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Seagate Confirms 1TB Hard Disk Drive — We should expect to see 1TB hard disk drive products within 6 months — Seagate Technology has just released information to DailyTech with regard to the company's upcoming highest capacity hard disk drive to date. At 1TB, if no other hard disk …
Scobleizer, Thomas Hawk's Digital …,, TechSpot, VoIP & Gadgets Blog and digg

Hitachi breaks 1TB hard drive barrier with 7K1000 — Well, we knew it was likely to happen in 2006 or 2007: Hitachi has fulfilled their promise and broken the 1TB drive barrier with the introduction of Hitachi's new Deskstar 7K1000 drive. Thanks to perpendicular recording …

Here comes the terabyte hard drive — Last year, Hitachi Global Storage Technologies predicted hard-drive companies would announce 1 terabyte drives by the end of 2006. Hitachi was only off by a few days. — The company said on Thursday that it will come out with a 3.5-inch-diameter 1 terabyte drive …

CES will be evolutionary not revolutionary — I've been doing the CES thing for a while and more and more, it's looking like this show is going to be about evolution and not revolution. Don't look for lots of new stuff to be introduced, look instead for products that are reaching maturation …
Scripting News

CES 2007: Heading To Las Vegas—And Uncertainty — I'm not the gambler in my family but I've already won one roll of the dice: checking for rate changes a few times brought me an affordable (for CES) room at the Venetian. The late easy availability of rooms at one of the headquarter hotels …

DON'T QUIT YOUR DAY JOB — An interesting tidbit from Guy Kawasaki's wrap-up of his first full year blogging. The key part is bolded. Note that his blog has been consistently between the 35th and 45th most popular in the world, according to Technorati. Here are some of his stats:
Glass House, Publishing 2.0, Digital Inspiration, SYNTAGMA, Data Mining, Connecting the Dots and Socialtwister 2.0

The second Xbox 360 revealed: codename Zephyr — Ever wonder why Microsoft hasn't released an HDMI cable for the Xbox 360, or whether the AV port was really capable of digital out? Well, here's your answer: we landed pictures of what appears to be the second Xbox 360 — the Xbox 360 v2, if you will — codenamed Zephyr.
Gizmodo, Joystiq, Xbox 360 Fanboy, Opposable Thumbs, Kotaku, You NEWB, Crave RSS, CrunchGear, and digg

iWork '07 nears release with new spreadsheet app — Apple's launch of iWork '07 next week is expected to be touted as one of the company's more significant product launches of the year, most notably due to the addition of a new spreadsheet application. This third component will better enable Apple …

Microsoft's Achievement Points Yield 'Nerd Cred' — The concept of Achievement Points and a Gamerscore has become more popular than Microsoft ever imagined. Group Product Manager Aaron Greenberg and Epic Games lead designer CliffyB chime in on why gamers are seemingly obsessed with these points.

Exclusive: Columbine Game Kicked From Competition — Slamdance finalist Super Columbine Massacre RPG has been officially kicked from the festival due to mounting pressure from protesters and the loss of sponsorship, the game's creator told Kotaku Thursday night.

Digital sales boost music industry — Album sales drop yet again — Disney's 'High School Musical' soundtrack was the year's top seller. — The music biz can't stem the bleeding, but for now, digital tracks are proving to be a secure Band-aid. — Album sales dropped …

Welcome to Wi-Fi-Ville Pop. 300 towns and growing — As municipal wireless pops up, so do questions: Who pays for it? Who runs it? Who's looking over your shoulder? — Citizens of Corpus Christi, Texas, can thank a snapping dog for the free wireless Internet they enjoy around town.

MACWORLD 2007: NEW GOODIES FOR THE WEB WORKER? — It's that time of year...Macworld Expo in San Francisco begins next week. While the east coast version of the conference has died on the vine, the San Francisco show is still a huge draw. What tricks do you think Steve Jobs …

LG ELECTRONICS UNVEILS NEW SUPER MULTI BLUE DUAL-FORMAT DRIVE AT INTERNATIONAL CES — Functioning as Blu-ray Disc Rewriter and HD DVD-ROM drive, Product Highlights LG's 2007 Optical Storage and Flash Ram Lines — LG Electronics (LG), a leader in consumer electronics and mobile communications …

Rivals battle for connected world — Technology editor, BBC News, Las Vegas — Technology giants Microsoft and Apple will set out their rival visions of the digital future at two separate events in the coming days. — On Sunday Bill Gates will open the Consumer Electronics show …
IP Democracy

Wallstrip Video Show Raises Funding — Wallstrip, a three-month-old online videoblog about the stock market, has raised a little over a half a million dollars in funding, creator Howard Lindzon told NewTeeVee Thursday. — Wallstrip takes a much more anecdotal than analytical approach …