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Entrepreneurs See a Web Guided by Common Sense — From the billions of documents that form the World Wide Web and the links that weave them together, computer scientists and a growing collection of start-up companies are finding new ways to mine human intelligence.

Welcome Web 3.0! — Web 2.0 is so over. First came the tepid reviews of the third annual 2.0 boondoggle. "If you were looking to learn something new," sniffed GigaOm's Liz Gannes, "this week's Web 2.0 Summit was not the place to be." Wrote a jaded Scott Karp, "there were few revelations …

Zune on early sale at BestBuy — By coincidence i got my hands early on an Microsoft Zune, bought as a regular customer at BestBuy in Union City Landing shopping centre. — They dont seem to care that the release day is next tuesday. They werent displayed in the store itself but i asked a salesmen if i could pre order a Zune.

Stores selling Zunes early — We don't know exactly how many stores are now accessory to the heinous crime of pre-launch gadget sales, but it looks like Microsoft is one customer closer to overthrowing the nation of iPod courtesy of the Zune-gun-jumping Best Buy at Union City Landing shopping centre.
Steve Newson DOT net

A Struggle Over Dominance and Definition — GOOGLE: mate or menace? That is the burning question of the week — heck, probably of the year — for ye olde media companies. — In the last few weeks an enormous swarm of activity has been coming out of the Googleplex beehive in Mountain View …

Zune — I just sent this letter to Microsoft. It was a very difficult thing to do: — Sunday November 11, 2006 — Hey Paul, we are going to back out of the promo that is supposed to launch [deleted date]. — I have been losing sleep over it and decided this is just not going to be right for Rocketboom.
Michael Gartenberg

Looking for a Library on Google Local — Back in July, I wrote about a patent application from Google that may have described how Google attempts to find the web pages that should be shown with local search results, Authority Documents for Google's Local Search.

Video: Unboxing the Asus R2H Ultra Mobile PC (UMPC) — Video: Unboxing the Asus R2H Ultra Mobile PC — Watch Now: — Unboxing the Asus R2H Ultra Mobile PC: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (5) — Having been lovingly introduced to the world of the Ultra Mobile PCs (hereafter UMPCs) …

Listen To Podcasts On Any Phone — We've been testing two new services, Fonpods and Podlinez, that allow users to listen to podcasts directly from any telephone. Unlike existing service VoiceIndigo, which requires users to listen to podcasts on a cell phone through downloaded software …

Critical Broadcom Windows driver exploit released! — The MoKB (Month of Kernel Bugs) project has released a Metasploit 3.0 kernel-level driver exploit for Broadcom based Wireless LAN devices for Windows 2000 and XP. The flaw was discovered by researcher "Johnny Cache" …

Symbol and Palm OS part ways — Where has the love gone? Symbol Technologies, a company that once enjoyed a very tight relationship with Palm and its platform, has officially announced that it will be dropping Palm OS from its lineup in January. For the record, there's no evidence …

Let It Be Gang — I'm in Washington for a workshop on attention and gestures. In the cab on the way to the hotel I called in to the Gillmor Gang recording, as did Mike Arrington, Jason Calacanis, Robert Anderson, Hugh MacLeod, Dan Farber, and Doc Searls. There's a lot of nice moments …

Rumor: Apple getting creative on album pricing — Digg this — It's one of the problems of the digital-music era. You buy a couple of songs from an album at 99 cents each. After listening to them a few times, you think you might want the album.

Top YPN Exec Leaving Yahoo At End Of November; Deputy Leaving, Too — This isn't news within Yahoo but it hasn't been publicized ... Yahoo has confirmed that Bill Demas, SVP-Yahoo Publishing Network Group, is leaving at the end of November. He decided to leave last quarter …

WIDGETS LIVE! EVERYWHERE — Widgets Live! was a fabulous day of festivities (November 6, 2006) which attracted the thought leaders of the web, mobile and gadget industries to discuss one of the hottest topics, widgets. Companies like AOL, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft …

Enterprise 2.0 and Culture Change — Andrew McAfee, an associate professor at the Harvard Business School has identified a user segment within organizations that he describes as the 'Empty Quarter'. The context is within the types of users who become the early adopters of Enterprise 2.0' applications …