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Zune — I just sent this letter to Microsoft. It was a very difficult thing to do: — Sunday November 11, 2006 — Hey Paul, we are going to back out of the promo that is supposed to launch [deleted date]. — I have been losing sleep over it and decided this is just not going to be right for Rocketboom.

Google CEO: Free cellphones for all, if... Schmidt says consumers would get the device without cost - provided they accepy targeted advertising. — SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) — Web search leader Google Inc.'s chief executive, Eric Schmidt, sees a future where mobile phones are free to consumers …

Web 2.0 isn't dead, but Web 3.0 is bubbling up — Nick Carr was at this best synthesizing the week that was-the Web 2.0 Summit-and he wasn't even there. I agree with other bloggers, commentators, writers, reporters, pundits, podcasters, vloggers, journalists and user generated content creators …

There is no Web 3.0, part, uh, 2 — John Markoff writes in the NY Times that Web 3.0 is coming. Apparently he missed my post last week, for There is no Web 3.0. The funny thing about my summation last year (Web 2.0 is Made of People!) is the web has always been that way — and always will.
Geeking with Greg, Service-Oriented Architecture, Screenwerk, Anne 2.0, Scripting News and larry borsato

Alarm Raised for Critical Broadcom Wi-Fi Driver Flaw — Computer security analysts are raising the alarm for a critical vulnerability in the Broadcom wireless driver embedded in PCs from HP, Dell, Gateway and eMachines. — The vulnerability, which exposed as part of the MoKB …

Video: Unboxing the Asus R2H Ultra Mobile PC (UMPC) — Video: Unboxing the Asus R2H Ultra Mobile PC — Watch Now: — Unboxing the Asus R2H Ultra Mobile PC: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (5) — Having been lovingly introduced to the world of the Ultra Mobile PCs (hereafter UMPCs) …

Asus R2H UMPC Usability InkShow — Here is the second installment of the Asus R2H Ultra Mobile PC InkShows. In this InkShow, I get up close and personal with the R2H, focusing on usability of the UMPC. I give an overview of some of the Asus Utilities that are installed on the device.

Wii console manual reveals its secrets — Since all four of us can't play Zelda at the same time, we passed the Wii-less hours by poring over the 69 page "systems and settings" manual that came with the Wii (not to be confused with the 105-page, trilingual "system setup" manual that's also included).

Dude, where's my cursor (Wii annoyance #1) — For the most part, we've been impressed with the responsiveness and stability of the Wii remote as pointing device. The whole pointer system fails, though, when your remote hand wavers a bit and the pointer goes off the screen.

A Struggle Over Dominance and Definition — GOOGLE: mate or menace? That is the burning question of the week — heck, probably of the year — for ye olde media companies. — In the last few weeks an enormous swarm of activity has been coming out of the Googleplex beehive in Mountain View …

Mobile Marketing Has Finally Arrived — I was asked to submit an article to a forthcoming edition of Admap, published by World Advertising Research Center which is the "leading supplier of information, knowledge, insight and data to the global marketing, advertising, media and research communities."

How to Increase the Gmail Font Size — I always found Gmail's font size for mails a bit too small for comfortable reading - and since I read a lot in Gmail, I wanted to optimize it. While I can adjust the font size in Firefox using View -> Text size -> Increase, I don't like to change all web pages.

Looking for a Library on Google Local — Back in July, I wrote about a patent application from Google that may have described how Google attempts to find the web pages that should be shown with local search results, Authority Documents for Google's Local Search.

Differences between web 2.0 and bubble 2.0 ? — For me, the big thing about web 2.0 is the amateur revolution. — Easy to publish — 2.0: anybody can publish its content text, photos and videos very easily, as easy as sending an email. — 1.0: was too complicated, home page builders, hosting and too much html code.

Listen To Podcasts On Any Phone — We've been testing two new services, Fonpods and Podlinez, that allow users to listen to podcasts directly from any telephone. Unlike existing service VoiceIndigo, which requires users to listen to podcasts on a cell phone through downloaded software …

Let It Be Gang — I'm in Washington for a workshop on attention and gestures. In the cab on the way to the hotel I called in to the Gillmor Gang recording, as did Mike Arrington, Jason Calacanis, Robert Anderson, Hugh MacLeod, Dan Farber, and Doc Searls. There's a lot of nice moments …
Dana Gardner's BriefingsDirect, gapingvoid, Geek News Central and The Jason Calacanis Weblog