Top Items:

Some Hands-On Time With the iPhone — Macworld attendees check out the iPhone. — Today, I had meetings with Steve Jobs and then Phil Schiller, Apple's director of worldwide marketing. I basically played with the iPhone the entire hour. — Here are some of the things …
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How Apple kept its iPhone secrets — Bogus prototypes, bullying the press, stifling pillow talk - all to keep iPhone under wraps. Fortune's Peter Lewis goes inside one of the year's biggest tech launches. — SAN FRANCISCO (Fortune) — One of the most astonishing things about the new Apple iPhone …

Steve's devices — It's hard to imagine the pleasure Steve Jobs must receive from singlehandedly upstaging the entire Consumer Electronics Show. There was just one moment during his two-hour presentation yesterday when he went off script, but it was a telling one.

The Five Biggest Issues with iPhone — In the midst of all the hosannas for Apple's new iPhone — and there is definitely lots to like about it, among the most important being the first significant advancement in mobile browsing in a decade — here are the five biggest issues with the thing:

Apple Introduces Innovative Cellphone — With characteristic showmanship, Steven P. Jobs introduced Apple's long-awaited entry into the cellphone world Tuesday, pronouncing it an achievement on a par with the Macintosh and the iPod. — The creation, the iPhone, priced at $499 or $599, will not be for everyone.
deal architect, Digital Rules, VoIP Watch, The Business Innovation …, The Ag and PaidContent

Top 10 things to hate about the Apple iPhone — Hopefully you've read my colleague Tim Gaden's article about the top 10 things to love about the iPhone. — I agree with him completely, except for the fact that some of his points are on my list of things to hate about it. — Don't get me wrong.

Expo reaction: iDisappointed — First, let me say this. The iPhone looks incredible. It's a definite paradigm shift in the world of phones, PDAs, and iPods. I want one, even if I never use the phone portion of the device. Same with Apple TV—I've actually ordered one for our home, as it will meet our needs perfectly.
Listening Post,, O'Grady's PowerPage, Teching It Easy, Wi-Fi Networking News and digg

Apple Fails to Reinvent Telecommunications Industry - Too Bad — According to the AP Story carried in the NY Times Online, Steve Jobs claims that iPhone will "reinvent" the telecommunications sector. Wish it were so but it ain't! — The design of the phone - no hard buttons …

MACWORLD: When did Steve start showing vaporware? — PAUL BOUTIN — True story in my inbox: "I just went into the Apple store in Soho to buy the Apple TV device. Asked the shop assistant. Clearly not the first. February, he answered, tersely." — Hey pal, didn't you pay attention?

The iPhone is not a smartphone — And the reality slowly sets …
Good Morning Silicon Valley, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Thoughts on VoIP, technology, Mark Evans, VoIP & Gadgets Blog, Six Kids and a Full Time Job, The Apple Core, PVR Wire, Blogging Stocks, MediaVidea, Gadget Lab, John Tokash's Blog, Michael Gartenberg, Scobleizer, Time and O'Reilly Radar

Apple proprietary closed boxes Mac, iPod, iPhone

Media new and old merge at CBS — LAS VEGAS—Soon, there may be no difference between new and old media. — In a keynote address at CES 2007, CBS President and CEO Leslie Moonves said no gap exists between the two anymore—and he gave details of a series of moves the entertainment company …

Why Yahoo Needs MyBlogLog, and Vice Versa — Yahoo has made another successful and smart social media acquisition in MyBlogLog which can now be added to their list of grassroots early adoption web 2.0 services such as Flickr & along with their current social media offerings in Yahoo Answers & Yahoo Local.
Search Engine Land, Howard Lindzon, Cameron Olthuis, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Shoemoney and digg

Microsoft reveals details of Office 2008 for Mac — Intel-based Mac owners will have a Universal version of Microsoft's Office to call their own later this year. Microsoft's Macintosh Business Unit revealed some details about Office 2008 for Mac Tuesday—namely that the suite …

Public can purchase $100 laptop — Technology editor, BBC News website, Las Vegas — The backers of the One Laptop Per Child project plan to release the machine on general sale next year. — But customers will have to buy two laptops at once - with the second going to the developing world.

Facebook Your Phone … Facebook was invented to make sharing information with your friends easier and better. Mobile phones were invented for pretty much the same reason. People needed an easier and better way to get in touch with each other, and mobile phones made it happen.

Sony: Whoops, Dualshock Not Sixaxis Won Emmy — OK, so I think we've finally gotten it officially cleared up. Earlier this week the Nation Academy of Television Arts and Sciences listed Nintendo and Sony as Emmy winners for "Peripheral Development and Technological Impact of Video Game Controllers."

CES: SiriusConnect SC-V1 Audio/Video Tuner (Sirius Backseat TV) — The SiriusConnect SC-V1 Audio/Video Tuner is the first satellite tuner that not only receives Sirius audio, but also Sirius Backseat TV programming. Listen to Howard in the front, while the kids watch Spongebob in the back.

Tired of Google and Yahoo? Try — New search engine geared toward Baby Boomers and seniors aims to make Web search easier. — NEW YORK ( — A media firm catering to people over the age of 50 has launched a new search engine on Tuesday geared to Baby Boomers and seniors.

On Angels, Opportunities And Experience: Techdirt Welcomes Mark Fletcher To Our Board — from the exciting-times dept — Some of you may have noticed (judging by the emails we've received, more than a few of you) some reports last week about how Techdirt had raised an angel round (also reported here and here).