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Sunny and Gloomy Signs at a Web Crossroads — IN mid-October, Yahoo, the world's biggest Internet portal, reported a sharp profit skid and warned of a further growth slowdown in two major lines of business — a performance that its unusually contrite chief executive said had failed to fully exploit the company's strengths.

Screw all of this Yahoo bashing — Before everyone declares Yahoo dead and irrelevant, we at Tabblo figured we'd throw a little support behind the company that has given us a whole bunch of help in getting this whole thing going. — I'm referring of course to the recent pile-on regarding the …

Maturity — I was talking to my friend Mark about Yahoo! recently and he said something like "as long as they maintain their audience, I think they'll be in good shape". — The same point was made by Randy Befumo of Legg Mason, in today's New York Times in the piece about Yahoo! being a "value stock":

Yahoo's Brad Garlinghouse Makes His Power Move — Brad Garlinghouse, the Yahoo SVP who owns massive pieces of the overall organization (front page, mail, IM, etc.) wrote an email memo to senior staff about his views on the state of Yahoo. The entire email, including typos …

An Open Letter to Jerry Yang and David Filo — Dear Jerry and David: — I am writing this letter to you as a loyal Yahoo! user since 1996. Who could have imagined that, what started out as an experiment in the Stanford computer lab in 1994, would grow to become what is today a media titan?
J. LeRoy's Evolving Web

The 'Peanut Butter Manifesto' — An internal document by Brad Garlinghouse, a Yahoo senior vice president, says Yahoo is spreading its resources too thinly, like peanut butter on a slice of bread. Full text of the document is below. — Three and half years ago, I enthusiastically joined Yahoo! …
Read/WriteWeb,, IP Democracy, Mark Evans, Alec Saunders .LOG, Mini-Microsoft, This is going to be BIG., i-boy, Digital Micro-Markets, Valleywag, Search Marketing Gurus, The Next Net, BeyondVC, michael parekh on IT, VCMike's Blog, CenterNetworks, J. LeRoy's Evolving Web, Guardian Unlimited, Texas Startup Blog, PaidContent, IR Daily, Clickety Clack, VoIP Watch and The Blogging Times

Live from Nintendo's Wii launch in New York — We're hanging out at Toys "R" Us Times Square this evening, getting all ready for a bazillion people to get their respective Wii on. As of 9PM the line is already mind boggling, but the word is Toys "R" Us is stocked with [5,000] …

Wii FAQ: answers to your Wii questions — We've had our Wii kicking around the office for a little while now, but we had to hold off on answering your many questions about it until last night when they rolled out their launch update. Trust us, it definitely changed some answers, so let's get to the FAQ.

The World's Most High-Tech Urinal — In an effort to handle its nighttime public urination problem, Victoria, the capital of British Columbia, is considering installing urinals that disappear below street level during the day. Unlike the automated, self-cleaning toilets planned for Toronto and Vancouver …

Bill O'Reilly Slams PS3 Launch, Gamers, iPods, Digital Tech (not in that order) — Apparently sparked by the PlayStation 3 launch, conservative pundit Bill O'Reilly took off after video game culture and digital technology generally in yesterday's Radio Factor.

Europes - The Killer?! — It was not too long ago when the European Business-Networking Service announced their planned name change to — is no longer and all links to, including the links to profile pages, are being redirected to

Now THAT's What I'm Talking About! — I put out a call for case studies a while back. I was looking for examples of deep Enterprise 2.0 penetration — where freeform social software platforms had become so widely and deeply used that they were no-longer-exceptional parts of the company's technology infrastucture, and its culture.

Fedora Linux up and running on PlayStation 3 (with video) — Ok, so we're admittedly jealous that not only does this engineering user have a PlayStation 3 in his possession, but has the time to load up Fedora Linux on it while we yearn to just sneak in a few minutes of long-awaited gameplay.
CyberNet Technology News

How to bump your Zune to 40GB — Despite our personal reservations on the topic, if you're rocking a Zune, we say more power to you, and we thought we'd let you know about this simple method to upgrade that little player of yours to 40GB. Ironically, iPodMods did the honors …

PS3 is following in 360's footsteps — We're all familiar with the Ring of Death on the 360. If you see it, you know it is time to pull out the extended warranty slip — or shell out another $400 — because you're going to need it. Sony couldn't have any of that and are countering with their own: the Red Button and Beep of Death.