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We Heard You Loud and Clear — Just on the heels of another great release for the beta (M9), I'd like to share some interesting news to our loyal users. When we launch the mail service worldwide, it will be named Windows Live Hotmail. That's right! And for starters, some of you will begin …

A Comparison of Live Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo Mail — The Windows Live team announced today that they're rebranding their new email beta to Windows Live Hotmail. We haven't written about the application for some time, and this is as good an excuse as any to compare the current release to Gmail and the new Yahoo mail beta.

Why The SEO Folks Were Mad At You, Jason — Jason Calacanis is riled up about SEO today, telling the world that "90% of the SEO market is made up of snake oil salesman" and still confused over why the "SEO folks" were mad at him when he said "SEO is bull" during our keynote conversation at SES Chicago last December.

Yahoo! Pipes: Unlocking the Data Web — For far too long now RSS has been used in ways that don't really tap its true potential. Being able to syndicate my favorite headlines or blog posts is great. In fact, it helped to kick off a revolution in personal on-line publishing that is still growing and evolving.
Discussion:, Between the Lines, Matt Cutts, will work for doughnuts, Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life, Mashable!, Joseph Scott's Blog, flashpoint, ResearchBuzz, Joe Duck,, Geeking with Greg, Tom Raftery's I.T. views, Anil Dash, Susan Mernit's Blog, Like It Matters, Paul Mooney and You've Got Ismail!

Yahoo! Launches Pipes
Read/WriteWeb, Digital Alchemy, Good Morning Silicon Valley, Ogle Earth, GigaOM, CyberNet Technology News, Mark Evans, Connecting the Dots, Valleywag, Guardian Unlimited, michael parekh on IT,, WebMetricsGuru, 901am, Search Engine Journal, O'Reilly Radar, MYBLOG by Ouriel, Search Engine Land, inkBlots, Are You Paying Attention?, Business Filter, franticindustries, TechMag, ProgrammableWeb, digg and Slashdot

First Impressions: Windows Mobile 6 — I've been playing with a beta for quite some time now and have to say that, as an everyday user of Windows Mobile, Number 6 is a much needed upgrade. In addition to the highlights above, there are a number of other enhancements that have been made that allow your productivity to soar!

Microsoft to unveil Windows Mobile 6
Read/WriteWeb, The Wow, TechSpot News, Microsoft News Tracker, LiveSide and InformationWeek Weblog

EA Revisited: Playing Catch Up on the Wii, Waking up to the Failure that is PS3 — Overview — This is a thread Information Arbitrage (IA) has been actively tracking for the past three months. It has been fascinating to see the process of EA's coming to the realization that they got …
Tech Trader Daily

EA Claims First Xbox 360 1080p Game Crown
Kotaku, Opposable Thumbs, Gaming News, You NEWB, Xbox 360 Fanboy, Joystiq and digg

NY Times publisher: Our goal is to manage the transition from print to internet — Despite his personal fortune and impressive lineage, Arthur Sulzberger, owner, chairman and publisher of the most respected newspaper in the world, is a stressed man. — Why would the man behind the New York Times be stressed?
The Praized Blog, Kelsey Group Blogs, Sadagopan's weblog …, Chip Griffin, Wired and Glass House

Breaking the Myth of Megapixels — For an industry that's built on science, the technology world sure has its share of myths. Thousands of people believe that forwarding a certain e-mail message to 50 friends will bring great riches, that the gigahertz rating of a computer …

Numbers Out on How Rich the YouTube Deal Was — Everyone suspected that the investors, founders and early employees of YouTube made tidy sums when it was acquired by Google for $1.65 billion in stock late last year. — But until yesterday, few knew just how tidy those sums were.
Valleywag, InsideGoogle, Search Engine Land, Good Morning Silicon Valley, VC Ratings, Googlified and CenterNetworks

Apple TV to play games, too? — Back last September when Apple introduced the "iTV" alongside games for the iPod, we had to wonder to ourselves whether Apple would use iTunes and their new casual games relationships to make the device we now know as the Apple TV something of a competitor for Xbox Live Arcade.

iPhone June 15 date a hoax — game on — Sorry everybody, we hate to be the bearers of bad news for you iPhone obsessives, but that iPhone FCC letter dating it at June 15th? It was a hoax. Our eagle-eyed friends over at Phone Scoop noted that the confidentiality agreement document is, in actuality, photoshopped.

Mobile ESPN to relaunch through Verizon — NEW YORK - ESPN is relaunching its shuttered cell phone service through Verizon Wireless, this time delivering its flashy feed of sports scores, news and video highlights through a top industry player instead of competing for subscribers with its own full-blown wireless brand.

February 2007 Advance Notification — This is Christopher Budd and it's the Thursday before the Second Tuesday for February 2007. — As we do each month at this time, we've posted our Advance Notification for the upcoming security bulletin release. — I did want to note that this month …

Netvibes module developer collects web credentials, personal content — A French security blogger gained access to private user data on personal homepage service Netvibes last weekend, exposing stored usernames and passwords for popular integrated web services as well as user content loaded in the page.

WeMedia conference, Miami — 3:45 Blogging is just the first wave of the new "soft power" of participatory media, says Pressthink's Jay Rosen. He explained how the project aims to tap this collective power, to produce real reporting from the horizontal dimension of the internet.

According to local news station, DS = child molestation tool — And here we go again ... A local Fox News affiliate in Milwaukee, WI is showing parents the "dangers" of the Nintendo DS Pictochat. Of course, their arguments explaining the dangers of the handheld lack any kind of credible backing.

Microsoft 'officelabs' looks to open source for inspiration — One of the criticisms most often levied against Microsoft — and not just by anonymous posters on Mini Microsoft — is that the company has gotten too big and too slow to be effective. Can Microsoft change this dynamic?

Diller Promises Big Investments in IAC Digital Originals — Pragmatic Web mogul Barry Diller said IAC/InterActiveCorp will invest several hundred million dollars in original content ventures over the next two years. The IAC chairman and CEO warned of the repercussions of a future …
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