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I like big charts and I cannot lie — I've always been a big fan of charts, tables and other ways of analyzing and visualizing data. On my own blog I will often plot things just to get a handle on them. Even here I've posted some analyses that I've done of the data that the Reader team has on hand.

Google Reader Tracks Personal Attention Metadata — Googlified says the Google RSS Reader has added a feature that shows just where your attention goes. Reading trends displays the items you read, starred, shared in the past 30 days. Subscription trends identifies the blogs that update the most and which blogs are inactive.

New Disc May Sway DVD Wars — Consumers wary of buying new high-definition DVD players because of a technology war reminiscent of the days of Betamax versus VHS will soon have a new kind of DVD that might make the decision less daunting. — Warner Brothers, which helped popularize the DVD …

Dreams Do Come True! LG's Makes World's First Blu-ray/HD DVD Dual-Format Player — The day we've dreamed of has finally come. No, our parents aren't getting un-divorced, nor is Timmy coming back from that "dog farm" he got sent to—LG's just announced the world's first dual-format Blu-ray/HD DVD player to be unveiled at CES.

When PDFs Attack! — We have received reports of a significant problem relating to Adobe Acrobat files and Cross Site Scripting (XSS). A weakness was discovered in the way that the Adobe Reader browser plugin can be made to execute JavaScript code on the client side.

Acrobat Reader plugin vulnerable to attacks — Code could run malicious attack on PCs — Security researchers are poring over what one vendor has called a "breathtaking" weakness in the Web browser plugin for Adobe Systems Inc.'s Acrobat Reader program, used to open the popular ".pdf" file format.

Sandisk rolls out flash hard drives for laptops — Sandisk wants to replace the hard drive in notebooks with flash memory, a swap that it says will make thin laptops faster and more reliable. — The switch, however, will cost you a few hundred dollars more.

Google Calendar Up Threefold Since June — As you resolve to get your schedule more organized in the new year, do what more and more people are doing - use Google Calendar. A few weeks ago, Google Calendar overtook MSN Calendar in market share of US visits, and is quickly approaching Yahoo! Calendar.

Ground Breaking Web Site Combines Social Networking with Stock Investment Ideas — and A.R. Media To Create Joint Venture — NEW YORK—(BUSINESS WIRE)—, Inc. (Nasdaq: TSCM), a leading provider of financial commentary, analysis , research, news and ratings today announced …

Scannell gets Next New post — Ex-Nick exec links to new Web vid net — Former MTV Networks and Nickelodeon exec Herb Scannell has landed at Next New Networks, a collection of video-based community Web sites that is expected to launch this year. — Scannell, who helped found …

Next New Networks gets funding — for another niche video play

Moral Kombat: Spencer Halpin's Documentary On Game Violence — Spencer Halpin has been working on Moral Kombat, a documentary on video game violence, for a long time. He's finished the film and has posted this trailer for it on YouTube. Spence, the brother of Entertainment Consumers …

USuggest - Social Shopping That Pays — Time to add USuggest to our list of social sites that pay. The service, which launched yesterday, makes it easy (in theory) to earn money from affiliate links. After signing up for an account, you can search the database of 2 million products …

OpenID vs the Identity Systems of Yahoo, Google and MSN — Written by Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManus — You may've heard of OpenID - it's a distributed identity management system, a.k.a. a decentralized single sign-on platform. We prepared a screencast to better explain the idea (see Flash movie below).

Vista laptops for bloggers furor misses the real story — I've been reading the classic blogger tempest in a teapot about Microsoft's PR agency of record, Edelman, sending out about 90 fancy Ferrari laptops preloaded with Windows Vista to high-profile bloggers and have been amazed …

Plane Crashes on a Google Map — For a while now, the FAA and NTSB have been recording the GPS coordinates of aviation accidents. So it was probably just a matter of time before someone made a mashup using the data, right? — Wait no longer. The folks at Aviation Marine Insurance have done just that with their AVCRASH map.

2007 Year of the Widget? — Business 2.0's The Next Net blog has an interesting post about the growing importance of widgets. There are many different kinds of widgets which are also known by other names like snippets, badges, embed code or blog add-ons. Sites like Flickr, MyBlogLog …

'Web 2.0' Proves Most Popular Wikipedia Entry — Phrase Beats Out 'Blog' in BuzzMetrics' List of Most-Linked-to Topics — NEW YORK ( — Still not entirely sure how to explain Web 2.0 to your friends? You weren't alone in 2006. In a fitting marriage of context and content …

The Reasons for Leopard-Only Apps — TUAW talks about the growing swell of upcoming apps which will use Leopard APIs, and therefore, will require Leopard to run. I'm sure some users are wondering why developers are doing this, and some developers are wondering if they should do the same.