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Is Facebook worth as much as YouTube? — I was reading Steve Ballmer scratching his head in BusinessWeek where he was wondering about the valuations that are getting paid out for companies like Skype and YouTube. — Good to hear that Ballmer's leadership on the social software industry …
AC/OS, Search Engine Watch Blog, O'Reilly Radar, Download Squad, Joe Duck, Mark Evans and David "Dsquared" Dalka

Facebook worth more than YouTube? — Robert Scoble asks "Is Facebook worth as much as YouTube?" Actually, I think FaceBook is worth more than YouTube. I just don't think YouTube was worth anywhere near $1.6B. See my back of the envelope financial analysis below.
Paul Kedrosky's …

Research Findings Put PS3 Way Ahead — New research has shown massive consumer belief in the PlayStation 3, and waning interest in Xbox 360. — According to the study by Los Angeles based Interpret, 8.9 million U.S consumers 'are prepared' to pay full price ($500 or $600) …
LIVEdigitally, Blackfriars' Marketing, Cathode Tan, Microsoft News Tracker, Joystiq, You NEWB and Go Nintendo

Warning over 'broken up' internet — The internet could one day be broken up into separate networks around the world, a leading light in the development of the net has warned. — Nitin Desai, chair of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), set up by the UN, warned that concerns over the net's future could lead to separation.

Yahoo's Talks With Facebook Get Bogged Down — Days after Google Inc. announced a $1.65 billion purchase of YouTube Inc., rival Yahoo Inc.'s efforts to extend its Web reach through an acquisition of Facebook Inc. aren't making much progress, say people familiar with the matter.

Merlin's top 5 super-obvious, "no-duh" ways to immediately improve your life — How to get organized and stay that way — When I was up in Toronto last week, I was interviewed by Samantha Grice from the National Post about 43 Folders, productivity stuff, and the sad sorry state of my own day-to-day productivity.

Ask Mobile Search Launches — has launched a mobile search product at or First, Ask Mobile is optimized for mobile devices and uses Skweezer throughout to improve readability and download speed on your mobile device. Navigating Ask Mobile was a pleasure on my Treo …

Apple's missing "Home on iPod" feature resurfaces in filing — Apple Computer has been granted a patent for a pretermitted feature of Mac OS X that would have allowed users to sync their home directories to an iPod and then use the data stored on the player to securely log into any supported Mac.

Libyan pupils 'to have laptops' — The government of Libya is reported to have agreed to provide its 1.2m school children with a cheap durable laptop computer by June 2008. — The laptops offer internet access and are powered by a wind-up crank. They cost $100 and manufacturing begins next year, says One Laptop per Child.

Product placement — you can't escape it — NEW YORK — To hype the fall TV season, CBS plastered pictures of its shows' stars on postage stamps and across the insides of elevator doors. It laser-coated its eye logo on more than 35 million eggs, and carved the name of a new program, Jericho, into a 40-acre Kansas cornfield.

Eight Social Networking Sites for Men Who Love Men — We were contacted today by the founder of the soon to launch social network for gay men It lead us to take a look around the gay male online social networking space and write the following overview of some of the current market leaders.

With YouTube, Grad Student Hits Jackpot Again — For Jawed Karim, the $100,000 or so he would have to spend on a master's degree at Stanford was never daunting. He hit an Internet jackpot in 2002 when PayPal, the online payment company he had joined early on, was bought by eBay.

The Ongoing Struggle of Free vs. Fee — Does information really want to be free? If so, how can traditional information publishers and aggregators deal with shifting value propositions and revenue models of premium content and survive in the era of free web content?
Stuntdubl Business …

Democrats On FCC Criticize Justice Dept.'s OK Of Merger — The FCC's two Democratic members harshly criticized the Justice Department for approving the $78 billion AT&T- BellSouth merger without conditions. — The department, however, said Wednesday that "the presence of other competitors …