Top Items:

NOA: Wii Demo Units Not Just at GameStop — Despite report to the contrary, GameStop will not be the only retailer to get playable Wii demo units before the launch of the new console. — Nintendo of America finally got back to me today on the issue: — After a bit more badgering on my part …

QUALCOMM Launches Project in Collaboration with Mozilla Foundation to Develop Open Source Version of Eudora Email Program — Open Source Version of Eudora will be Free of Charge; Final Commercial Versions of Classic Eudora for Windows and Mac Available Now — QUALCOMM Incorporated (Nasdaq …

The Web According to Ballmer — Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer chats with BusinessWeek editors about Web 2.0's sky-high valuations and the new competition the company faces — Even the people running the richest tech companies are awestruck by Web 2.0 valuations.

Warning over 'broken up' internet — The internet could one day be broken up into separate networks around the world, a leading light in the development of the net has warned. — Nitin Desai, chair of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), set up by the UN, warned that concerns over the net's future could lead to separation.

Merlin's top 5 super-obvious, "no-duh" ways to immediately improve your life — How to get organized and stay that way — When I was up in Toronto last week, I was interviewed by Samantha Grice from the National Post about 43 Folders, productivity stuff, and the sad sorry state of my own day-to-day productivity.

Research Findings Put PS3 Way Ahead — New research has shown massive consumer belief in the PlayStation 3, and waning interest in Xbox 360. — According to the study by Los Angeles based Interpret, 8.9 million U.S consumers 'are prepared' to pay full price ($500 or $600) …
Kotaku, Scobleizer, Cathode Tan, Microsoft News Tracker, Joystiq, You NEWB and Go Nintendo

Good Blog Writing Style — Danny Sullivan begs "Google Blog: Please Get Descriptive With Your Headlines!" and I agree. Here are some rules for good writing style when you're blogging: — Use descriptive headlines that reveal the point of the article without further reading …

Google Blog: Please Get Descriptive With Your Headlines!

Product placement — you can't escape it — NEW YORK — To hype the fall TV season, CBS plastered pictures of its shows' stars on postage stamps and across the insides of elevator doors. It laser-coated its eye logo on more than 35 million eggs, and carved the name of a new program, Jericho, into a 40-acre Kansas cornfield.

Should Municipalities Provide Wireless Internet Service? FTC Staff Report Provides Guidance to Promote Competition — Improving consumer access to broadband Internet service is an important goal for federal, state, and local governments. The possibility of competitive risks arising …

Ballmer: Windows Live Is Top Microsoft Priority — ORLANDO, Fla.—Windows Live is the most important initiative at Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's CEO, told the audience at the annual Gartner Symposium and IT Expo here on Oct. 10. — "We're in a transition to software that is live.

Teqlo: What It Means for Customers — A little over a month ago I left SAP for a startup and at the time I declined to name the company I was joining. I would like to say that this was part of some brilliant marketing plan but the fact is that I joined a very early stage company …

Gootube - The End of DRM ? — Power to the People ! The union of Google and Youtube has been described as a triumph of the consumer's interests over corporate control. The big media entities, as evidenced by all the deals cut with Google and Youtube, CBS, WMG, Universal, et al, really gets it this time.

The Social News Faceoff — Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus. — This post looks at the main players in the Social News space, to try and identify their characteristics and understand the dynamics of the market. The sites we analyze are digg, Netscape, Newsvine, and Reddit.

Acquisition to Extend Flash Experience to Broad Market of Mobile Devices — Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced the acquisition of vector graphics technology developed by Actimagine, a company that develops, patents, and licenses software solutions in the field of video and interactive vector graphics.

PS3 Bundled With Composite — Sony goes low tech with the wiring. — HDMI port, Blu-Ray drive, Cell processor — the PS3 will ship with everything needed for high definition playback. Everything except for high definition cables, that is. — The latest issue of Famitsu contains …