Top Items: Selling to GoFish for $30M — Bolt, one of the larger independent online video sites, is selling itself to GoFish to escape its copyright battle with Universal Music Group. We had been tracking this story as it developed, but the New York Times now reports the deal has gone through.

Universal Near Deal With Video Site on Royalties — Universal Music Group is poised to win a small battle in its war to claim royalties from sites that allow users to upload videos that contain its music. — Universal, the country's largest music label, is in the final stages of negotiating …

Why the "i" in iTunes should stand for "indy" — iTunes debuted several years ago, and I continue to be impressed with the simplicity and superiority of Apple's value chain for music-from the iPod to the Mac/PC all the way up to the store itself. Not so much for video delivery, but that's a subject for another Sunday.

YOUTUBE HOLY WAR? — Apparently this fellow made a video showing violent quotes from the Koran, putting the holy book in a bad light. It was a slide show, that's it, no commentary. YouTube banned his account and pulled all his videos. He's an atheist, but not a nut. This is a bad precedent.

Long time no blog — Can you believe it's been over six months since the last post on Xooglers? My, how the time flies. — I'm going to shamelessly usurp Doug's soap box to make a plug for free speech. Reddit today led me to this video: — v=fRPVsamLaKk

Two Ways Not To Handle Free Speech — Two stories in the news offer contrasting approaches by Web companies to questions of free speech. First YouTube: reader skraps notes that the Google property has recently banned the popular atheist commentator Nick Gisburne.

Community Next — Yesterday I attended Community Next, a great online communities conference organized by Noah Kagan that took place at Stanford University. There were some excellent speakers and panelists including founders Jake Nickell and Jeffrey Kalmikoff from skinnyCorp …

Microsoft Reveals New Windows Mobile 6 Smartphone Software, Improves World's Fastest-Growing Mobile Operating System — Latest software to feature new messaging tools, tighter security and improved productivity features; devices to begin shipping worldwide by second quarter of 2007.

WiFi Turns Internet Into Hideout for Criminals — Authorities Struggling With Anonymity Provided By Unsecured Networks — Detectives arrived last summer at a high-rise apartment building in Arlington County, warrant in hand, to nab a suspected pedophile who had traded child pornography online.

When It Comes to Innovation, Geography Is Destiny — IN our celebrity-studded world, where we make a cult of genius and individual achievement, the mind rebels at the notion that geography trumps personality. Yet the inescapable lesson of the iPod, Google, eBay, Netflix and Silicon Valley …
New Florence. New Renaissance, GigaOM, Sadagopan's weblog …, WeBreakStuff and IP Democracy

The Future of Personal Computing ? — Every now and then its fun and interesting to try to theorize where personal computing is, and where its going. Its also important strategically for anyone in the digital content business as I am. — I thought I would put some things out there and see what people think.
Don Dodge on The Next …

Nice try, Barack — but not quite there — Lots of chatter about Barack Obama's new MySpace-style social network, which he just launched in conjunction with the start of his official bid to become the next POTUS. It's at, and it has all the requisite tools …

Intel demonstrates 80-core processor — Now that the Megahertz race has faded into the distance (we hear it was a myth), Intel is well and truly kicking off the start of a multi-core war with the demonstration of an 80-core research processor in San Francisco last week.

10 reasons why VoIP has succeeded — It's not usual for me to compile this kind of lists, anyway here's a listing of the most important reasons I think influenced the wide diffusion of VoIP worldwide. I've been part of this revolution, so I believe it can be wise and useful to stop for a while and think of why we've arrived here.

Social Network Fatigue and the Missing Web 2.0 Address Book — Jon Udell just wrote a thought-provoking piece about the difficulty of new social networks reaching critical mass, and the obvious fact that there already is an uber-social network at critical mass, if only we can make things interoperate:

Shots surface of ATI's R600 — and boy is she a big one — We already know that this little monster hums along at quite a clip, but how does it look? Monstrous, of course. Those of you hoping to get off easy with the case size and power supply requirements are going to have to think again …

Sony Video Walkman Due in March? — When we first reported that Sony had rolled up its sleeves to begin work on a video-enabled Walkman player, additional details were nowhere to be found. Exactly who has been picking up the breadcrumbs since then is unclear, but whoever it is now has enough to almost make up an entire loaf.