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WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY MADE ME SICK — It is the hi-tech tool that has revolutionised home and office alike - but a growing band of campaigners claim wi-fi is a major threat to health. — Sufferers say the electro-magnetic waves emitted by wireless computer networks - wi-fi - leave them feeling exhausted, nauseous and sleepless.

Court to hear Google-newspaper fight — BRUSSELS, Belgium — A Belgian court on Friday will hear Google Inc.'s defense against local newspaper complaints that it stole content from their Web sites without paying them or asking their permission. — This will be the first time Google argues …
Search Engine Watch Blog

Top 10 Best Internet Acquisitions of All Time — After reading the Top 10 Worst Internet Acquisitions, Part 1 and Part 2, I could not help but come up with this list and offer you the following ten "best" Internet acquisitions of all time. — Criteria: — My background and experience lies …

MySpace Store Could Make Billions? — It's Black Friday in the US, and holiday shopping is the hot topic - if you believe The American Marketing Association, MySpace, Facebook and other major social networks are missing out on massive profits this holiday season by neglecting to sell products through their sites.
The Technology Chronicles to relaunch — - a notorious dotcom bubble startup - is planning to relaunch. The confirmation has been made in Swedish media magazine "Komet" by Jonas Arnberg, who works for Handelns Utredningsinstitut (HUI), a respected retail research institute in Sweden.

My Xbox Live HD Video Rental Nightmare — Okay. Before I start my tale, I should say that I am a big XBox360 fan. A really like Xbox 360. — It's a very well designed piece of equipment. A little too much fan noise, but overall a VERY well built user experience. — I like it so much, I have two.

Yearning for Freedom ... From Venture Capital Overlords — EVAN WILLIAMS recently bought his freedom. It cost him a bit more than $2 million, and he says it was worth every penny. — I'm not talking about paying off a big debt to one of Tony Soprano's loan-shark underlings.

How To Bypass The Zune's WiFi Sharing DRM — We knew it would be done sooner or later, and now that we have the mod to use your Zune as a portable hard drive, a method to bypass the Zune's WiFi sharing DRM is finally here. — First, you need to enable hard drive mode using the instructions we posted before.

Alexa is 100% wrong and you can game it with as few as three machines—or so I've been told. — Alexa does not work at all and we should not even recognize it as valid anymore from what I've learned. — You can game Alexa with as few as three machines running the Alexa toolbar.

What if Linux does infringe on Microsoft intellectual property? — There have been a lot of words written about the comments made by Microsoft's CEO Steve Ballmer during a Q&A session after his keynote speech at the Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS) conference in Seattle last week …

The Six Biggest New Ideas In Chat — Instant messaging has become a part of daily life on the web. I use several different services depending on what I want to do and who I want to talk to. AIM is great for keeping in touch with old friends, Meebo or eBuddy for signing on anywhere, and Skype for business interactions.

Phone vs. Cable: Turf Wars Escalate — PHOENIX — Bees swarmed around Dennis Pappas as he pried open the door to a telephone equipment box belonging to Qwest Communications at an apartment building here recently. Inside, the insects had built a small but seemingly busy hive.

Congress unlocks US cellphones — But censorware research is illegal, again — The US copyright office will permit mobile phone subscribers to unlock their phones, allowing them to be used by rival network providers. — It's a right that's taken for granted in most of the GSM world …

What We Talk About When We Talk About Brands — One day last June, a 29-year-old graduate student in South Dakota had more than 21 conversations as she scurried through her day. She discussed Donald Trump's wealth with her boyfriend and suggested to her best friend that she should audition for "The Apprentice."

The Great Firewall of Canada … Mark Goldberg pointed me to the press release of "Project Cleanfeed Canada". Canadian carriers Bell Aliant, Bell Canada, MTS Allstream, Rogers, SaskTel, Shaw, TELUS, and Videotron have all opted in to a blacklist provided by, the Canadian tip-line against child exploitation.