Top Items:

Verizon to Allow Ads on Its Mobile Phones — VERIZON WIRELESS, among the nation's most widely advertised brands, is poised to become the advertising medium itself. — Beginning early next year, Verizon Wireless will allow placement of banner advertisements on news, weather …
GigaOM, Convergence Culture Consortium, Julie Ask, TechSpot, Gizmodo, SeekingAlpha Telecom Stocks, Kelsey Group Blogs, Phone Scoop, Slashdot and AdJab

Biblio Tech … The new library at Chicago State University has one ironclad rule: No students allowed in these stacks - only robots. Every book, CD, and DVD in the school's $38 million facility is tagged with a radio-frequency ID chip. When a borrowed item slides through the return slot, the system identifies and sorts it.

Presence for your presents — You've probably got the paper and boxes cleaned up by now. Did you get that new gadget you've wanted? A new phone? A Zune? A new MacBook? Regardless of what it was, chances are that its stated purpose was to make you better connected. Is that really want you want?

Ad Costs on the Web Are Rising, but Perhaps a Bit Irrationally — MEDIA executives and investors get a pleasant neck ache from watching the skyward path of online advertising revenues. But for those who have to pay for advertising, the trend is bringing some anxiety.

Wikipedia Founder Plans Search Engine — The search engine, code-named Wikiasari, would combine open source technology and human intervention to deliver more relevant results than the algorithm-based systems used today. — Jimmy Wales, founder of online encyclopedia Wikipedia …
John Battelle's Searchblog

Fine-Tuning Local Search — Small businesses may soon be able to target their online ads to prospective customers who are within a few blocks of their shops — Karl Murphy, president and co-owner of Carolina Auto Spa, a car wash and automotive detailer with two locations outside Raleigh …

Exclusive Details: Best Buy, Exceptional Innovation and ConnectedLife.Home — NOTE: This is a long story. If you're an integrator wondering why I spent so much time on it, skip to the bottom. Well, not the VERY bottom. -JJ — Best Buy is going to sell a packaged solution of Media Center plus home automation.

HD disk format wars are over — Opinion A clear victor emerges — THE NEXT GENERATION disk format has been settled once and for all. Thanks to the due diligence, hard work and unprecedented cooperation between the media companies, the hardware vendors and the OS vendor, we finally have a solution.

Google to Write an 'Integrated Story'? — editors provide an early roadmap for tech's direction in 2007. — Google (Quote) says its mission is to organize all the world's information and make it accessible and useful to everyone. — Now well on its way to accomplishing …

Wiimote Controlled Smarthome — I've been getting scads of CES pitches from smarthome software and gear makers, and not a single one is as interesting as LiquidIce's Wii-home hack. It uses the Wii browser, a Flash interface and some PHP script to control the lights, thermostat, security camera, cable DVR, and stereo system.

CES Gathering update: Tablet PC & UMPC Community Gathering — CES is just around the corner and I'm looking forward to the annual Tablet PC & UMPC Community Gathering. I just got off the phone with Cheeseburger Las Vegas, where we met last year, to confirm our reservation for January 9th.

comScore to take Web 2.0 seriously — Television has Nielsen, but the web has no clear leader for ranking the world's busiest websites. There's no shortage of competitors in the space, of course, and you've probably heard of many of them: Alexa, comScore, HitWise, and the newcomer, Compete.

Spam surge drives net crime spree — Technology Correspondent, BBC News website — The tussle between computer security companies trying to protect your PC and the bad guys that try to compromise it is often characterised as an arms race. — Sometimes the security companies have the upper hand …

Forget L.C.D.; Go for Plasma, Says Maker of Both — What kind of company takes out ads in daily newspapers attacking one of its own type of products? In the case of Panasonic, the answer is a company that has significant investments in a rival technology.

Lessons in Analyst Relations — I've had the fortune of working as an Industry Analyst for more than a decade now. One of the interesting aspects of the job is dealing with the various analyst relations folks at different vendors over the years. Most are great and hardworking professionals.

Zelda, Gears, and others for $39 this week at Target — Black Friday and holiday shopping deals don't end post Christmas; they're alive and well all this week starting tomorrow. And Target has some killer $39 buys on big games starting 7 AM Tuesday. Like arguably two of the biggest games of the year …

NAMING NAMES: The tech reporters who flack for Second Life — CLAY SHIRKY — "Here at, we call our website our Kingdom, and any time our webservers serve up a copy of the home page, we record that as a Loyal Subject. We're very pleased to announce that in the last two months …

LEVEL 3 TO ACQUIRE SAVVIS CONTENT DELIVERY NETWORK — Transaction Combines Industry Leading Network Scale and Video Capabilities with Pioneering Content Distribution Capabilities — Company Will Be Well Positioned to Target Growth of Rich Media Services over the Internet

Why Yahoo's Panama Project Is Important — Business week has a long article about Yahoo's Panama project and why it may not have the positive financial impact the company is hoping for. Yahoo's goal for Panama is to make their pay-per-click advertising program more efficient at extracting dollars from advertisers.

Latest Attempt To Catch Phishers May Make Life Difficult For Small Web Vendors — from the no-fun-at-all dept — It's no secret that there are a lot of scammers out there online, and trying to come up with ways to weed out who's legit and who's not has certainly been a growth industry lately.
Associated Press