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Valleywag Release Candidate 2 — Some changes, today, on Valleywag, in design, personnel, and mission. Obviously, there's a new design. Nick Douglas, editor since launch earlier this year, is leaving. And we're going to change the mix of stories, slightly. — 1. Design.

Installing the Zune... sucked — When it comes to the hardware, we're pretty much set; we all now know the Zune inside and out. But how it interacts with the software, the marketplace, etc. — that's where the magic happens. Or doesn't. We really wanted to give the Zune the benefit of the doubt.

Zune Software Plays Nicely With iTunes — After a relatively painless installation—it didn't recognize the Zune because we forgot to reboot—we set to work on the Zune software. We weren't exactly sure what Microsoft meant when they said that Zune Marketplace would import music automatically from iTunes …

A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats — A rising tide lifts all boats. If there were ever a philosophy that guided our decision making at Sun, it's that - the notion that an internet connected by freely available standards is more valuable, to Sun and our customers, than one defined by dependencies on proprietary technologies.

Sun's Second Life gimmick — Memo to Sun: Stop trying to be so damn trendy. Taking Java open source is a big development, but then you muck it up with having a developer Q&A in Second Life. No parallel Webcast. No conference call dial-in. No alternate means to drop in.

Confabb: Find, Track and Review Conferences — Confabb is a new service launching today that offers a centralized place to find information about all kinds of conferences. The site offers everything from speaker and event reviews to photos of the events after the fact through integration with Flickr.

Confabb opens to conference attendees, speakers, planners (video)

TalkPlus demo : Call to echo123 from a mobile without a Skype client — I shot this demonstration on Halloween, 31 October 2006, in the offices of TalkPlus in San Mateo, California. The video is uncut, no editing at all, including about five seconds in the beginning of Jeff Black, TalkPlus CEO and founder, warming up.

For Ted Leonsis, a Quest to Find Himself Faster Online — For a man who's often in the public eye, Ted Leonsis didn't like what he saw when he Googled himself last year. — Leonsis — vice chairman of AOL, majority owner of the Washington Capitals hockey team and the Mystics of women's basketball …

Microsoft to Add Video Sharing to Zune, Ballmer Says (Update1) — Nov. 13 (Bloomberg) — Microsoft Corp. plans to add a video-sharing feature to its Zune player and will eventually sell a model that combines the device with a phone, Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer said.

HOLD FOR RELEASE 12:01 a.m. EST Tuesday. THIS STORY MAY NOT BE POSTED ONLINE, BROADCAST OR PUBLISHED BEFORE 12:01 a.m. EST. — SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) - In its ongoing bid to be a central conduit of media, TiVo Inc. plans to broaden its digital video recording service later this year so users …

Google Calendar: Search Public Events and Internal IP Visible Info? — I just signed in to Google Calendar and saw this: — And here's the code that generated those links. — There are two things worth mentioning here: — Search Public Events - perhaps this is a new feature they're planning to add soon.
Googling Google

Court Shutters Spyware Operation — ERG Ventures and one of its affiliates were ordered by a U.S. district court today to stop distributing what the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) claims is false and deceptive software. — According to the FTC, the Nevada-based ERG and its affiliate trick consumers …

Perspective: The farce behind 'Digital Freedom' — perspective Last month, the Consumer Electronics Association and other groups announced a "Digital Freedom" campaign that latches onto the concept of fair use—supposedly to benefit consumers. — Seems like a worthwhile effort.

C-SPAN To Launch User Video Site — Public interest TV station C-SPAN and online media storage provider StreamLoad have announced that the two companies will collaborate on a new user submitted video site set to launch later this month and called ViewFinder.

NYC cab service offers social twist — NEW YORK — Manhattan resident seeks companion for ride to airport, maybe more. — In the latest novelty for a mobile city in a networked world, an online service that debuted during the weekend offers to help New Yorkers hook up for cabs …