Top Items:

MP3 Patents in Upheaval After Verdict — Microsoft was ordered by a federal jury yesterday to pay $1.52 billion in a patent dispute over the MP3 format, the technology at the heart of the digital music boom. If upheld on appeal, it would be the largest patent judgment on record.

IPTV & the ALU, Microsoft soap opera — Microsoft Corp. and Alcatel-Lucent seems to have decided to enact some of the popular themes seen on day time, thus spicing up the technology headlines this morning. Unless they bury their hatchet soon, this feud is going to end up costing telecoms billions.

Will you trust Google with your data? — IN FOCUS » See more posts on: Google Office — Update below: Phil Wainewright raises an interesting beef in his post on SaaS data worries. In a nutshell, Phil says it's strange that people are trotting out the "your data may not be safe" argument when talking about Google Office.

Why Microsoft will not fall into the Innovators Dilemma

Eating Crow: Google Paints Bullseye on Microsoft
ben barren

Forget party schools: The RIAA lists the top piracy schools in the US — Ohio University, Purdue University, and the University of Nebraska have made it to the top of a list, but it may not be something the universities want to brag about. The RIAA recently named the top 25 music-pirating schools …

Internet Explorer loses ground to Firefox, Safari in US; holds its ground worldwide — Safari is either making huge gains or holding steady in the browser wars; it all depends on whose stats you use. The same can be said of Firefox, while Internet Explorer is losing ground in the US but holding steady worldwide.

Google to start filtering YouTube videos — Google is set to start filtering videos and other content on YouTube for copyrighted materials, taking a key step in helping the online video-sharing site comply with one of the biggest complaints it faces — rampant piracy.

Emotion robots learn from people — Making robots that interact with people emotionally is the goal of a European project led by British scientists. — Feelix Growing is a research project involving six countries, and 25 roboticists, developmental psychologists and neuroscientists.

Steve Jobs' iTunes dance — Now the Apple CEO says he would gladly sell songs without digital restrictions, if the record companies let him. That's hardly a brave defiance, and besides, I don't believe him. — In early February, Apple CEO Steve Jobs published an extraordinary memo …
The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Daring Fireball, MacUser, NewTeeVee, CrunchGear, Guardian Unlimited, IPcentral Weblog and Listening Post

Just Behave: Marissa Mayer on Personalized Search — It was almost 3 weeks ago today that Google posted on their corporate blog about some changes to the personalized search sign-up process. Danny covered this development quite nicely in a very comprehensive post, looking at the specifics …

Free Hosting of YUI Files from Yahoo! — Coinciding with this week's release of YUI version 2.2.0, the one year anniversary of the YUI open-source release, and as announced at the YUI Party just moments ago, we're opening up free YUI hosting from the Yahoo! network to all YUI implementers.

Yahoo! centralizes its JavaScript network with free hosting
Download Squad

News Readers for New York Times, Forbes, and Seattle P-I — Microsoft has announced NewsReaders for Forbes magazine, Hearst Corp's Seattle Post Intelligencer, Associated Newspapers, in addition to the previously available New York Times reader. — The Hearst Corporation's Seattle Post Intelligencer …

Skype petitions FCC for open cellular access — Skype petitioned the Federal Communications Commission earlier this week to force U.S. mobile operators to loosen controls on what kinds of hardware and software can be connected to their networks. — In a document dated February 20 …

Netvibes2Go - All Mobile Net in One Place — I have almost never used Mobile Internet services on my cellphone. With the dismal navigation interfaces on the phones, Mobile Internet was just too hard for me. Until I tried Netvibes2Go. Now I use it almost every day.

Judge rules against Canon in nanotube TV case — A federal judge has ruled that Canon breached a licensing agreement with a small nanotechnology company, a decision that puts another roadblock into Canon's effort to come out with a whole new style of flat screen TVs.

Web TV's top-rated acts — Two-minute YouTube clips were just the start. As television comes to the Internet, dozens of companies are gunning to become the networks of tomorrow, reports Business 2.0 Magazine. — (Business 2.0 Magazine) — Wayne's World, it's not.
The Next Net

Man nabbed for uploading Oscar 'screener' — Felony charges are becoming an Oscar tradition right up there with Botox injections and borrowed Harry Winston jewels. — The Department of Justice said Thursday that it has charged Salvador Nunez Jr., a 27-year-old from Los Angeles …