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Episode 12: Featuring Om Malik, Robert Scoble and Michael Arrington — Episode 12 of TalkCrunch features Robert Scoble at Scobleizer, Om Malik at Gigaom and Michael Arrington at TechCrunch. They speak for just over an hour about their favorite startups and the hot news this week in tech.

Podcast with Om Malik and Robert Scoble — We just posted the next podcast episode at TalkCrunch. This was a joint effort, with Om Malik, Robert Scoble and me talking for an hour on a range of topics, from the startups we're most excited about to the state of VOIP to the upcoming Yahoo Hack Day.

TalkCrunch, VoIP Start Ups and Digg — Michael Arrington, who edits TechCrunch, invited me to his TalkCrunch podcast. Our initial plan was to do a talk about the start ups we like and why. Robert Scoble joined the party, and the conversation became a little fluid, and a tad long. But it was fun.
Mark Evans

A true x86 emulator for Palm - first facts and pics — A few days ago I got a mail from the developer who ported an emulator that lets you use real PC apps on a Palm. It's the Palm OS port of the well-known DOS emulator DOSBox. It doesn't only emulate an x86 CPU but also a DOS environment …

Click fraud - here we go again — Yet another piece on click fraud, this time from Businessweek - which of course is an "old medium" itself. What amazes me is the elephant in the room: This is not an intractable problem. (Ask me about intractable: I just came back from the Middle East!)

Bandwidth, Its Getting Cheaper — High speed cable and DSL connections are getting a bandwidth boost, along with per month bills. Verizon and Cablevision have both introduced consumer broadband packages with speeds in excess of 30 megabits per second, and have also boosted the upstream speeds.
IP Democracy

VOIP - The Details Kill The Fun — A bunch of VOIP services have launched to help people make cheaper calls from normal phones. None of them are compelling for the mass market. — VOIP is great when you initiate calls from VOIP phones or software (Skype, Vonage, etc.).
Naked Conversations

Apple to trademark Podcast? (or "How to fight the good fight") — In perhaps the worst trademark enforcement decision—ummm—ever, it seems Apple is trying to get people to NOT use the term Podcast/Podcasting in the names of their companies. Podcasting for those of my readers who are non-technical, is best defined two ways:
The Apple Blog, IP Telephony, VoIP, Broadband, Scripting News, Geek News Central, Life On the Wicked Stage, ben barren,, cruel to be kind, Deep Jive Interests, Daily News, Thomas Hawk's Digital …, Sparkplug 9 >> bizhack, Connecting the Dots, Paul Colligan's … and Open Gardens

The Internet Address Book - Social Networks in One Place — The Internet Address Book, which launched this week, is a new service from the Netherlands that brings together all your online identities in one place - social networking URLs, instant messaging IDs and web addresses.

Advertising's New Idea: Don't Push the Product; Pull the Consumer Instead — NEW YORK To see the future of the advertising industry, climb the stairs of the three-story walk-up on Greene Street in SoHo to the U.S. headquarters of London's Naked Communications.

Some VoIP services surpass traditional phones — A large-scale VoIP study from Keynote Systems concludes that VoIP audio quality is improving, and in some cases exceeds that of the traditional phone network—so long as you're making calls within the US. More than 100,000 people a month …

Limited Time Only: Vista 5728 Available To The Public — Bookmark This: - Digg it - Furl - reddit - Spurl - Yahoo MyWeb — This was absolutely shocking to me when I opened my Inbox and an anonymous tipster had sent me an email with the public download page for Vista 5728!

The Boy Genius Report: The BlackBerry 8800 — Well, now that the pearl's out and about, it's time we focused once more on RIM's utilitarian bizphone lineup — except now the Boy Genius has gotten a hold of some pictures of the BlackBerry 8800. You guys remember the one, don't you?

CDX — Just launched by the BBC History team along with the design and technical prowess of those amazing Preloaded folks (wasn't I just pining for something new from them?), CDX is a brand new multi-episode adventure game that uses real actors and video segments to spin a tale of mystery …

Venture Investing as a Strategy, Not to Make Money — Like most technology investors, companies that made heavy bets on venture capital during the dot-com boom spent the last several years licking their wounds. Now they're getting back in the game, investing in start-ups from telecommunications to biotechnology.

HostGator: cPanel Security Hole Exploited in Mass Hack — HostGator says hackers compromised its servers using a previously unknown security hole in cPanel, the control panel software that is widely used by hosting providers. "I can tell you with all accuracy that this is definitely due …

TGS06: Wii or PS3? Japanese Gamer Video Poll — We asked a handful of completely random gamers which they played to buy at launch: the PS3 or the Wii. Some of them wanted a PLAYSTATION 3. Some wanted a Wii. Some twitched and ran into the toilet. The results? They might surprise you.

Windows Vista: fitted and nearly-finished — Vinny Pasceri, the Aero Program Manager for Windows Vista, has the daunting task of oversighting the user experience development project. Many people and especially Microsoft enthusiasts do not understand why Windows has so many legacy …

Publisher Groups To Test New Search Engine Rights Management System — Several mostly print publisher groups say they are to test a new "Automated Content Access Protocol" that they feel will head off conflicts with search engines. A release with more information is below.

Yahoo pulls a Scrooge with forced unpaid holiday vacation — Several Yahoos confided their frustration to me when the company sent an all-hands memo this week, forcing all employees to take the Christmas-to-New-Year week off, either unpaid or using their allotted vacation days.