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Apple iTV availability to escape Macworld Expo — Apple Computer chief executive Steve Jobs should have more to say about the company's forthcoming iTV set-top media hub at next week's Macworld Expo in San Francisco, but the launch party may have to wait a few more weeks.
Gadgetell, Infinite Loop, Gizmodo,, Apple Gazette, Engadget, The Unofficial Apple Weblog and digg

Apple's Jobs Keeps His Job, But Legal Perils Remain — While Steve Jobs retains control of the Apple helm, the company faces other legal challenges this year, over patents and monopoly law. — Apple's 10-K annual report — delayed to include the results of an investigation …

Crystal ball: Macworld Expo 2007 — Another January means another round of fortune telling. The week leading up to Macworld Expo is when pundits predict what Apple has in store for us in the new year. With that let's dive into what Steve Jobs could announce at the Moscone Center in San Francisco one week from today.

Robert asks why Apple doesn't get the negative coverage Dell gets. I answer. — [Photo: My Mac.] — Robert Scoble asks, "If it's OK to print miles of bad press about Dell, why isn't it OK to print miles of bad press about Apple?" — Before I list my top ten reasons for why Apple seems …

QuickTime zero-day bug threatens Macs, PCs — update A newly disclosed security vulnerability in Apple Computer's QuickTime software could put both Macs and Windows PCs at risk of cyberattacks, experts have warned. — The publication on Monday of the vulnerability and detailed attack code kicks off the …

CAG's Five Most Under Appreciated DS Games of 2006 — As someone who owns way too many DS games, it's easy to see a few great games that the vast majority of people pass on for one reason or another. While several games, such as Elite Beat Agents, Brain Age and Cooking Mama …

Xbox 360 outsells Wii, PS3 in the US — For all the buzz the Wii generated in the US, it wasn't able to outsell the year-old Xbox 360 - but was that just because Wii's were in short supply, although available in much greater numbers than the PS3? — Unfortunately, we'll only ever be able …

Power-Sipping Bulbs Get Backing From Wal-Mart — As a way to cut energy use, it could not be simpler. Unscrew a light bulb that uses a lot of electricity and replace it with one that uses much less. — From Product to Cause — Articles in this series are examining the ways in which the world is …

GOT OPTIMISM? — THE WORLD'S LEADING THINKERS SEE GOOD NEWS AHEAD — While conventional wisdom tells us that things are bad and getting worse, scientists and the science-minded among us see good news in the coming years. That's the bottom line of an outburst of high-powered optimism gathered …

Net neutrality advocates cheer AT&T concessions — Company offers net neutrality sweetner to help telecom merger go down — Net neutrality advocates celebrated this week after AT&T said it would pledge to maintain a "neutral network" in exchange for US government approval of its proposed acquisition of BellSouth Corp.

$100 laptop project launches 2007 — The first batch of computers built for the One Laptop Per Child project could reach users by July this year. — The scheme is hoping to put low-cost computers into the hands of people in developing countries. — Ultimately the project's backers hope …

Music Industry Changes Its Tune on Podcasting — After two years of hesitancy, the music industry is finally taking its first steps toward embracing podcasting. — When podcasts attained prominence in 2004, amateurs and advertisers alike heralded the downloadable audio programs as the next step in the evolution of broadcasting.

Use WeatherBill To Bet On The Weather — David Friedberg, a former Googler, is set to launch an ambitious new site called WeatherBill, headquartered in San Francisco, in the next few weeks. WeatherBill won't be a consumer site; rather, they are combining an ecommerce site …

Download of the Day: Software for Starving Students (Win/Mac) — Windows and Mac only: Software for Starving Students has released a 2007 edition of its collection of freeware and open-source software. — The collection includes well-known gems like 7-Zip, Audacity, Blender, and …

E-Base Charging Station - Useful In A Useless Way — If anything I'll give the designer of this thing an 'A' for effort. While it's very convenient that most devices have built-in rechargeable batteries these days there is unfortunately the downside of having to organize and store a huge collection of charging cables.

RSS wasn't invented — In the dustup over Microsoft's RSS patents, some of the mainstream press brought up, once again, the issue of Who Invented RSS. But RSS doesn't have an inventor. It wasn't invented. Something else happened, something harder than invention, imho …

'Gears of War' breaks out for Xbox — In what is expected to be another record-breaking year for the more than $10-billion-a-year video game industry, the breakout hit is a science-fiction action game called Gears of War. — The game didn't sneak up on anyone — developer Epic Games …

Calling all psychics: It's contest time again — Consider how strange this year will be in media. — Homer Simpson will go belly-to-belly with Shrek. YouTube's audience will continue to soar higher than a Diet Coke and Mentos fountain. AT&T will launch into the satellite business.

Google plugs Gmail data leak flaw — Google has fixed a security hole in several of its services that exposed the address books of Gmail users, the company said Tuesday. — An attacker could create a malicious Web site that would copy all the entries in a Gmail user's address book …