Top Items:

Thomas C. Rubin: Association of American Publishers — Text of Prepared Remarks by Thomas C. Rubin, Associate General Counsel for Copyright, Trademark and Trade Secrets, Microsoft Corporation — "Searching for Principles: Online Services and Intellectual Property" — Association of American Publishers Annual Meeting

Microsoft Attacks Google on Copyright — The Microsoft Corporation, the software giant, has prepared a blistering attack on rival Google, arguing that the Web search leader takes a cavalier approach to copyright protection. — In remarks prepared for delivery on Tuesday to the Association …

Microsoft lawyer takes aim at Google's book-scanning project — SEATTLE (AP) — Microsoft is taking aim at Google Inc.'s rival book-scanning project, saying the search company "systematically violates copyright." — In prepared remarks he is scheduled to deliver Tuesday to a publishing industry group …

Dissecting Microsoft Slams At Google As Copyright Infringer — Last October, Microsoft's Steve Ballmer gave us a taste of how Microsoft was going to position Google as a copyright infringer. Today, Microsoft launched a full-out assault on the company. Google deserves some of this, no doubt.

Microsoft lawyer rips Google on copyrights - Why? — Oh boy, here we go. Microsoft attacks Google on copyright regarding their book scanning project, and then takes a swipe at YouTube as well. Really dumb move! What are these Microsoft lawyers thinking?

Microsoft Attacks Google On Copyright — Statements Will Come Back To Haunt Microsoft — from the not-such-a-good-idea dept — The press is having a field day over the fact that a Microsoft lawyer is trashing Google's position on copyright. These weren't offhand statements made in passing either …

Microsoft attacks Google on copyright — Microsoft on Tuesday launches a fierce attack on Google over its "cavalier" approach to copyright, accusing the internet company of exploiting books, music, films and television programmes without permission. — Tom Rubin, associate general counsel …

New iTunes version still not fully Vista-ready — A new version of Apple's iTunes software released Monday addresses a number of compatibility issues with Microsoft's Windows Vista, but a few problems remain. — The updated version supports the upcoming Apple TV product and includes …

Newsmaker: It's Adobe's game to lose, CEO says — newsmaker It isn't always easy being on top. — Adobe Systems may have a clear lead in the market for so-called creative software: things like photo editing, Web page design and layout tools. But the world has changed.
JD on EP

Adobe Creative Suite 3 To Be Announced March 27th
Download Squad, The Universal Desktop, JD on EP,, MacUser and The Apple Blog

Adobe Creative Suite 3.0 launch confirmed for March 27
Between the Lines, MacUser, CrunchGear, Apple Gazette, O'Grady's PowerPage, Digital Inspiration and digg

Commodore returns with new gaming PCs — Commodore Gaming has announced it will launch a new breed of gaming PCs that will see the return of the legendary Commodore brand. — Commodore is a name which will bring memories flooding back to many a gamer and it's been announced that the legendary brand …

"Commodore" announces new gaming PCs
Good Morning Silicon Valley

Tech researchers calculate digital info — BOSTON - A new study that estimates how much digital information is zipping around (hint: a lot) finds that for the first time, there's not enough storage space to hold it all. Good thing we delete some stuff. — The report, assembled …

Is The Best Way To Ensure Success To Lock In Your Customers? — from the never-knew-dear-abby-gave-advice-to- tech-companies dept — The downslide of Palm is a long-running tale, and the latest development is another round of rumors that the company is up for sale.
Wall Street Journal

Google/Apple working on more 'new things' — SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Google Inc. (GOOG : , , ) Chief Executive Eric Schmidt said Monday that Google and Apple Inc. (AAPL : , , ) are working together on "many more" new projects, which he did not identify. Schmidt made his comments at a technology conference in San Francisco.
Blackfriars' Marketing, Screenwerk, WebProNews, The Mac Observer, Apple Gazette, AppleInsider, Macsimum News and PaidContent

My.Netscape Being Re-Born as Web 2.0 Personalized Homepage — Not content with re-making the portal into a Digg clone, the Netscape 2.0 crew are at it again - this time with a new version of My.Netscape. Tomorrow (Tuesday US time) it will release "a Beta of the next generation My.Netscape".
TechCrunch, franticindustries, Susan Mernit's Blog, Search Engine Journal and The Netscape Blog

8 Confessions Of A Former Verizon Sales Rep — A former Verizon sales rep, let's call him Steve, wrote to us recently offering insider advice to all Consumerist readers. We were excited because by knowing how the sales force at Verizon are compensated, consumers can get an edge when haggling over a new phone.

Novell drives nail into Microsoft Office coffin — The news that Novell has released an Office Open XML (OOXML) translator for is yet another nail in the coffin of the office productivity franchise known as Microsoft Office. However, if the open source crowd is really serious …

Fujitsu Introduces World's First 2.5" 7,200 RPM 3.0 Gb/s Serial ATA Hard Disk Drive — Fujitsu Limited today announced the development of the new MHW2 BJ series of world's first(1) 7,200 rpm 2.5" hard disk drives (HDDs) with a serial ATA 3.0 Gb/s interface(2).

Microsoft Research TechFest - Intro, DynaVis, and FastDash — If you could see me now, I'm a giddy, happy, silly little niner. — I just learned about something at Microsoft that happens every year called "TechFest". It's a convention for Microsoft Research, meant to provide a glimpse …