web video bid — Media company logs talks with rivals — News Corp. is forging ahead on talks with a number of congloms to create a video platform that could compete with YouTube. — "We're in very active negotiations with all of the media companies to create …

Tips for Using Images in Blogs — Here are some tips on using photos, screenshot or illustrative images in your blog: — Use Flickr's Creative Commons search to find photos. You can then include these photos in your blog, and mention the Creative Commons license as well as the original photographer to give proper credit.

Apple May Introduce Laptops That Store Data on Chips (Update3) — Apple Inc., maker of the iPod music players and Macintosh personal computers, may introduce a new laptop this year that will save data on flash memory chips instead of a hard drive, American Technology Research said.
The Unofficial Apple Weblog