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The 'Peanut Butter Manifesto' — An internal document by Brad Garlinghouse, a Yahoo senior vice president, says Yahoo is spreading its resources too thinly, like peanut butter on a slice of bread. Full text of the document is below. — Three and half years ago, I enthusiastically joined Yahoo! …
Scripting News, GigaOM, Texas Startup Blog, Guardian Unlimited, Web Strategy and Slashdot

Yahoo's Internal Alarms Go Off; Loud Wake-up Call From SVP Splashes Onto WSJ Front Page — If I didn't already believe a major re-thinking of Yahoo's kludgy structure to be in place, I'd be sure one was on the way after reading the front page of today's WSJ —a stark picture of a company that has to reinvent itself.

Yahoo's "Peanut Butter" Memo Calls for Big Headcount Cuts — This critical, internal Yahoo memo was being forwarded all over the place late yesterday, and made the WSJ this morning. The author is allegedly Brad Garlinghouse, a Yahoo senior V.P. — I'm guessing this was written …

Universal Music Sues MySpace for Copyright Infringement — The Universal Music Group, the world's largest music company, filed a copyright infringement lawsuit yesterday against MySpace, the popular social networking Web site, for allowing users to upload and download songs and music videos.
Bloggers Blog

MySpace to Launch Enhanced Copyright Protection Tool — World's Leading Lifestyle Portal To Give Copyright Holders Easier, Faster Capacity to Protect Content — Tool Being Tested with FOX and MLB Advanced Media — LOS ANGELES—(BUSINESS WIRE)—, the world's leading lifestyle portal …
Guardian Unlimited

Going pro — More people are quitting their day jobs to blog for a living — ON HER blog, called Dooce, Heather Armstrong chronicles her life as a disenchanted Mormon in Salt Lake City, her former career as a high-flying web designer in Los Angeles, her pregnancy and postpartum depression, and so on.

Not Always Full Speed Ahead — What is a megabit worth? And what the heck is a megabit anyway? These questions are hard to avoid for consumers trying to make sense of the fast-growing menu of options for high-speed Internet access. — More than ever, the nation's phone and cable companies …

PS3 offers supercomputer performance at PC pricing, iSuppli reveals — Press release, November 16; Esther Lam, [Friday 17 November 2006] — Research firm iSuppli said its recent PlayStation 3 (PS3) teardown analysis shows that the PS3 is an engineering masterpiece that sets …
O'Reilly Radar

Video Game Console's Debut Sparks Violence — First-Day Sales of PlayStation 3 Met With Shooting, Pepper Spray — Armed thugs yesterday robbed a line of people waiting to buy the PlayStation 3 in Putnam, Conn., and a man who refused to hand over his money was shot in the chest.
IP Democracy

Polite Hackers Kick It in Korea — SEOUL, South Korea — The first international hacker conference held in this most wired of nations would never be confused with its Western forebears. Instead of jeans and T-shirts with clever slogans, attendees wore button-down shirts and pleated slacks …

WebmasterWorld PubCon Vegas 2006 Recap — I am back from the PubCon Vegas conference. It was the best PubCon ever, in my opinion, Brett totally did an awesome job, even without his wife not being able to come (we noticed). This conference is much more laid back than the SES conferences, but that is what makes it special.

Updating a Brand-New Product — Now that Windows Vista has released to manufacturing, you might think that there is no opportunity for the product to get better before you get to use it. Pre-Internet and before Windows Update, that was generally the case. But things are different today.

Geeks in Manhattan — I'd alternately hoped and dreaded, in the way that one waits for the bloody denouement of a horror movie, the Techcrunch party in New York last night would be a charnelhouse. Bobblehead dolls of Michael Arrington, publisher of the tech news site, tortured the way only twisted Manhattanites know how.

AMD designs prototype PC for the living room — Advanced Micro Devices has created a prototype PC designed to go in the living room, a place where several companies have tried to go before but almost none has succeeded. — Resembling a stereo component, the computer is designed essentially …

Sears Breaks Wii Street Date — Looks like one lucky Wii fan ran into the right kind of retail employee today (the clueless kind). — From his post on NeoGAF: … What a lucky break. This certainly wasn't going on at the Sears I visited today. — And, no, this doesn't mean you can storm …