Top Items:

Jason Calacanis Says Adios to AOL — Update:The New York Times is now reporting on this and quotes Calacanis. "I'm not inclined to start over with a new guy," he said about his resignation. Calacanis has also made a short post on his own blog. — We just heard from a source that Jason Calacanis has resigned from AOL.

Blog Entrepreneur Leaves AOL — Jason Calacanis, the outspoken blogger and entrepreneur who ran AOL's Netscape division, resigned on Thursday in the wake of the firing of AOL's chief executive, Jonathan Miller. — Mr. Calacanis sold his company, Weblogs Inc., a network of blogs …

Falco 2, Calacanis 0 — An anonymous tip dropped into our inbox, claiming that Jason Calacanis, one of the co-founders of Weblogs Inc., and architect of the new Netscape has resigned from AOL, following the resignation of Jon Miller. — On his blog, Jason says no comment.
The Technology Chronicles, Valleywag, Frank Barnako, IP Democracy, Monkey Bites, Message and Glass House

Jason Calacanis, AOL executive, 2005-2006 — Jason Calacanis, the energetic and annoying publishing entrepreneur who once thought he could rise to the top at AOL, is leaving the internet media company. He's not commenting on the record, but his blog describes Jonathan Miller, ousted CEO of AOL …

Yes, it's true... I'm leaving AOL. — TechCrunch broke the story (less than two hours after I told everyone here), and the New York Times confirmed it with me by phone this afternoon. — I've got a lot to say, but I'm thinking that I'll just talk about it on the final episode of the Gillmor Gang podcast …

AOL parent playing "sadistic little games" — In the inbox this morning:The folks at Time Warner have no idea what they are doing with AOL or any other business, they just enjoy playing sadistic little games with each. No one was that impressed with Miller as a CEO, but the follks …
Deep Jive Interests

PlayStation 3 Offers Supercomputer Performance at PC Pricing, iSuppli's Teardown Analysis Reveals — From delivery delays, to technology hurdles, to missed production targets, to cancelled pre-orders, to an apparently exorbitant price tag—we've all read the bad news regarding Sony Corp.'s …
Between the Lines, Good Morning Silicon Valley, The Tao of Mac, Joystiq and Xbox 360 Fanboy

Google Local Adds Click to Call — The official Google Blog just announced the availability of a click-to-call feature in Google Local. This has been expected for some time, but it's now official and it works well. Businesses you find in Google Local now have a call link included in search results.

Ross Levinsohn Leaves Fox Interactive — We just got a press release from Fox Interactive which says that Peter Levinsohn is the new president of Fox Interactive. FIM insiders tell us that Levinsohn has often described the current changes in the media landscape as a "once in a lifetime opportunity."

Apple's iPhone to arrive in early 2007 with 2MP camera — Apple Computer's much anticipated iPod cell phone will include a 2.0-megapixel digital camera when it arrives late first quarter or early second quarter of next year, according to a new report out of Taiwan.

The Death of the Disc — WHY HD-DVD AND BLU-RAY ARE DEAD ON ARRIVAL. — Listen to the MP3 audio version of this story here, or sign up for Slate's free daily podcast on iTunes. — Until recently, the history of home entertainment was the history of encoding formats.

Gates on the Past, the Future, and Google — Reporter's Notebook: Bill Gates tells Charlie Rose and Stanford University audience at TechNet conference that 'we're at the beginning of something important again' in development of technology — just as in the 1980s with the advent of the PC.

Craigslist not liable for housing ads: Judge — The popular Craigslist Web site is not legally liable for allegedly discriminatory housing ads posted by its users, a federal judge in Chicago ruled in a case pitting landmark internet and fair housing laws against each other.

SiteMaps Explained — By now, you've probably seen the news splashed all over Techmeme about the decision by Google, Microsoft and Yahoo! to support SiteMaps. In case you haven't, you can check out these articles: — Microsoft's Live Search Blog — Yahoo!'s Search Blog — Search Engine Watch
Yahoo! Search blog, Live Search's WebLog, Google Watch, Official Google Webmaster … and Monkey Bites

The S stands for Simple — There has been a long running debate in the Application Platform Services Group here at Burton Group between the REST people on one side and the SOAP people on the other. For the most part it mirrors the external debate. In one recent exchange …
Loud Thinking