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A Long-Delayed Ad System Has Yahoo Crossing Its Fingers — Starting around 3 p.m. Pacific time on Monday, a group of Yahoo executives will begin shuttling among three "war rooms" at the company's search marketing unit here. — They will be scrutinizing an array of moving charts …

Super Bowl Ad Watch: Top Spots — Yeah, we know, the commercials were better than the game again this year, even though it was a pretty good Super Bowl for Colts fans at least. There were a lot more HD spots in this year's game compared to last year's, too.
michael parekh on IT, Cymfony's Influence 2.0, Zatz Not Funny!, VoIP & Gadgets Blog and digg

Before the kickoff, Doritos scores a touchdown
Lost Remote, Screenwerk, Media 3.0 with Shelly Palmer, Search Engine Land and Blogspotting

Study Finds Security Flaws on Web Sites of Major Banks — Internet security experts have long known that simple passwords do not fully defend online bank accounts from determined fraud artists. Now a study suggests that a popular secondary security measure provides little additional protection.
27B Stroke 6, New Web Order, web …, Jeffrey McManus, Pito's Blog, UNEASYsilence and Slashdot

Internet Boom in China Is Built on Virtual Fun — SHENZHEN, China — When Pony Ma, the 35-year-old co-founder of China's hottest Internet company, sends a message to friends and colleagues, the image that pops up on their screens shows a spiky-haired youth wearing flashy jeans and dark sunglasses.

Deal ends Beatles' Apple battle — Technology giant Apple has reached a deal with the Beatles to end the dispute over the use of the Apple name. — Apple Inc will now take full control of the Apple brand and license certain trademarks back to the Beatles' record company Apple Corps for continued use.

I hate Macs — Unless you have been walking around with your eyes closed, and your head encased in a block of concrete, with a blindfold tied round it, in the dark - unless you have been doing that, you surely can't have failed to notice the current Apple Macintosh campaign starring David Mitchell …

Publishers Take Back Control of Their Ad Revenue with FAST AdMomentum — With FAST AdMomentum, publishers now have a private-label contextual advertising platform, eliminating the need for third-party services — New product was developed in consultation with publishers who are looking …

FAST, the Comeback Kid? — Remember the days when you actually checked your web site's rankings on [cue flashback] — Well, the company that originally brought us AllTheWeb, FAST Search & Transfer, is back, and this time they want to help site owners offer …

Doughty Hanson Technology Ventures invests in Plazes — Plazes raises €2.7m from Doughty Hanson Technology Ventures to develop its community and mobile channels. — Munich/Zurich/Berlin, 5th February, 2007 - Plazes, the geo-community platform and worldwide leading web service …

Google Office vs. Microsoft Office: What's the end game? — Google is prepping a PowerPoint-ish presentation tool to finish off what Paul Kedrosky coined an anti-Office suite. The big question is what's the end game here? — I'll leave the code and intricacies of the file conversions to the folks much better equipped.

Facebook - Smart or Stupid? — As we all know, one of the biggest stories in 2006 was about a deal that never happened. Despite multiple rumors of buyout offers from various suitors, Facebook rejected them all and decided to stay independent. Now, whether that was a smart decision …

Israel's Gigya Raises $4M From Benchmark For Rich Email — E-mail start-up Gigya has raised $4N from Benchmark Capital in its first round. Gigya was founded in November 2006 by several former employees of big league adware company Hotbar, which was bought by 180solutions.

Are Social Networks Just a Feature? — Social networks are now cropping up like mushrooms after a monsoon, most of them slight variations on the MySpace-Facebook model. Unfortunately that trend has pigeonholed the notion of social networks into a web-page paradigm, a virtual Rolodex …

First Look: Bud.TV Not Quite Ready For Prime Time — Anheuser-Busch scored with its Super Bowl ads last night but it will take more than ads available all over the net to make its expensive Bud.TV a success. Granted, I'm the wrong gender and age to be the target market but I'm not talking …

MS asks Asian gamers "WhatsWrongWithU?" — Are you an Asian gamer? Are you completely uninterested in the Xbox 360? Then Microsoft wants to know what's wrong with you. More specifically, Microsoft wants you to visit and tell them why you're uninterested in the Xbox 360.

Bloggers can make money, but most keep day jobs — The rise of 'contextual advertising' has created a 21st-century version of royalties. — BOSTON - A penny for your thoughts? Kevin Vahey has done a good deal better, turning a personal gripe into $1,000 a year of supplemental income.

Glimpsing the future with Amazon's Web services — Doug Kaye, the CTO at GigaVox Media has posted an interesting post on using Amazon's Web services as a platform for his new podcasting system. (Disclosure: I'm the Executive Producer for IT Conversations which is a GigaVox production.)

Microsoft's Vista Debut Wasn't Nearly So 'Wow' — Television commercials for Microsoft's new Vista operating system show a spaceship taking off, a reindeer appearing in the middle of a suburban neighborhood and a man holding a piece of the Berlin wall. — "Every so often you experience something …

Akamai to Acquire Netli — Contacts: — Media Relations — Akamai Technologies, Inc — 617-444-3913 — —or— Sandra Smith — Investor Relations — Akamai Technologies, Inc — 617-444-2804 —