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A couple updates... Hey everyone - — It's been awhile since I've posted and I wanted to get the New Year underway by clearing up a couple of perceptions that have arisen around attempts to manipulate (game) the listing of home page stories on Digg. — Since the early days of the site …
Discussion:, The Jason Calacanis Weblog, The Social Web, Thomas Hawk's Digital …, Bokardo, Micro Persuasion, FactoryCity, Digital Markets, Download Squad, J. LeRoy's Evolving Web, Mark Evans, Now I Have a Blog Too, Technology Evangelist, 10e20, GigaOM, ProBlogger Blog Tips, TechAddress and WebMetricsGuru

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Viacom demands YouTube pull down videos — NEW YORK (Reuters) - Viacom Inc. (VIAb.N: Quote, Profile , Research) has demanded that Google Inc.'s (GOOG.O: Quote, Profile , Research) online video service YouTube pull down all of its video clips after they failed to reach an agreement, the company said.
Screenwerk, IP Democracy, Between the Lines, NewTeeVee, Lost Remote, and IPcentral Weblog

Viacom Demands That Google Pull More Than 100,000 Clips From YouTube — You're reading it here first ... (Ed. note: The WSJ posted as mine was posting; others are following quickly.) Exasperated by the failure to reach an agreement with Google and YouTube after months of negotiations …

Finally, Vista Makes Its Debut. Now What? — Bill Gates explains why you should buy his new operating system, what he's doing next and why John Hodgeman bugs him. — Vista View: Gates at the launch of his new operating system — On the morning of the launch of the Vista operating system earlier …

Bill Gates: Vista is so secure it could run life support systems. — While on a visit in Romania, where Bill Gates participated in the celebration of 10 years since the Microsoft branch has been running there, and the launch of Vista, Microsoft's president declared that …

Piracy worked for us, Romania president tells Gates — BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Pirated Microsoft Corp software helped Romania to build a vibrant technology industry, Romanian President Traian Basescu told the company's co-founder Bill Gates on Thursday. — Basescu was meeting …

Romanian President Tells Bill Gates How Awesome Pirated Software Is For His Country — from the keep-sending-it,-please dept — Back in the old days, even Bill Gates would admit that piracy actually helped Microsoft, as it helped get people "addicted" to the software and built …
The Register

Microsoft Exec Wanted To Mask Linux Report Sponsorship, E-Mails Reveal — Kevin Johnson worried adding Microsoft's moniker to IDC analysis for its "Get the Facts" publicity campaign would only fuel the fire from Linux supporters. — Microsoft executives pondered whether to remove …

Microsoft tried to muck with anti-Linux 'facts'
O'Reilly ONLamp Blog

Apple files iPhone/iTMS transactions patent — Apple Files Patent Relating to iPhone/iTMS Transactions — On February 1, the US Patent & Trademark Office published Apple's patent application titled Configuration of a computing device in a secure manner .

National Pork Board Goes After Breastfeeding Search Marketer — Last year, well-known search marketer Jennifer Laycock set up the Lactivist project, where she explained step-by-step how to market a new web site on a budget. Part of the project were the funny shirts she sold to promote breastfeeding …

Zoho's Cool Web-Based Note Taker — One of the most impressive things I saw here at the DEMO conference (which wrapped up this evening) is a Web service that's still in a private alpha version. As such, it has every right to be rough around the edges, and it is—but it's also …

Gawker Media mystery ads appear on YouTube — A YouTube subscriber with an affinity for Web sites owned by Gawker Media has for the past three months been posting copyright videos sandwiched between ads for Gawker-owned properties such as Valleywag and Gizmodo.

Disney sells 1.3m films on iTunes — Downloads of Walt Disney films on the iTunes platform have risen sharply to more than 1.3m after only three months on sale, putting pressure on other Hollywood studios to join Apple's digital service. — Disney began selling its new movies on iTunes in October.
Business 2.0 Beta, IP Democracy, MacUser, Ars Technica, Reel Pop, Paul Colligan's … and The Unofficial Apple Weblog

It's 'Squawk Box' Meets 'Saturday Night Live' — A few years ago, a video on the stock performance of Jack in the Box might have involved a sit-down interview with the fast-food restaurant's chief executive, dryly discussing its fundamentals. — Today, it is just as likely to be a music video …

A Million Penguins - The More the Merrier — So a couple of months ago I mentioned in this post a secret project, and now launch day is finally here! Penguin is launching its first wiki and in a project called A Million Penguins we've created a space where anyone can contribute to the writing …

Penguin Tries Group Writing Via Wiki; Six Weeks To Write A Novel
Joho the Blog

AdSense increases publisher earnings to $250 for new AdSense referrals — Have you noticed many $5 AdSense or AdWords referral popping up on your AdSense reports yesterday? Don't worry, you aren't losing out on the potential $100 you could earn when that referred publisher earns …

DRM on 9/11 Commission Report — This is nothing new, but it's something that grinds my gears to no end, and that's how the DMCA makes it illegal for me to use works that are completely in the public domain. Researching my previous post, I had occasion to download and read a PDF of the 9/11 Commission Report.

Evolution of a Search Engine — "You don't need a satellite to see the cosmic microwave background radiation! Turn on your TV to a channel that's not broadcasting: a few percent of the snow on your screen is the Universe talking to you - or rather, whispering. What's it saying?