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Google To Acquire YouTube for $1.65 Billion in Stock Combination Will Create New Opportunities for Users and Content Owners Everywhere — Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) announced today that it has agreed to acquire YouTube, the consumer media company for people to watch and share original videos through …
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I still think Google is crazy :) — Kudos to Youtube for getting them to say yes. My advice to you is to always protect your downside. Ignore all the scammers who want your money, and dont listen to all the tax scammers who want to save you money on taxes. Writing that check is painful, but its the right thing to do.
George Ou, The 463, Techdirt, MSNBC, Marketing Blog Bent …, rexblog, Boing Boing and Buzzworthy

Google to Acquire YouTube for $1.65 Billion — Google announced this afternoon that it would buy YouTube, the popular video-sharing Web site, for stock that it valued at $1.65 billion. — Google beat out a number of other YouTube suitors, including Microsoft, Viacom, Yahoo and the News Corporation.

Goobed — This one is personal - now that the deal is done, I have to start working on losing 40 pounds. So if you are making plans to meet me for a drink - not going to happen. Given that how wrong I was on this one, you shouldn't really read any further.

Google Has Acquired YouTube — Moments ago the deal was confirmed. In their largest acquisition to date, Google has acquired YouTube for $1.65 billion in an all stock transaction. Both companies have approved the deal, which should officially close in the fourth quarter.

Is Fox a Factor in the Google/YouTube Deal? — Notably absent in the slew of content deals announced by YouTube today is any announcement of a Fox relationship. That's because there isn't one. — A source inside of Fox, which owns MySpace, tells us that they were surprised that Google …

GOOG-YouTube: Conference Call: No Name Change; Audio — Speaking from YouTube "world headquarters" as Google CEO Eric Schmidt dubbed it at the start of the call, Schmidt, Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, YouTube founders Chad Hurley and Steve Chen.

Main GooTube Takeaways — My main impressions: — It is a big deal that Google is doing a major acquisition in area where it has an existing product (i.e., Google Video). A tech company without not-invented here (NIH) syndrome is a competitively dangerous tech company indeed.

Sequoia could take $480 million from Google/YouTube deal
PE Week, VentureBeat, SeekingAlpha Internet Stocks, Mashable!, InsideGoogle, GigaOM, Mark Evans, VC Ratings, I4U News and Peter O'Kelly's Reality Check

Google and YouTube: Pig in a poke?

Google and Warner Music Group Announce Agreement to Offer Google Video Users WMG's Music Video Content — Ad-supported video model provides Warner Music Group with content monetization opportunities and unmatched distribution in the online world — Google developing technology to enable user-generated content

Google Signs Agreement with SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT to Give Users Access to Expansive Catalog of Music Videos — Ad-supported video models give users unparalleled access to SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT's content online and creates new monetization opportunities
IP Democracy

Microsoft to Push Out IE 7 This Month — Microsoft this month will be pushing out Internet Explorer 7 to Windows users who download security updates through Microsoft Update or Automatic Updates. — Last week, Security Fix mentioned that Microsoft intends to ship 11 patches tomorrow, including a "high-priority update."

A look at Firefox 2.0 RC2 — Changes in RC2 — The official release of Firefox 2.0 is right around the corner and the second release candidate (RC2) was made available last week. Release candidates provide insight into the features and functionality that will be available in the final release.

Run like hell! PS3 pre-orders to start tomorrow! — If you're itching to get your sweaty mits on a PS3 as soon as possible, we have the next best thing. A PS3 preorder! You're in luck because EB/Gamestop is going to start accepting pre-orders TOMORROW.

We made it (a little bit) better — It's been a very exciting week since we did our big Reader update. It's good to see that people have been liking our work. At the same time, we know there's still lots to do, which is why we've been busy fixing bugs and tweaking things in response to user feedback.