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Brightcove aims to create video marketplace — Brightcove will release new offerings on Monday that effectively make it easier for video producers and Web sites to insert ads into their Internet videos, syndicate their content and sell clips. — Web sites select the services they want …

Brightcove to take Web video to next level — NEW YORK — Brightcove will try to take Internet TV into the media mainstream Monday by unveiling a suite of services to help consumers find what they want — while easing the way for content providers to create slick-looking videos and generate revenue from them.

YouTube Is Purging Copyrighted Clips — Hitting the financial jackpot, it appears, may have created some headaches for YouTube, the wildly popular video-sharing Web site that has agreed to be bought by Google for $1.65 billion in stock. — The site late last week began purging copyrighted material …
Good Morning Silicon Valley, michael parekh on IT, gregword, JD on EP, Bloggers Blog, Things That and Screenwerk

PayPerPost Is Now Officially Absurd — Many commenters in previous TechCrunch posts on PayPerPost compared their business model to payola in the music industry. At PayPerPost, bloggers are offered cash to write about products. Disclosure is optional, and often the bloggers are required to only express positive comments.

Complete Dashboard Update Feature List — New Features — HD 1080p video mode support over VGA and component cables. — Xbox 360™ HD DVD Player support. — Stream WMV video from a Windows PC running Windows Media Player 11, Zune software, or Windows Media Connect.

Microsoft is banning 360 firmware modders — After several months of silence it was more or less accepted that Microsoft wasn't going to do anything about the firmware hacks that allow Xbox 360s to play backups. Rather surprising, considering the 'inventor' of the hack confirmed in March already …

Don't I Know You from the Internet? — Some performers are parlaying online celebrity into deals with big media. Soon they may be able to just stick to the Web — The small screen has always been a launching pad for big stars. But for some would-be famous actors, musicians, and comedians …

Metacafe unveils producer awards, to underscore advantage over YouTube — Have you visited video site Metacafe yet? — If you haven't, get ready for shocking videos. Almost every one we viewed today had our heart racing or mesmerized us in some way. Tomorrow (Monday), Metacafe introduces a …

SocialPoint: Best-of-Breed Wiki on Sharepoint — This morning we released SocialPoint, or Socialtext running on SharePoint. At first, this may seem counter-intuitive for a company like Socialtext. SharePoint is coming out with wikis and blogs in their 2007 version, why embrace and extend?

Marketers Demanding Better Count of the Clicks — Internet companies have had great success selling advertising space, in part because the effectiveness of those ads is supposedly so easily measured. But marketers, even as they continue to push more of their ad budgets online, are starting to ask for better proof.

A Dot-Com Survivor's Long Road — When Jim Clark started Shutterfly, the online photo printing service, in December 1999, a 2-megapixel digital camera could set you back $800, investor enthusiasm for e-commerce was soaring and the words "Internet" and "bust" were rarely used in the same sentence.

Fall Dashboard Update Images — Whether Microsoft finds any significance in the date October 31—it's the day J Allard first got laid, y'all!—is unknown, but the Fall Dashboard update is going to be dropping first thing Tuesday. We heard from our secretaries who heard from GameFront …

Sony Playstation 3 further details — With the Playstation 3 launch just around the corner, Sony has released further information about the next gen console. The PS3 is a power hug and consumes around 380 watts of power more than double the Xbox 360's 160 watts and eight times the PS2's nimble 45 watts.

Japanese Museum spreads knowlege using Nintendo DS — The Nintendo DS is very popular in Japan and taking full advantage of its popularity is the Nation Western Fine Arts Musuem. From the musuem counter you can borrow a DS which comes with a special catridge preloaded with the musuem details.

Price for New Private Islands to Increase — Due to ongoing investments in developing and maintaining the underlying technology of SecondLife, Linden Lab is increasing prices for new Private Island sales. Please note that this increase does not affect tier fees for Mainland land or existing Private Islands that you currently own.

IPod's click wheel: Has it been framed? — PATENT FILING SHOWS NEW NAVIGATION METHOD — Bye-bye click wheel? — If a recent patent filing is any indication, Apple Computer may abandon the iconic wheel that has become virtually synonymous with its popular iPod music players.

Eleksen's fabric keyboard / UMPC case in the wild — The fabric keyboard gurus over at Eleksen are apparently moving forward with its colorful fabric keyboard / UMPC case hybrid, which would add another clever offering to its already sleek Bluetooth and bendable options.

Adobe Wants to Come in from the Cold — Though Adobe's Flash player sits in nearly every browser and plays hundreds of millions of videos (and other things) per day, the company doesn't charge for much of this incredible amount of usage. Now, leading up to the launch of its next platform …

MingleNow launches new bar/restaurant social networking site — MingleNow, the latest social networking company that has been in development for many months, launches a public testing version tomorrow (Monday). — MingleNow is best compared with Yelp, because it focuses on the social community around bars and restaurants.

The Persistence of (Bad) Online Data — One of the looming problems in our data-rich yet decentralized future is the difficulty of fixing bad data, once it is released onto the net. We've heard stories of Facebook profiles that turned up in embarrassing circumstances, identity theft …

Monitor110 Raises $11m More for Market Monitoring — Monitior110, the pre-launch web monitoring service for hedge fund traders we wrote about in September, will announce on Monday that it has closed a Series C round of financing with $11 million from new and existing investors.