Top Items:

Google to Merge Writely and Spreadsheets to Form Google Docs — Breaking news: Google will announce tomorrow at the Office 2.0 conference a new product called Google Docs, which will merge Writely and Google Spreadsheets into a collaboration and document management solution, according to sources.

Google "Docs & Spreadsheets" Launches — Google just launched Docs & Spreadsheets at It integrates the previously separate Writely and Spreadsheet product silos into a single control panel and admin area (the previous sites for those products redirect to

Zoho Virtual Office Launching Tommorow; Racing Google to Market — Online productivity company Zoho is finally bringing all its various services together into one offering with the release of the Zoho Virtual Office at tomorrow's Office 2.0 conference. Google is rumored to be planning …

No Bubble 2.0 yet — The recent acquisition of YouTube by Google for a stunning $1.65 billion made me wonder whether we were seeing a rise in the price. While the New York Times sees a return to the crazy valuations of the 90s, a look at the acquisition landscape does not seem to support their conclusions.

Cingular sues telemarketers for unsolicited calls — NEW YORK (Reuters) - Cingular Wireless, a joint venture between AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T - news) and BellSouth Corp. (NYSE:BLS - news), on Tuesday said it filed three lawsuits in a U.S. federal court against telemarketers to stop them from making unsolicited …

Group Warns Of More Junk E-mail — Font Scale: — CHICAGO (AP) - The anti-spam group Spamhaus Project warned more junk e-mail could be on the way as it prepares to lose its domain name thanks to a company it has accused of sending spam. — Executives at the U.K.-based Spamhaus Project …

Introducing VentureBoard, a marketplace for start-ups — VentureBeat is pleased to introduce VentureBoard, a marketplace for the technology start-up community of Silicon Valley and other regions. — VentureBoard serves two main purposes, and we think it is particularly relevant for the post YouTube acquisition era.
RELATED ITEMS: Announces Apex, the World's First On-Demand Programming Language and Platform — For the first time, third parties will be able to write code that runs automatically on's multi-tenant, shared architecture — Apex will dramatically expand the reach, scope …

Storing Music Tags in the Qloud — A small Washington D.C. startup named Qloud is beta-launching today a collaborative filtering system for music along the lines of If it can achieve critical mass, the startup wants to be a social search engine for music, built on users tagging …

Top 10 annoying things about next gen — October 9th, 2006 by Jason "Botswana" Cox — So here we are, supposedly in a new generation of console hardware while there are still new releases for the last generation. For a market that is supposed to be all about "next gen" …

Will Voice-Enabled Mobile Search Kill Directory Assistance? — Local media research firm The Kelsey Group just forecast "portal-backed wireless voice search [will] reach 1.45 billion queries in 2010" and cause "a significant disruption of the directory assistance market." On one level, this is self-evident.

comScore misinterprets data: MySpace is *NOT* gray — Read the ComScore press release. Completely. Read the details. They have found that the unique VISITORS have gotten older. This is _not_ the same thing as USERS. A year ago, most adults hadn't heard about MySpace.
Joe Duck

October 2006 Bulletin Release — Hey everyone, Craig Gehre here. We're in the process of releasing our October 2006 Security Bulletins and I wanted to go ahead and update you on it. — We're releasing ten new Security Bulletins this month: — MS06-056 addresses a vulnerability …

Liberty Media chief: Telecoms could take big hit in cable wars — NEW YORK — John Malone, the chairman of Liberty Media, says the coming cable-phone wars could turn out to be a bloodbath for AT&T and Verizon. — "Cable guys right now have a huge advantage," Malone told USA TODAY.

Palm, Inc. Announces DigitalLife Press Conference on Oct. 12 — Palm, Inc. (Nasdaq:PALM) President and Chief Executive Officer Ed Colligan today invites media to join him for a press conference at DigitalLife on Thursday, Oct. 12, to announce a new Treo(TM) product.

The Rise of Flash Video, Part 1 — In 2003, I was in Seattle getting ready to do a presentation on Flash Video at Digital Design World when Jim Heid, the Conference Organizer, saw the title slide of the presentation and mentioned that I might be facing a rather tough crowd.

Copy never: DRM 'glitch' keeps TiVo Series3, JVC A/V receivers from playing nice — Connecting a TiVo Series3 to a JVC A/V receiver via HDMI seems to awaken an otherwise dormant copy-protection feature in the DVR. At least, that's what happened during testing in the CNET Labs.

Venture Firm Shares a YouTube Jackpot — Even in Silicon Valley, it is rare for so much money to be made so fast — and by so few. — The biggest winners in the $1.65 billion acquisition of YouTube by Google are YouTube's founders, Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, who have parlayed their stakes …

2007 Will Be A Big Year For RSS — With Microsoft's IE7 just around the corner and the other big Internet companies upgrading key information management products, 2007 is going to be the 'make it or break it' year for RSS. Fergus Burns noted these 4 key platforms, which are all set to ramp …