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Google faces copyright fight over YouTube — Dick Parsons, the chairman and chief executive of Time Warner, fired a shot across the bows of Google, saying his group would pursue its copyright complaints against the video sharing site — Google paid $1.6bn for YouTube …
Discussion:, Download Squad, Mashable!, IP Democracy, PVR Wire, SEO, Screenwerk, Google Watch, Joe Duck, Search Engine Watch Blog, GigaOM and DV Guru

SOUR GRAPES: TIME TO SUETUBE? — Surprise: Time Warner is rattling copyright sabers (BoingBoing) over Google's acquisition of YouTube. Let's pull back and take a look at this, shall we? Time Warner not only owns a s**tload of content that is now playing on YouTube, it also owns AOL …
Digital Micro-Markets

Value is in the eyes of the beholder
Good Morning Silicon Valley

When Negotiating A Deal With YouTube, First Threaten To Sue Them...
Mathew Ingram

Apple Announces iPod nano (PRODUCT) RED Special Edition — Portion of Proceeds Contributed to The Global Fund to Fight AIDS — Apple® today announced the iPod® nano (PRODUCT) RED Special Edition. (RED) was created by U2 lead singer, Bono and Bobby Shriver to engage business …

Sprint Joins Motorola, (PRODUCT) RED™ and the Global Fund to Help Fight AIDS in Africa with Upcoming U.S. Availability of RED MOTORAZR™ — RED MOTORAZR on high-speed Power Vision network benefits (RED); offers exclusive Sprint content and live television channels

Microsoft Says on Track to Release Windows Vista on Schedule — New operating system will be released in Europe and Korea on schedule, following "constructive dialogue" with competition authorities. — Microsoft Corp. today confirmed that it is on track to deliver Windows Vista&trade …

No, there's no ban on virtual Vista — There's a lot of confusion going around about the new Windows Vista licenses. I wrote about the two-machine limit earlier this week. Now I see Gregg Keizer at TechWeb and Robert McLaws of Windows Now arguing that the new license bans the use …

Help! YouTube is killing my business! — An Ohio company's sales get 'killed' as YouTube surfers cripple, a pipe equipment seller's web site. — NEW YORK ( — One place where YouTube's success isn't being celebrated is in the offices of Universal Tube and Rollerform Equipment Corp. near Toledo, Ohio.

TV Spectrum to Be Opened for Other Uses — The FCC agrees to give technology companies some access to the white space between channels for wireless devices. — WASHINGTON — The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday struck a compromise that would give technology companies some access …

Sony's 3Ds: Downgraded, Delayed and Disrupted —What Went Wrong? — Sony Corp. was the great innovator in consumer electronics for 30 years, but you'd never know it reading the latest headlines or watching the stock: — Sony bonds Downgraded by Fitch in anticipation of further financial weakness
Mark Evans

Introducing multiple custom channels — As of today, it is now possible to assign multiple custom channels to a single ad unit. This feature enables you to track your ad performance with greater flexibility and view more granular information. When generating your ad code …

T-Mobile to let mylos use HotSpot for free — Today Sony and T-Mobile announced a partnership allowing all mylo users (mylers? mylites? mylanta — nevermind, that's already taken) to use T-Mobile's massive network of WiFi hotspots (appropriately known as HotSpot) for free until late 2007.

Fujitsu laptops also ditching hard drives for flash — Fujitsu will soon join two other major PC makers in putting on sale a portable computer that uses flash memory in place of the traditional hard-disk drive. — The company will offer a 16GB or 32GB flash memory disk as an option …

Transmeta hits Intel with patent suit … Having failed to beat Intel in the marketplace, Transmeta is turning to the courtroom — Transmeta, the chip designer that once tried to take on Intel in the notebook market, is suing Intel for patent infringement.

Could a 30-in. monitor help you do your job faster? — A French IT consultant says yes, but productivity experts disagree — October 10, 2006 (Computerworld) — Providing employees with 30-in. computer monitors can boost worker productivity at companies where 17- or 19-in. monitors are typically used …

Internet Explorer 7 is coming ... Are you ready? — The final release of Internet Explorer 7 is fast approaching ... and I mean really fast ......and will be delivered to customers via Automatic Updates a few weeks after it's available for download. Are your Web sites, extensions, and applications ready?