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Viacom terrorizes YouTube with bulls**t DMCA notices — Viacom did a general search on YouTube for any term related to any of its shows, and then spammed YouTube with 100,000 DMCA take-down notices alleging that all of these clips infringed its copyright and demanding that they be censored off the Internet.
PaidContent, Don Dodge on The Next …, John Palfrey, OPML, The Harvard Book of and Digital Markets

Viacom Tells YouTube: Hands Off — In a sign of the growing tension between old-line media and the new Internet behemoths, Viacom, the parent company of MTV and Comedy Central, demanded yesterday that YouTube, the video-sharing Web site owned by Google, remove more than 100,000 clips of its programming.

Help Find Jim Gray With Web 2.0 — When famous computer scientist Jim Gray went missing a few days ago, the coast guard launched a large scale search that found absolutely nothing. On Thursday, they gave up. — Then Amazon stepped in. They arranged for a satellite sweep of the area …

HELP FIND JIM GRAY — Computer science icon Jim Gray mysteriously disappeared after a solo trip with his sail boat outside San Francisco Bay. The coast guard has been searching for 4 days but has not been able to locate anything, not even debris. On Thursday 3 private planes searched through …
Eric Newcomer's Weblog, Julie Lerman Blog, Windows Live Local, Don Dodge on The Next …, Joho the Blog, Randy Holloway Unfiltered, Ben Metcalfe Blog, TechBlog, Computerworld Blogs blogs, deal architect, Tech_Space, Tenacious Search, Sadagopan's weblog …, New York Times, A Whole Lotta Nothing and SmugBlog

High-quality Apple AirPort Extreme 802.11n unboxing photos — Apple Inc. this week began to unleash the next-generation of Apple Wi-Fi, with the first shipments of its AirPort Extreme 802.11n Wireless Base Station making their way to select online customers and company retail stores.

Shrinkwrap Licenses: An Epidemic Of Lawsuits Waiting To Happen — We mostly ignore the terms of shrinkwrap and clickwrap licenses, but pretty soon the lawyers are going to come sniffing around, says columnist Cory Doctorow. — Anybody who bothered to read a clickwrap or shrinkwrap agreement …

Wi-Fi tests set to start up — Trial networks in Palo Alto, San Carlos may be up by next week — An agreement setting up wireless testing areas in Palo Alto and San Carlos could be finished in less than a week, the co-chair of the Wireless Silicon Valley task force said Friday.

Google execs to get up to $1.5 million bonus — But it isn't clear if company founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page will be included in the bonus disbursement. — SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) — Google Inc. said on Friday its board of directors had agreed to pay executive officers a bonus …

Jack Thompson Faces Florida Supreme Court Disciplinary Hearing — GamePolitics has learned that controversial Miami attorney Jack Thompson faces a disciplinary hearing before a referee appointed by the Florida Supreme Court. — The pending judicial review follows a recent recommendation …

AN INVENTIVE VIDEO JOURNEY TO WEB 2.0 — What is web 2.0? Time Magazine recently tagged it "You 2.0" with its mirrored magazine cover naming "You" the person of the year. However, the question has been pondered and explained in a number of video attempts including one by TechCrunch's Michael Arrington … integrates Zoho — Two weeks back Zoho partnered with OmniDrive to provide online document editing right from the storage service. Yesterday, Aaron Levie from announced integration with Zoho Writer to open and edit your word documents in Zoho Writer. Aaron mentions in his blog post...

Robert Scoble to Keynote PostieCon 07 — I am pleased to announce that Robert Scoble will be the keynote speaker at PostieCon 07. The event will be held June 1&2 in downtown Orlando on Church Street at the newly renovated Ballroom. The cost to bloggers will be $200 and is an absolute bargain for all that will be included.

Edit your images online with Picnik — Edit your images online with Picnik, a shiny new Flash-based image editor. — There's quite a bit to Picnik, actually: you can do the basic resizes and tweaks that most other free image editors we've talked about here at Lifehacker can manage …

An Update on the "Pigsteria" and the Mother's Milk Bank Fundraiser — Sow's it going, you might ask? (oh come, on you either laughed or rolled your eyes...) — (Just checking in? Catch up on my legal threat from the National Pork Board.) — It's been an interesting few days, to put it mildly.

Apple to Windows iTunes users: Don't install Vista yet — Apple has warned Windows users running its iTunes software that they should wait for its next update before upgrading their PCs to Microsoft's new Windows Vista operating system. — The Cupertino, Calif.-based company cited a variety …

French students to get open-source software on USB key — San Francisco (IDGNS) - French authorities will give out 175,000 USB memory sticks loaded with open-source software to Parisian high-school students at the start of the next school year. — The sticks will give the students …