Top Items:

Citysearch snaps up Insider Pages in local search race — Citysearch, the division of IAC focuses on local reviews of restaurants and other services, has acquired the struggling local review start-up, Insider Pages. — The purchase (amount undisclosed) comes at a time of increasing competition …
Search Engine Journal, PaidContent,, WebProNews, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim and Search Engine Land

Troubled Insider Pages Acquired By CitySearch — The Insider Pages acquisition rumors that we posted on last week were accurate - later today Citysearch, a division of InterActive Corp., will announce that they have acquired the company. — The size of the transaction is not being disclosed …
Search Engine Watch Blog

Invalid Clicks - Google's Overall Numbers — Over the past year, we've been working hard to share more information about how we protect you against click fraud. Last July, the invalid clicks report was released to provide you with the number of invalid clicks we detect (and don't charge for) in each individual account.

I Bought Votes on Digg — It was Tuesday, 1:22 a.m. on the West Coast, and influential news recommendation site Digg was hopping. A new story about a blog dedicated to showing photographs of crowds had just gotten enough diggs to make the "popular" list on the tech/design page, and several people were commenting on it.

AT&T slows 'Lightspeed' release goals — New year, new target. — AT&T (T) won't reach 18 million homes this year with its "Lightspeed" broadband network, after all. Instead, it will reach less than half the original target: 8 million. — AT&T unveiled its latest 2007 target …
VoIP & Gadgets Blog

Microsoft: Google Was `wake-Up Call' — Watching Google Inc. rake in advertising revenue "was a wake-up call within Microsoft," the company's top technical executive, Ray Ozzie, said Tuesday. But he said Microsoft plans to do more than simply mimic Google by rolling out Web-based versions …

More on what constitutes an open source company — So, now Alison has chimed in on what constitutes an open source company, taking the position that EnterpriseDB is emphatically so: … Let's be clear: EnterpriseDB's business is in selling proprietary extensions to PostgreSQL. Period.

First look: BitTorrent video download store — BitTorrent joined the masses of legal video download services yesterday with offerings from five movie studios and a handful of TV networks. The service offers movie rentals for $2.99 to $3.99 and TV download-to-own episodes for $1.99 …

BitTorrent Entertainment Network disappoints, frustrates

RIAA slams FAIR USE Act — Although the FAIR USE Act introduced yesterday by Rep. Rick Boucher (D-VA) and Rep. John Doolittle (R-CA) will have little more than a symbolic effect on the DMCA, that isn't stopping the Recording Industry Association of America from unloading on the bill with both barrels.
Gizmodo, Gadget Lab, Smalltalk Tidbits …, Good Morning Silicon Valley, digg and Life On the Wicked Stage

If I were the Oscars (or Viacom) — If I had the Oscars or Viacom — both of whom pulled their clips off YouTube — here's what I'd do to deal with — no, to exploit and profit from — the inevitable trend toward your audience promoting and distributing your content:

CompUSA to shutter more than half its stores — CompUSA will close more than half of its retail computer and electronics stores in the next two to three months. — In a statement Tuesday, CompUSA said it would shutter 126 stores — it currently operates 225 in the U.S. and Puerto Rico …

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW - PHIL HARRISON ON BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY — Yet again, a seemingly innocent press release from Sony - detailing the specification of the PAL territory PlayStation 3 - has been met with the reception you'd expect if the sky started falling in.

Zune Firmware Update 1.3 - Coming Mid-March — Yesterday I had a meeting w/ James, the Zune release manager and he spilled the beans on the next firmware update. In Mid March, we're going to release Zune Firmware Update 1.3. Here's what's in the update:

Morfik's Ajax Platform Set To Challenge Google, Adobe, Microsoft — There's been lots of talk recently about desktop/web platforms. Last week we mentioned more News Reader desktop apps powered by Microsoft's WPF platform, and of course this week Adobe has featured twice on R/WW due to its unveiling of Apollo.

Social Networks Can Drive Traffic - Case Study of ASOS and TopShop — and last week received more than twice as much traffic from MySpace than from MSN and Yahoo! Search combined. Our column in this week's Technology Guardian (sorry our Siteseeing columns …

Earnings: As Viacom's Digital Content Revenues Grow, Lines Between New Media And Old Blur — During Viacom's 4Q earnings conference call Thursday morning, Viacom Chairman Sumner Redstone, CEO Philippe Dauman and CFO Tom Dooley discussed the company's view of its present and future digital activities …
Lost Remote

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