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Google faces copyright fight over YouTube — Dick Parsons, the chairman and chief executive of Time Warner, fired a shot across the bows of Google, saying his group would pursue its copyright complaints against the video sharing site — Google paid $1.6bn for YouTube …
IP Democracy, SEO, Joe Duck, Screenwerk, PVR Wire, Google Watch, Mashable!, Search Engine Watch Blog, GigaOM and DV Guru

SOUR GRAPES: TIME TO SUETUBE? — Surprise: Time Warner is rattling copyright sabers (BoingBoing) over Google's acquisition of YouTube. Let's pull back and take a look at this, shall we? Time Warner not only owns a s**tload of content that is now playing on YouTube, it also owns AOL …
Digital Micro-Markets

Value is in the eyes of the beholder
Good Morning Silicon Valley

When Negotiating A Deal With YouTube, First Threaten To Sue Them...
Mathew Ingram

Microsoft Says on Track to Release Windows Vista on Schedule — New operating system will be released in Europe and Korea on schedule, following "constructive dialogue" with competition authorities. — Microsoft Corp. today confirmed that it is on track to deliver Windows Vista&trade …

Microsoft puts the post-Vista wheels in motion
Teching It Easy

Apple Announces iPod nano (PRODUCT) RED Special Edition — Portion of Proceeds Contributed to The Global Fund to Fight AIDS — Apple® today announced the iPod® nano (PRODUCT) RED Special Edition. (RED) was created by U2 lead singer, Bono and Bobby Shriver to engage business …

Sprint Joins Motorola, (PRODUCT) RED™ and the Global Fund to Help Fight AIDS in Africa with Upcoming U.S. Availability of RED MOTORAZR™ — RED MOTORAZR on high-speed Power Vision network benefits (RED); offers exclusive Sprint content and live television channels

Help! YouTube is killing my business! — An Ohio company's sales get 'killed' as YouTube surfers cripple, a pipe equipment seller's web site. — NEW YORK ( — One place where YouTube's success isn't being celebrated is in the offices of Universal Tube and Rollerform Equipment Corp. near Toledo, Ohio.

Introducing multiple custom channels — As of today, it is now possible to assign multiple custom channels to a single ad unit. This feature enables you to track your ad performance with greater flexibility and view more granular information. When generating your ad code …

Fujitsu laptops also ditching hard drives for flash — Fujitsu will soon join two other major PC makers in putting on sale a portable computer that uses flash memory in place of the traditional hard-disk drive. — The company will offer a 16GB or 32GB flash memory disk as an option …

Sony's 3Ds: Downgraded, Delayed and Disrupted —What Went Wrong? — Sony Corp. was the great innovator in consumer electronics for 30 years, but you'd never know it reading the latest headlines or watching the stock: — Sony bonds Downgraded by Fitch in anticipation of further financial weakness

Transmeta hits Intel with patent suit … Having failed to beat Intel in the marketplace, Transmeta is turning to the courtroom — Transmeta, the chip designer that once tried to take on Intel in the notebook market, is suing Intel for patent infringement.

Palm Announces Low-End Treo 680 — As expected, Palm has just announced the low-end Treo 680 for GSM markets sold unlocked in four colors: crimson, copper, arctic and graphite. In non-marketing speak, that's red, orange, white and silver. Each of these phones come with a 320x320 color screen …
InsideGoogle, VoIP & Gadgets Blog, Gadgetell, CrunchGear and Alice Hill's Real Tech News

Internet Explorer 7 is coming ... Are you ready? — The final release of Internet Explorer 7 is fast approaching ... and I mean really fast ......and will be delivered to customers via Automatic Updates a few weeks after it's available for download. Are your Web sites, extensions, and applications ready?

Could a 30-in. monitor help you do your job faster? — A French IT consultant says yes, but productivity experts disagree — October 10, 2006 (Computerworld) — Providing employees with 30-in. computer monitors can boost worker productivity at companies where 17- or 19-in. monitors are typically used …

EC boosts open source — Sets up consortium for software pooling — The European Commission has taken steps to promote the use of open source systems and software in the public sector. — It has selected a consortium led by Unisys Belgium to create and manage the Open Source Observatory and Repository …

How Do You Secure 100 Million Laptops? — If the plan is perfectly executed, Nicholas Negroponte's One Laptop Per Child project will deploy 100 million laptops in the first year. In one fell swoop, the nonprofit organization will create the largest computing monoculture in history.