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Notes on Techmeme's new sponsorship model — There's a new area on the right side of Techmeme labelled "Techmeme Sponsor Posts". It shows the latest blog posts from three companies who have chosen to sponsor Techmeme for the next 30 days. — This is the first sponsored material of any kind on Techmeme.
IP Democracy, BuzzMachine, TechBlog, Mark Evans, New Web Order, Squash, ALLIED and

Welcome Techmeme Readers — Hi Techmeme readers! We're excited to have you join us. Wink is a social search engine that delivers relevant search results based on contributions and feedback from people. We just recently released beta 2. we invite you to try Wink.

Young Internet Producers, Bankrolled, Are Seeking Act II — Silicon Valley is awash in serial entrepreneurs, those who start a company, run it for a while, and then after success, failure or something in between, move on and start again. — Jay Adelson, 36, and Kevin Rose, 29 …

The Future of the Internet II — A survey of internet leaders, activists, and analysts shows that a majority agree with predictions that by 2020: — A low-cost global network will be thriving and creating new opportunities in a "flattening" world. — Humans will remain in charge of technology …

Googleyness: Inside The Google System — For some great weekend reading, check out this Fortune magazine article that gets inside the great Google brain. Some extracts that I enjoyed... Later in the article it states that Google has released "at least 83 full-fledged and test-stage products" …

'Payphone Warriors' call on New York streets — reporter's notebook NEW YORK—In this era of ubiquitous cell phones, I never imagined I'd be so excited about making a call from a pay phone. — But thanks to "Payphone Warriors," a game in the Come out and Play festival of street games …
SMS Text News

Pluggd to make podcasts chunkier, searchable — Seattle based podcast discovery and management service Pluggd is unveiling a major new feature at DEMO this weekend that combines speech recognition and semantic analysis to let users search for and skip to parts of an audio file that are related to topics of interest to them.

Google's dirty little secret — ... AND HOW IT CAN MAKE OR BREAK YOUR SEARCH ENGINE TRAFFIC — Most traffic to websites nowadays comes through search engines. In Europe, this means mostly Google. However, Google segments their traffic based on location.

Making your blog popular through content — As a blogger one of your goals might be to become popular. You might be able to do this by optimizing your blog or by using the diverse social mediums out there today. These methods are great and can really boost your popularity, but they are usually not in your control.

In Search Of The Valley: DVD movie released today — A new documentary on Silicon Valley premieres today on DVD. It was directed by my friend Steve O'Hear, who I met over the Web earlier this year and now work with on my corporate blogging project called Micro Media Corp. 'In Search …

MSFT Launching 'Digital Advertising Solutions' — At Advertising Week this week, Miscrosoft is announcing the launch of "Digital Advertising Solutions" and a media campaign to go with it. It's an effort to bring together Microsoft's various properties into a unified platform …

Farecast expands airfare predictions; just know when to use them. — Farecast, the start-up that predicts whether airfares are about to go up or down (earlier coverage here), has expanded predictions for 20 more airport destinations, bringing the total to 75 airports.
John Cook's Venture Blog

Attensa 2.0 reads feeds and multimedia in Outlook, for free — Enterprise RSS and Attention company Attensa has released version 2.0 of their plug-in for Outlook and there are a number of notable changes that have been made. Most important, Attensa 2.0 is free.
Somewhat Frank

With "pod" on lockdown, Apple goes after "podcast" — Now that Apple's lawyers have scared the pants off of small entrepreneurs selling products like the Profit Pod and TightPod — items that have nothing to with portable audio in any way, mind you — it seems that the next targets are companies …

Roomba Vacuum — It finally happened, an off-the-shelf household robot that works and pays back even the early-adopter price. — For less than $200 you get a vacuum cleaner the size of coffee-table book (though round) which has robotic smarts and its own battery. The main thing is, it works.