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Throwing out the tool with the blogwater — Warning! Long post follows. — For me, one of the great frustrations of working in the PR profession is the number of people who think they understand it without the benefit of any background in it. Public relations is a field in which scholars devote …

Stowe's right: kill the social media press release idea now — Stowe Boyd speaks out against social media press releases and other lame ideas. He's right. I hate that idea too. Just give us a damn demo of your product and tell us about it. That's why I usually do two videos with companies …

The Social Media Release is about getting the facts right — So Stowe Boyd in his infinite wisdom decided to attack the idea of the Social Media Release, in a one sided telling of our conversation at Third Thursday earlier this week. Rather than take into account anything that anyone else …
Socialtwister 2.0, ALLIED, a shel of my former self, Social Media Club and Are You Paying Attention?

Enough Already: Getting the Social Media Release All Wrong — After spending a week writing "Social Media Killed the Press Release Star," which painstakingly explains in great detail the need to improve the content and overall relevance of PR and press releases as well as putting a microscope …
Message, Mark Evans, hubbub, Mathew Ingram, gapingvoid, J. LeRoy's Evolving Web and

Apple to charge Mac OS X Tiger users for final Boot Camp release? — According to a report MacScoop has obtained, Apple will charge current users of Mac OS X Tiger for the final version of Boot Camp that will be released at the same time as Mac OS X Leopard, this Spring.

booBox To Help Bloggers Sell Stuff — Brazil-based booBox is preparing to launch a set of tools for bloggers and other website owners that will help them sell items they are writing about. They've submitted some basic information to us, but there is clearly a language barrier and we are still digging into the details.

Google Blacklist Contained Confidential Information — Internet security firm Finjan will confirm on Monday that Google's much-discussed anti-phishing blacklist contained confidential usernames and passwords of individuals, including credentials for accounts at banks and other financial institutions.

On Linking — In a recent ongoing piece, I mentioned the "Canada Line", a huge construction project currently disrupting Vancouver. Motivated in part by the 2010 Winter Olympics, it's a subway/elevated train connecting the city core, the airport, and everything on the path between them …

Office 2007: From bloated to sleek — Life has a funny symmetry, don't you think? When you're born, you're short, toothless and bald. You spend the first part of your life gaining height, teeth and hair—and the last part losing them again. — Believe it or not, Microsoft Office is following the same trajectory.

Campaigns are Conversations — Hillary Clinton formally announced her entry into the 2008 Presidential race today. And like Tom Vilsack, Senator Clinton appears to have spent some time with the Cluetrain Manifesto ("markets are conversations"). — The tagline "Let the Conversation Begin" …

Big Media's Crush on Social Networking — I WAS wandering around recently in Second Life, the much-ballyhooed online virtual world, and had a nice chat with one of its "residents." But at the end of the talk he (or perhaps she; you never really know in these digital dioramas …

ON RSS READER AGIDA — Dave Winer, who Time Magazine describes as having "Helped popularize blogging, podcasting and RSS", hits the nail on the head with this post on what's wrong with today's RSS readers like Bloglines or Google Reader (the two I use currently): … He's right.

Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Limited Numbered Signature Edition (seriously) — You have to be seriously freaking into Vista if you're even thinking about the Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Limited Numbered Signature Edition (seriously, we didn't even think Microsoft was capable of a title like that) …

Google may buy video game ad firm — No. 1 Internet search firm is seeking ways to broker advertising across all forms of media worldwide. — NEW YORK ( — Google Inc. is in talks to acquire Adscape Media Inc. in a move to expand beyond its traditional Internet search advertising business …
Search Marketing Gurus, Kotaku, You NEWB, TechAddress,, MIT Advertising Lab, Ogle Earth and PaidContent

Windows Vista Content Protection - Twenty Questions (and Answers) — A conversation has cropped up since the recent publication of a paper scrutinizing how Windows handles digital rights management, especially for HD video. I've since looped back with Dave Marsh, a Lead Program Manager responsible …

What B-Schoolers Lust For Now — These days, private equity is the No. 1 object of desire. But jobs are scarce — Every decade, another faddish career opportunity dazzles the nation's business schools. In the 1980s, MBAs dreamed of Wall Street fortunes, swaggering their way into penthouses and private planes.