Top Items:

Skype founders name new video start-up Joost — Janus Friis and Niklas Zennstrom, the duo that brought the world Skype and Kazaa, have chosen a name for their new online-video start-up. — The two Danes want people hungry for Internet entertainment to roost at Joost.

Venice Project Launch Name: Joost — The Venice Project, the new online television startup led by Skype founders Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis, has always been a working name for the company. Until today, no one outside the company knew name the company would eventually launch as.

Netflix to Deliver Movies to the PC — Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, lists more than five dozen personalities whose obituaries were published prematurely. Someone may want to add Netflix to that list. — The impending death of the company, with its online system for renting DVDs delivered by mail …

NETFLIX OFFERS SUBSCRIBERS THE OPTION — OF INSTANTLY WATCHING MOVIES ON THEIR PCs … Netflix, Inc. (Nasdaq: NFLX), the world's largest online movie rental service, today introduced a new feature that allows people to immediately watch movies and television series on their personal computers …

Soft sell for open source apps — When vendors aren't counting licenses, they're free to concentrate on quality code — Enterprise software vendors that use open source business models may be few and far between, but they are out there. I recently spoke to Peter Schroer …
Changing Way

Apple to impose 802.11n unlocking fee on Intel Mac owners — Core 2 Duo-based Mac owners who want to unlock next-generation 802.11n wireless technologies hidden inside their computers will first have to fork a few bucks over to Apple, AppleInsider has confirmed.
Gizmodo, Infinite Loop, The Apple Core, Engadget, Monkey Bites, and digg

WordPress 2.0.7 — Recently a bug in certain versions of PHP came to our attention that could cause a security vulnerability in your blog. We're able to work around it fairly easily, so we've decided to release 2.0.7 to fix the PHP security problem and the Feedburner issue that was in 2.0.6.

10 Best Intranets of 2007 … The 10 best-designed intranets for 2007 are: — American Electric Power (AEP), United States — Comcast, United States — DaimlerChrysler AG, Germany — The Dow Chemical Company, United States — Infosys Technologies Limited, India

Wikipedia Search Engine WikiSeek Launches — Palo Alto based startup SearchMe has kept a low profile since being founded in March 2005. The company, which has 17 employees and raised $5 million from Sequoia Capital over two rounds, will launch a number of what founder Randy Adams calls "long tail search engines."

MyPunchbowl Joins the eVite Gunners — Just in time for the SuperBowl season, Boston-based MyPunchbowl is inviting everyone to check out their new eVite competitor. For a while eVite has been seen as a ripe target for competition as users continue to complain about constant reminder email turning the service into eSpam.
CyberNet Technology News

Read/Write Intranet 2007 — Rod Boothby is running a Read/Write Intranet Idol - it's a poll I invite you to participate in, so I am attaching it at the bottom. But first, it gives me a chance to share some of my (wiki)-thoughts. — The list is a mix of industry behemoths (Microsoft …

First pirated HD DVD movie hits BitTorrent — The pirates of the world have fired another salvo in their ongoing war with copy protection schemes with the first release of the first full-resolution rip of an HD DVD movie on BitTorrent. The movie, Serenity, was made available as a .EVO file …
The Digital Music Weblog,, dive into mark, CyberNet Technology News and NewTeeVee

User generated online video: consumer usage exploded in 2006 but revenues will prove slow to develop. The honeymoon period for user generated content is over — London 15th January 2007: The user generated online video market (UGOV) exploded in 2006 and by the end of the year …
NewTeeVee, PaidContent, broadstuff, Micro Persuasion, and Blogging Stocks

Blizzard hints at new StarCraft by 2008 — At a WoW: The Burning Crusade launch event, Blizzard's VP of Business Development hints at the next instalment in the StarCraft series. — Blizzard fans were out in force in London tonight, celebrating the launch of the much anticipated World of Warcraft …

Boys and Girls Use Social Sites Differently — Older teenage girls are far more likely than younger girls, or boys of any age, to use social-networking sites like MySpace or Facebook, according to a recent study by the Pew Internet & American Life Project. — The study found that …

The Pirate Bay hopes to buy its own country: Sealand — Where do you go when you think it's crucial to provide access to ad-free episodes of Heroes but the rest of the world labels you a dirty pirate? If you're Swedish "intellectual property reform group" The Pirate Bay, you look for your own country.

Wow, more Google XSS problems — In what seems to be an exploit searching frenzy, Haochi uncovered another XSS vulnerability that easily and without the victims consent can steal cookies and hijack your Google account. Like the last two found (within in the last 16 days) …

The highs and lows of CES — I'm still not 100% after CES. It's amazing what a week of three-hour-a-night sleep does to your body. — Plus, we met up with John Welch and his fiance on Saturday. Yes, that John Welch. The one who is always giving me heck in my comments. — Turns out he's a real sweetheart.