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Patent Lawsuit Names Leading Technology Firms — In 1997, Jonathan T. Taplin, a veteran film and television producer, stood up at a cable industry convention and asserted that in the future all movies would be distributed over the Internet. He recalls being laughed out of the room.
Don Dodge on The Next …, NewTeeVee, Incremental Blogger, PaidContent, Search Engine Land and Boycott Novell

Company Gets Patent On Digital Downloads; Sues Everyone — from the great dept — There's been quite a trend lately of companies who had otherwise completely failed in the marketplace to suddenly reinvent themselves as "patent licensing firms" and then go and sue everyone who actually was able to successfully innovate in the market.

Google Answer to Filling Jobs Is an Algorithm — MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — Have you ever made a profit from a catering business or dog walking? Do you prefer to work alone or in groups? Have you ever set a world record in anything? — The right answers could help get you a job at Google.

Protecting Internet Democracy — One of the big winners in the last election may turn out to be the principle, known as net neutrality, that Internet service providers should not be able to favor some content over others. Democrats who are moving into the majority in Congress …

Net neutrality push expected to resume in Congress — The nation's soon-to-be largest telephone company may have caved already to certain Net neutrality commitments in the name of a merger blessing, but a renewed push for more sweeping rules could return to Capitol Hill as soon as this month.

Month of Apple Bugs - Day 1 — I stumbled across the Month of Apple Bugs today — a new Mac OS X vulnerability released every day for a month. — Today's vulnerability exploits a stack buffer overflow in the QuickTime Streaming component, and includes a working x86 exploit. More details available here.

"The Month of Apple bugs" begins, rationality surrenders

New volume manufacturing facility to ramp-up in 2008 — Plastic Logic announced today that it will build the first factory to manufacture plastic electronics on a commercial scale. The facility will produce flexible active-matrix display modules for 'take anywhere, read anywhere' electronic reader products.

Where to Catch Some Wi-Fi Waves — Wi-Fi is like sand — it gets everywhere. If you're toting your laptop to some sunny paradise this winter, you'll find you can combine body surfing, board surfing and web surfing at hundreds of public beaches all over the world.

Nemo surfaces! Windows Live for TV in the wild — Here's a little something to kick off our birthday celebration in style! Back in October, we reported on Project Nemo, a Windows Live product for Media Center being developed behind the closed doors of Redmond.

RARE FOUNDERS LEAVE TO 'PURSUE OTHER OPPORTUNITIES' — Chris and Tim Stamper left the company at the end of 2006. — Chris and Tim Stamper, two of Rare Ltd.'s (Goldeneye 007, Perfect Dark and Viva Pinata) three founders have left the studio. While the news surfaces in the wake …

Is HP ditching DLP TVs? — The end may be near for this DLP set. — The 2007 Consumer Electronics Show is still a few days away, but HP quietly announced its new lineup of HDTVs for 2007, and the biggest news is probably that its well-received DLP (Digital Lighting Processing) …

The Mozilla Foundation: Achieving Sustainability — Mozilla is a global community dedicated to improving the Internet experience for people everywhere. We do this by building great software - such as the Mozilla Firefox web browser and Mozilla Thunderbird mail client - that helps people interact with the Internet.

Sean Hannity Loves the Wii — I listen to a lot of talk radio when I am in the car ever since my iPod was stolen, and on my way home from work my local station broadcasts god-loving conservative Sean Hannity. On today's show a caller asked him if he had gotten all the toys he wanted for Christmas.

some thoughts on 2007 (advertising, bullying, and mobile) — I love the idea of "social network fatigue." I can see the Prozac ad now: … OK... i admit, that was far more for my own entertainment than for yours. But seriously, the concept of "social network fatigue" boggles my mind.
ben barren

Social Networking in 2007 — Over the past few days …

Music industry softens on podcasts — Sony BMG has decided to dip its toes into the world of podcasted music with its recent agreement with marketing agency Rock River Communications Inc., making it the first (and only, for the time being) major music label in the US to license music for podcasting.

Game Console Wars: Nintendo Leaves Microsoft, Sony Trailing Behind — Carl Howe (Blackfriars Communications) submits: New NPD estimates of US sales of video gaming consoles for the fourth quarter were as follows: … Now, Blackfriars did some estimates back in December of the sales …

Dash Navigation Becomes First to Add Yahoo! Local Search Capabilities to the Car — Dash Delivers Most Relevant Information to the Dashboard Giving Drivers Power to Search for and Find Virtually Anything — MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Jan. 3 /PRNewswire/ — Dash Navigation(TM) …

The future of television and the media triathlon — Mark Cuban doesn't understand television. He holds a belief, common to connoisseurs the world over, that playback quality trumps everything else. The current object of his faith in Qualität Über Alles is HDTV. Says Cuban: