Top Items:

176 Newspapers to Form a Partnership With Yahoo — John Marshall Mantel for The New York Times, left; George Frey for The New York Times — Terry S. Semel, left, chief of Yahoo, which is trying to regain its luster. Dean Singleton, the chief of MediaNews, said the deal would help newspapers earn money online.
Center for Citizen Media, Good Morning Silicon Valley, Yodel Anecdotal, Screenwerk, Teaching Online Journalism, Rational rants, Global Nerdy, Monkey Bites, BuzzMachine, AdJab, TechEffect, Mark Evans, Paul Mooney, Fine On Media, Mathew Ingram, Digital Micro-Markets, Blackfriars' Marketing, Listics, Search Engine Journal, The Blogging Times, John Furrier, Search Engine Watch Blog, cheezhead, The Chad and Romenesko

Can Yahoo! and Local Papers Save Each Other? — Yahoo! announced this morning a partnership with a number of large newspaper chains, controlling a total of 176 publications, to share content and functionality. Both Yahoo! and local papers around the US are in a state of crisis …

Scripps, newspaper publishers strike deal with Yahoo

Beneath the Metadata — Some Philosophical Problems with Folksonomy — Associate Professor / Information Resources Specialist — Montana State University <> — Background — People have been trying to classify and organize information for thousands of years.
Discussion: Off the Top

Yes, there is an Office 2007 'kill switch' — Buried in a Knowledge Base article that Microsoft published to the Web on November 14 are details of Microsoft's plans to combat Office 2007 piracy via new Office Genuine Advantage lockdowns. — When asked last month whether Microsoft was planning …

A Weekend Full of Quality Time With PlayStation 3 — Howard Stringer, you have a problem. Your company's new video game system just isn't that great. — Ever since Mr. Stringer took the helm last year at Sony, the struggling if still formidable electronics giant, the world has been hearing …

Netscape: the Calacanis effect — Jason Calacanis said, last week, that he was leaving AOL because Jonathan Miller, AOL's ousted CEO, was one of the only business mentors he'd ever had. Loyal, touching, but maybe also rather opportunistic. Valleywag has obtained the internal traffic stats …

Study: iPod video yet to play big — Nielsen Media Research has begun gathering its first data on the audience for Apple's iPod, calling into question the popularity of its video offering. — Owners of Apple's ubiquitous portable media device spend far more time on it listening to music …

Marc Benioff browbeat Journal brass — The CEO was so outraged by a Wall Street Journal investigation into his mansion in Hawaii, that he had the reporter arrested and flew to New York to browbeat senior management at the newspaper, Valleywag's learned.
Silicon Valley Watcher

Wiimote strap breaks, controller destroys TV — So there's this dude who was playing Wii Sports bowling, as his story goes, and his pal rolls a Lebowski and the next thing you know the strap breaks from the force of the swing; his slippery hands let loose, and the Wiimote flies like a missile and cracks his pal's TV.

Microsoft Windows Comes Of Age - Happy 21st Birthday! — Believe it or not Windows is 21 years old on Monday. When it was launched in 1985 the PC market was barely out of it's infancy, and whatever you may think of Microsoft it is amazing what they Bill Gates & Co have built in such a relatively short time.

The race to create a 'smart' Google — Everything you buy online says a little bit about you. And if all those bits get put into one big trove of data about you and your tastes? Marketer's heaven. Fortune's Jeffrey O'Brien reports. — The setup — (Fortune Magazine) …

'Tis the season to send spam — In addition to plenty of turkey, a record amount of spam will be served up this holiday season. — Mass e-mailers traditionally bump up their activity as the year winds down. But this year, the amount of junk messages could be unprecedented, companies that make spam-busting tools say.

The Significance of — One of the recurring themes on the O'Reilly Radar is that of "news from the future," the idea that, as William Gibson put it, "The future is here. It's just not evenly distributed yet." We look for events and people that give us signals about what is to come.

Lyrics Celebrating Bank Merger Impress Only Copyright Lawyer — A video of two Bank of America employees singing a version of U2's "One" to commemorate their company's acquisition of MBNA recently made the rounds of the blogs, prompting amusement and some ridicule from online viewers.
Good Morning Silicon Valley, Public Knowledge, Business Filter, Global Nerdy and Boing Boing

FIM Sells Non My-Space Intermix Assets, Technology To Former CEO Rosenblatt's Demand Media — You're reading it here first ... Richard Rosentblatt, who engineered the attention-getting sale of Intermix and its chief asset, has acquired assets of Intermix Network LLC from Fox Interactive Media for his Demand Media.

'Worm' attacks Second Life world — Virtual world Second Life had to close its doors for a short time on Sunday after a worm attack called grey goo. — The self-replicating worm planted spinning gold rings around the virtual world, which is inhabited by more than a million users.