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Microsoft, Novell Reach Accord on Linux — Microsoft Corp. reached a rapprochement with a major seller of the Linux operating system, a deal that makes a kind of peace between two opposing camps in the software industry. — The deal with Novell Inc. is designed to make it easier for customers …
The Morning After - Reactions to Novell-MS
Between the Lines, Inside eWEEK Labs, Rational rants, deal architect, All about Microsoft and Technocrat
Three reasons why Microsoft will put Linux on their desktop
Zango, Inc. Settles FTC Charges — Will Give Up $3 Million in Ill-Gotten Gains for Unfair and Deceptive Adware Downloads — Zango, Inc., formerly known as 180solutions, Inc., one of the world's largest distributors of adware, and two principals have agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges …
27B Stroke 6, InfoWorld Tech Watch, Alice Hill's Real Tech News and
Zango reaches settlement with FTC — Adware manufacturer Zango has reached an agreement with the Federal Trade Commission in response to charges that it breached federal law by deceptively installing advertising software on consumers' PCs without a clear means of removal.
Amazon Rolls Out its Visionary WebOS Strategy — Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus. — WebOS services are going to be utilized by thousands of companies - and will power the next generation of web applications. Amazon is at this point leading the charge …
Google Gets Orkut Users Talking — Google (Nasdaq: GOOG - message board) will soon announce that its Google Talk instant messaging and VOIP service will be built into its social networking site Orkut, Google's version of MySpace. — The company says its Google Talk and Orkut development teams …
Gannett to Crowdsource News — The publisher of "America's newspaper" is turning to America to get its news. — According to internal documents provided to Wired News and interviews with key executives, Gannett, the publisher of USA Today as well as 90 other American daily newspapers …
The $200 Billion Lunch: We're switching to IPv6, dontcha know, and it might be worth it. — Remember Y2K? If you worked in Information Technology in the waning days of the last millennium, you probably remember Y2K as a combination of Christmas and the hardest workday of your life.
Zune: First Full Review — Microsoft was kind enough to get us some hands-on time with the Zune, not batting an eye as we eagerly slided the player down our pants, enjoying the material it was made out of. Our thoughts first, then a gallery later. — The outside is made out of a rubberized plastic …
Geek to Live: Make a ringtone from any MP3 — Everyone in your office jump when you hear that tired old Nokia ringtone? Most modern cell phones support custom ringtones that can alert you when it's your phone that's got an incoming call. — Google up "ringtones" and you'll get tons …
Greasemonkey Script: Gmail and Reader Integrator — GMAIL AND READER INTEGRATOR — I wrote a Greasemonkey script that integrates Gmail with Google Reader. — Features — Spilt-window view of Gmail and Reader on a single page — Links to collapse| expand either Gmail or Reader
Google in "Frantic" Talks? Probably Not. — The blogosphere is in a tizzy today over this Financial Times piece that claims Google, YouTube's soon-to-be parent company, is in "frantic" talks with all the powerful entertainment companies to avert a "potentially crippling round of lawsuits."
Google In Frantic Talks To Halt YouTube's Legal Threat; Offers Tens …
IP Democracy, Screenwerk, The Kelsey Group Blog,, and Agence France Presse
TiVo with a Twist: Ways to Enhance the TiVo Experience — If you've read any of my posts since I started writing for the site, it's no secret I love TiVo. Over the course of the last 42 months the company has milked $543.90 in subscription fees out of me and another $250 for the cost of a Series2.
VMWare's Fusion begins private beta — Some beta testers that we won't name for their own protection have let us know that VMWare is now ready to take Parallels to task in the desktop virtualization market with Fusion. — What is Fusion? According to the private beta site …
Voxilla On Fonality's IP PBX Play — Little did I know this morning that I was onto something when it came to Fonality having more up their sleeve than has been announced. — If I read between the lines of Marcelo's post today there is clearly more to it than meets the eye with Fonality and what they mean to the enterprise.
AllAdvantage Is Back — We got more than one email this week asking us to join the rebirth of AllAdvantage, the bubble-era pyramid scheme. The new company is called AGLOCO, and it is pre-launch, but the idea is the same — get paid to surf the web. This time, the motto is "own the internet."
Yahoo China to file aggressive suit against Qihoo nemesis — Alibaba, the large Chinese company that owns Yahoo China, is preparing to file another hard-hitting suit against competitor Qihoo and its leader, Zhou Hongyi (pictured above). — Yahoo China has already filed one suit against Qihoo …