Top Items:

Blog Entrepreneur Leaves AOL — Jason Calacanis, the outspoken blogger and entrepreneur who ran AOL's Netscape division, resigned on Thursday in the wake of the firing of AOL's chief executive, Jonathan Miller. — Mr. Calacanis sold his company, Weblogs Inc., a network of blogs …

Yes, it's true... I'm leaving AOL. — TechCrunch broke the story (less than two hours after I told everyone here), and the New York Times confirmed it with me by phone this afternoon. — I've got a lot to say, but I'm thinking that I'll just talk about it on the final episode of the Gillmor Gang podcast …
B.L. Ochman's weblog, Rex Hammock's weblog, The Mu Life, gapingvoid, CNET, Deep Jive Interests, NewAssignment.Net blogs, Mathew Ingram, Search Engine Journal, InfoWorld Tech Watch, Guardian Unlimited, Joseph Scott's Blog, Geek News Central, Scobleizer, Message, Web Strategy and digg

Calcanis is Leaving AOL but World's Number One-Ranked Blogger Peter Rojas Remains — As you may already know, Jason Calcanis resigned from AOL today. Jason runs a network of bloggers at AOL. The story was first posted on TechCrunch and Jason spoke with Saul Hansell of The New York Times for tomorrow's paper.

AOL Changes: Calacanis Finds The Exit; Alvey Stays
Frank Barnako

Yahoo Buys Site for Staging Online Contests — Yahoo is acquiring, a site that allows users and advertisers to create, enter into and judge online contests. The deal is an attempt by Yahoo to bolster its offerings in social media, an area where it has struggled to compete with sites like MySpace and YouTube.
TechCrunch, PaidContent, VentureBeat, Clickety Clack, Search Engine Journal and CenterNetworks

Bix joins Yahoo!'s social media mix — The social media phenomenon is fed by human needs for self-expression, feedback, generosity, and, to some degree, good old-fashioned voyeurism. Today, we add more food to Yahoo!'s social media menu: Bix, a budding social media service that almost anyone …
The Technology Chronicles

Ross Levinsohn Leaves Fox Interactive — We just got a press release from Fox Interactive which says that Peter Levinsohn is the new president of Fox Interactive. FIM insiders tell us that Levinsohn has often described the current changes in the media landscape as a "once in a lifetime opportunity."

Ross Levinsohn Resigns As President Of FIM; Will Be Replaced By Peter Levinsohn
Marc's Voice

Movie Studios Sue to Stop Loading of DVDs onto iPods — The MPAA studios are at it again, snatching away our fair use rights, so they can sell them back to us for an "additional fee." — In a lawsuit filed in federal court in New York, Paramount Pictures v. Load 'N Go Video …

'Pump-and-Dump' Spam Surge Linked to Russian Bot Herders — The recent surge in e-mail spam hawking penny stocks and penis enlargement pills is the handiwork of Russian hackers running a botnet powered by tens of thousands of hijacked computers. — Internet security researchers …

Australian Government Wins Patent Claim On WiFi; Demands Everyone Pay Up — from the thanks,-Australia! dept — How better to kill an emerging disruptive technology that to bog it down with damaging patent claims? We've noted over the past few years that a bunch of companies are all jumping …

IE+JavaScript Performance Recommendations Part 2: JavaScript Code Inefficiencies — Hello again, this is Peter Gurevich, Performance PM for IE. We have gotten a lot of good feedback from our first post on IE + JavaScript Performance Recommendations so I am eager to hear what you think of our second installment.

Skype soft-launches Skype for Symbian — Runs on the Nokia N73 — OBSCURED BY all the razzmatazz surrounding the launch of 3's X-Series handsets, is the fact that on December 1st when 3 goes live with its new service, there will be a version of Skype for Symbian.
21talks, Watching, Testing, Digesting, Shiny Shiny, jkOnTheRun and The Mobile Technology Weblog

New Beta Build Available! (Build # 1172) — It's been just about 6 weeks since our last update. During that time, we've been collecting and reviewing feedback from our customers, and working on getting some of those issues that you've been sending in fixed for the new Beta build …

Let's Get This Party Started! — The TechCrunch New York Party kicks off in three hours, 7 PM EST, at BED in Manhattan. — The final guest list is here, although it doesn't include sponsor attendees and press. All attendees should have received an email confirmation of the party as well.
Read/WriteWeb, Zatz Not Funny!, Conversion Rater, Dan Blank, The Gong Show and Web Strategy

Danny Sullivan's Search Engine Land Launches December 11 — Search Engine Land is a new search news blog launching December 11, 2006. Danny Sullivan, along with Chris Sherman and Barry Schwartz, will be providing information about search engine marketing and how search engines work in general, from a searcher's perspective.

Apple's iPhone to arrive in early 2007 with 2MP camera — Apple Computer's much anticipated iPod cell phone will include a 2.0-megapixel digital camera when it arrives late first quarter or early second quarter of next year, according to a new report out of Taiwan.

Skype PR WakeUp Call II: The Solution — This is the second of three posts discussing Skype's PR management with the aim of improving the PR relationships associated with the launch of new Skype software and associated services. In the first post I outlined the problem …

Yahoo! Maps releases from Beta — Yahoo! Maps is coming out of Beta today. Check out our more detailed notes on the Yahoo! Local & Maps Blog. Since we released the beta version, we've spent our time optimizing the product and responding to user feedback to make it ready for mainstream use.

SiteMaps Explained — By now, you've probably seen the news splashed all over Techmeme about the decision by Google, Microsoft and Yahoo! to support SiteMaps. In case you haven't, you can check out these articles: — Microsoft's Live Search Blog — Yahoo!'s Search Blog — Search Engine Watch

Microsoft Says Thankyou! to Select Vista Testers — To everyone that took part in the Windows Vista beta test (as far as I know, about 20,000), only those that submitted at least 1 bug report will be offered a complimentary copy of Windows Vista Business or Ultimate.