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Web 2.0 and Tim O'Reilly as Marshal Tito — Forward to the (distributed) revolution — Comment As the Web 2.0 bandwagon continues its rapidly accelerating path downhill towards the inevitable crash we find ourselves at another turning point in the development of the networked world.
Sadagopan's weblog …, Between the Lines, SYNTAGMA, Open Culture, Smalltalk Tidbits … and i-boy

Google Reaches Copyright Deal With Belgians — Google, the world's most-used Internet search engine, reached a settlement with Belgian photographers and journalists yesterday in a copyright dispute over how Google's news service links to newspaper content. — The agreement was made with …

Google Settles Dispute With Two Belgian Media Groups (Update3) — Nov. 24 (Bloomberg) — Google Inc., the world's most-used Internet search engine, reached a settlement with Belgian photographers and journalists in a copyright dispute over how the company's news service links to newspaper content.

Seeking Executive to Tame the Digital Future … THE want ad above is a goof, of course, but it roughly sums up the state of play among big media companies' digital operations. — In the last few weeks, there has been a stampede of change involving the top Internet executives at big media companies.

Nintendo Wii Wii Component Cable — Click the image for more photos (1) — Related Items of Nintendo Wii Wii Component Cable — Product Features of Nintendo Wii Wii Component Cable — Multiple HD modes: 480p, 576p, 720p, 1080i — More Description of Nintendo Wii Wii Component Cable
4 color rebellion

Mistakes Made On The Road To Innovation — Led by CEO Antonio M. Perez, Kodak is struggling to reinvent its business model. It's not alone — When Eastman Kodak (EK ) vowed in 2000 to become a leader in digital cameras, the idea seemed ludicrous. The old-line Rochester (N.Y.) company had film and print all through its DNA.

A Wii Workout: When Videogames Hurt — Nintendo's new system forces players to move their bodies, causing aches for some couch potatoes; a case of 'Wii elbow' — A videogame maker has finally succeeded in getting kids off the couch and moving around. But the new approach is turning …

Fake chinese electronics selling better than the originals! — It's a funny old world. Chinese manufacturers are copying the circuit boards and designs of products from Japan and Korea, and they're doing it so fast that by the time the originals arrive in the marketplace, they're seen as the fakes!

Store 256GB on an A4 sheet — How much information can you store on an A4 sheet? Well, according to some new technology designed by an Indian engineering student, an extraordinary 256GB. — New "rainbow technology", devised by Sainul Abideen who has just completed an MCA degree in Kerala …

Smart homes a reality in S Korea — More than 100 homes offering smart technology have just been built in South Korea and another 30,000 are planned. — Mi Yung Kim and her 10-month-old son Jae Won recently moved into their new smart flat. From the outside, their building looks …

Sonar Blu-ray Laser: How They Make It — We recently told you about Wicked Laser's new Sonar model, a pocket laser made from the Blu-ray diode (ripped from the still-beating heart of a Blu-ray DVD player). — Those mad scientists over at Wicked Lasers provided some pictures of the process.

Will the OLPC interface ruin computing for millions of kids? — If you've been following the development of the One Laptop Per Child project, you know that a lot of unconventional thinking has gone into it. The goal is to help bridge the digital divide by producing low-cost …

Download Windows Vista Wallpapers — You can download Windows Vista Wallpapers by just right clicking on any of the thumbnail images and choose "Save Target As" to save the large size Vista wallpaper image to your hard disk. — These are high resolution Vista Wallpapers and will also fit your wide screen Laptops.

Who's Using What for RSS? — A peek inside the RSS kimono — RSS is a funny old thing - once it takes hold in a person's daily routine it becomes as essential as checking ones email or reading the morning newspaper - but as far as mainstream usage goes, it's a long way from attaining widespread approval.

Can Mel Put Sirius Back on Top? — CEO: Mel Karmazin, Sirius Satellite Radio (SIRI) — IT'S MONDAY MORNING, and Mel Karmazin bursts into a glass-enclosed conference room on the 36th floor of Sirius Satellite Radio's Rockefeller Center headquarters. He's a minute early.