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Google Reaches Copyright Deal With Belgians — Google, the world's most-used Internet search engine, reached a settlement with Belgian photographers and journalists yesterday in a copyright dispute over how Google's news service links to newspaper content. — The agreement was made with …
IP Democracy, Screenwerk, The Blogging Times, Daily News and Associated Press

Google Settles Dispute With Two Belgian Media Groups (Update3) — Nov. 24 (Bloomberg) — Google Inc., the world's most-used Internet search engine, reached a settlement with Belgian photographers and journalists in a copyright dispute over how the company's news service links to newspaper content.
Guardian Unlimited

Google Settles Dispute With Two Belgian Media Groups; Denmark Delay
Discussion: Daily News

The price of humans who'll spam blogs is falling to zero — The other day, while administering the Free Our Data blog ( if you haven't stopped by yet), I came across an unusual piece of comment spam - a remark left on one of the blog posts. It was advertising a site offering share tips.

Alexa is 100% wrong and you can game it with as few as three machines—or so I've been told. — Alexa does not work at all and we should not even recognize it as valid anymore from what I've learned. — You can game Alexa with as few as three machines running the Alexa toolbar.
Quick Online Tips, CenterNetworks, Eric Rice, Tom Raftery's I.T. views, Alec Saunders .LOG and Om Daily

MySpace Store Could Make Billions? — It's Black Friday in the US, and holiday shopping is the hot topic - if you believe The American Marketing Association, MySpace, Facebook and other major social networks are missing out on massive profits this holiday season by neglecting to sell products through their sites.

Survey: Social-network sites could also lure shoppers — Many who go to MySpace or Facebook to network with friends also would go there to buy stuff. But for the most part, they can't. — And that means there may be billions of dollars being left on the table by the major social-networking websites …

How To Bypass The Zune's WiFi Sharing DRM — We knew it would be done sooner or later, and now that we have the mod to use your Zune as a portable hard drive, a method to bypass the Zune's WiFi sharing DRM is finally here. — First, you need to enable hard drive mode using the instructions we posted before.

A Wii Workout: When Videogames Hurt — Nintendo's new system forces players to move their bodies, causing aches for some couch potatoes; a case of 'Wii elbow' — A videogame maker has finally succeeded in getting kids off the couch and moving around. But the new approach is turning …

Web 2.0 and Tim O'Reilly as Marshal Tito — Forward to the (distributed) revolution — Comment As the Web 2.0 bandwagon continues its rapidly accelerating path downhill towards the inevitable crash we find ourselves at another turning point in the development of the networked world.

Download Windows Vista Wallpapers — You can download Windows Vista Wallpapers by just right clicking on any of the thumbnail images and choose "Save Target As" to save the large size Vista wallpaper image to your hard disk. — These are high resolution Vista Wallpapers and will also fit your wide screen Laptops.

Without Jason, Weblogs Inc Will Lose Its Edge — I was saddened to hear about Jason Calacanis' recent departure from AOL. I don't blame him for leaving. It looks like he felt there wouldn't be any support for his initiatives under their new CEO. So what now? — Companies are about more than just one individual.

Who's Using What for RSS? — A peek inside the RSS kimono — RSS is a funny old thing - once it takes hold in a person's daily routine it becomes as essential as checking ones email or reading the morning newspaper - but as far as mainstream usage goes, it's a long way from attaining widespread approval.

3rd party Wii component cables — Those HDTV owners lucky enough to have a Wii may well know the sting of the Wii component cable shortage; with the ~$2 part (cost, not retail) fetching upwards of $100 on eBay, we think Blaze may have just saved the day with its $6.71 3rd party Wii component cables.

SitoFono and The Pastabilities — In a world where imagination is king, it's nice to see that companies with great ideas are not only in Silicon Valley, but even in places like Sardinia too. About a week or so ago, pal Luca, the mind behind Abbeynet asked the bloggers to help with letting …

Old Bad Ideas 2.0 — First it was being reborn as AGLOCO, which despite the founders protestations is old wine, new bottle. The only difference, I can see is some fiscal discipline and use of public market funds instead of VC dollars. Now there is word that …