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Wikipeda could shut within 3-4 months: Wikimedia — In a rather extraordinary example of begging for money, Florence Devouard, Chairwoman of the Wikimedia foundation has told an audience at the Lift07 conference that Wikipedia has the financial resources to run its servers for another 3-4 months …
The Jason Calacanis Weblog, Deep Jive Interests, Things That, Search Marketing Gurus, TechAddress, Scobleizer, ben barren, and digg

Is Wikipedia really in danger? — Florence Devouard, chairwoman of the Wikimedia Foundation, caused a bit of a stir at the recent Lift conference in Geneva by suggesting that Wikipedia is running out of money and could "disappear" — a comment I first saw at Nick Carr's blog …

Please don't buy this book — Anders wrote me a note and wondered about this email in his inbox, from Amazon. — I didn't authorize this book to be published, I have no idea who the publisher is and I certainly didn't ask Amazon to email anyone. — You can get the ebook right here for free.

Microsoft: Vista follow-up likely in 2009 — VP of development hints at possible features, code name for Microsoft's next client OS — With Vista just out the door, Microsoft is now drawing up plans to deliver its follow-up client operating system by the end of 2009 …

The transformation of IDG — For over four decades we've had print blood running through the veins of the corporate body. But over the last few years we've seen dramatic change. Today the absolute dollar growth of our online revenues now exceeds the decline in our print revenues.

Debunk: Microsoft files for Zune phone with FCC — probably not — There's some buzz going around right now about a "Zune phone" filed with the FCC — we did a little extra digging, and we're not really convinced that's what's at hand. We know a Zune phone is in the works …

Windows Vista Destroys Photo Metadata — A bit of bad news about Vista if you're a photographer. Apparently if you tag a photo's metadata in Vista, it destroys other important metadata used by image editing apps such as Photoshop. Microsoft's gotten reports of RAW files generated …

Government Seeks To Halt Telecom Spying Suits — Attorneys targeting the nation's largest telecommunications for their alleged participation in the government's warrantless wiretapping program argued today that their cases should also be subject to a landmark ruling in a related case against AT&T …

We Media - Groundhog Day? — In 2005 I went to the We Media COnference in New York and thought it was pretty interesting, made some good contacts and formed some new ideas. So in 2006 the BBC, with Reuters, hosted the We Media conference in London. This was less good - although not as bad as some fulminating bloggers alleged.

Pimp My YouTube - Vidavee Heralds the Start of a YouTube Ecosystem — YouTube add-ons are great in principle, but finding something unique that YouTube won't copy in a few months is a real challenge. One idea that could work is cloning applications like Zingfu, RockYou or, but for video.

My "First Look at Orcas" Presentation — One of the highlights of my recent trip to Europe was getting the chance to publicly show off some of the new features in our next release of Visual Studio and the .NET Framework (codename: "Orcas") for the first time publicly. — You can download the deck I presented here.

MySpace Makes $25 Million a Month in Ads — As is often the case, the media is trying to extract the "interesting bits" from Rupert Murdoch's keynote interview at the McGraw-Hill Digital Media Summit in New York yesterday. The best tidbit seems to be that MySpace is pulling …

Price of cybercrime tools shrinks — SAN FRANCISCO—It's becoming cheaper and easier to get hold of the tools needed to launch a cybercrime attack, according to security company RSA. — Jens Hinrichsen, the company's product marketing manager for fraud auction, said Thursday that RSA …
Discussion: Daily News

Parallels: "We won't virtualize OS X until Apple says so" — When the news came out that Parallels was actually owned by enterprise software maker SWSoft about a month ago, there was a not-so-tiny detail from Forbes article that drew a lot of interest. That detail was that SWSoft's CEO hinted …

The slow death of DRM — Column The DRM walls are crumbling. Earlier this week, Steve Jobs called on the major record labels to allow online music sales unfettered by digital rights management restrictions. — Today, the Wall Street Journal disclosed that EMI is in negotiations …