Top Items:

Google faces copyright fight over YouTube — Dick Parsons, the chairman and chief executive of Time Warner, fired a shot across the bows of Google, saying his group would pursue its copyright complaints against the video sharing site — Google paid $1.6bn for YouTube …

SOUR GRAPES: TIME TO SUETUBE? — Surprise: Time Warner is rattling copyright sabers (BoingBoing) over Google's acquisition of YouTube. Let's pull back and take a look at this, shall we? Time Warner not only owns a s**tload of content that is now playing on YouTube, it also owns AOL …

The PayPerPost Virus Spreads — Two new services that are similar to the controversial PayPerPost have announced their launch in the last few days: ReviewMe and CreamAid. PayPerPost, a marketplace for advertisers to pay bloggers to write about products (with our without disclosure) …

Announcing ReviewMe! — In April I mentioned that I wanted …

Vista Licenses Limit OS Transfers, Ban VM Use — Microsoft has released licenses for the Windows Vista operating system that dramatically differ from those for Windows XP in that they limit the number of times that retail editions can be transferred to another device and ban …

Virtual PC 2007 Beta: Free and Available Now — Alex Heaton has some news to share with Virtual PC 2007 beta that was released today. In his own words.... Virtual PC 2007 Beta is now available as a free download from Virtual PC 2007 is optimized to work well for Windows Vista as both the host and guest OS.

Introducing multiple custom channels — As of today, it is now possible to assign multiple custom channels to a single ad unit. This feature enables you to track your ad performance with greater flexibility and view more granular information. When generating your ad code …
ProBlogger Blog Tips

IceWeasel - Why Proprietary Software Will Always Win Out — Recently I came across a news article that made me stop and check the source — I was sure I must have stumbled on to the Onion or BBSpot. But no, this is really happening. FireFox isn't "open source" enough, and thus IceWeasel was born …

Maps in the Palm in your hand — Since we first launched Google Maps for mobile devices, we've adapted it to more phones and languages and added features like traffic info. And as of today, the new Palm Treo version answers our top request from users. It's been months in the making, but I think you'll find it worth the wait.
The Map Room, PalmAddicts, .:UNEASYsilence:., Search Engine Watch Blog, Google Operating System and Google Watch

Live from Palm's Treo announcement at DigitalLife
Everything TypePad

How Do You Secure 100 Million Laptops? — If the plan is perfectly executed, Nicholas Negroponte's One Laptop Per Child project will deploy 100 million laptops in the first year. In one fell swoop, the nonprofit organization will create the largest computing monoculture in history.

Xbox 360 granted Good Design Award — A truly international design wins over Japan's judges. — Japan's Good Design Awards are handed out each year to well-designed products across a wide range of industries. Past winners in the game industry have included Nintendo's DS lite and Game Boy micro and Sony's PlayStation 2 and PSP.

Microsoft and Adobe developer/designer death match — I was just adding stuff to my linkblog, cause we missed our plane to Greensboro (got another one that leaves at 1 p.m., we'll be spending the night in Chicago) and I saw a couple of things that got me to write about the coming Microsoft/Adobe developer/designer death match.

Looking Sharp — How many startups show me their stuff, and I think: Maybe that's interesting, but I'll never use it. (Answer: Most of them.) — It was almost unsettling, then, when Sharpcast CEO Gibu Thomas put me through the paces of his product demo. I could think of numerous situations when I needed something just like it.
down the avenue

United States vs. Google — Every era of computing has its defining antitrust case. In 1969, at the height of the mainframe age's go-go years, the Justice Department filed its United States vs. IBM lawsuit, claiming that Big Blue had an unfair monopoly over the computer industry.

Oprah and Bono to unveil Product Red iPod nano tomorrow — Exclusive: Activist and rock singer Bono, with help from Oprah Winfrey and other celebrities, is partnering with Apple Computer on a red-colored iPod to promote his new charity aimed at battling AIDS, AppleInsider has learned.
Engadget, The Apple Core, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Gizmodo, Digital Music News, Gadgetell, Infinite Loop,, CrunchGear and digg

Class action suit over ID theft tossed out — A federal judge in Arkansas has thrown out a class action lawsuit against Acxiom, which exposed massive amounts of Americans' personal information in a high-profile Internet security snafu three years ago. — Even though a spammer had downloaded …

More Evidence That Media 2.0 May Be Less Profitable Than Media 1.0 — There is now macroeconomic data to support the theory that Media 2.0 won't be as profitable as Media 1.0 (from MediaPost): … "Increased competition & measurement" is one explanation, but there's also this (familiar) explanation:

Apple MacBook owners organizing class action lawsuit — Owners of Apple Computer's new 13-inch MacBook notebooks, whose systems are plagued by intermittent shutdown issues, have become fed up with extended repair times and inadequate resolutions to the problem, and are now organizing a class action lawsuit against the Mac maker.