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Microsoft Soapbox is no threat to YouTube, yet — Microsoft's YouTube competitor, Soapbox on MSN Video, is in private beta [news story]. We wheedled our way on to the invite list and gave it a spin. The beta program will expand shortly. — Soapbox is Microsoft's user-generated video site …
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Microsoft to take on YouTube — Microsoft is set to launch on Tuesday a beta version of a new service that lets people upload videos of their cats dancing, babies laughing and teenagers playing air guitar. — Microsoft's new Soapbox on MSN Video site takes on the popular site YouTube …

MSN Launches Beta of Soapbox on MSN Video — MSN expands industry-leading MSN Video service by enabling people to actively participate in the MSN content experience. — MSN today announced the U.S. beta release of Soapbox on MSN® Video, a user-uploaded video service that makes it easy …

FCC Wireless Auction Could Open Up Airwaves — Cellphone customers should soon encounter fewer dead spots in their coverage areas and more easily use next-generation phones that play television-quality video and perform other high-tech tricks, thanks to a Federal Communications Commission spectrum auction that concluded yesterday.

Engine on a chip promises to best the battery — MIT researchers are putting a tiny gas-turbine engine inside a silicon chip about the size of a quarter. The resulting device could run 10 times longer than a battery of the same weight can, powering laptops, cell phones, radios and other electronic devices.

Yahoo tests 'Right' to MP3 downloads — Netco puts McCartney album online — Yahoo! is looking to end Apple's and Microsoft's dominance of the technology behind online music. — In a first for mainstream pop music, Yahoo! will sell Jesse McCartney's new album "Right Where You Want Me …

Fuzzy Laws Come Into Play in the H.P. Pretexting Case — Despite the California attorney general's assertion that he has enough evidence to press charges against people inside and outside Hewlett-Packard, a criminal case may be hard to prosecute, legal specialists say.

Get your own tiny Flickr cards! — A few months ago I posted a picture of my new beautiful tiny little fun sort of business cards and since then I've been giving them out and every time I do so people sort of go, "Ooooh! Where can I get some of these?" Until now I've had to tell people …

BALLSY GOOGLE KICKS BELGIAN NEWSPAPERS' ASSES — Sometimes Google just makes me jump up and pump my fist, yelling, "Yes! You show those motherf-ers!" This is definitely one of those times. Google responding to Belgian newspaper's complaints about being included in Google News and the Google cache …
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A Google Trial Ties Ad Position to User Behavior — A Google AdWords experiment that optimizes ads based on individual user behavior could raise rates for advertisers. Search marketing mavens have chattered about the premium listings changes, and now Google has confirmed it is exploring alterations …

Murdoch unveils MySpace ambitions — News Corp. chief says company plans to launch social networking site in places like China, aims to overtake YouTube. — NEW YORK ( — News Corp. Chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch said Tuesday that his company has big plans for its popular social networking site MySpace.

Communacopia XV: Iger: $50 Million From iTunes Movies In First Year; Relaunch In Early '07 — More than 125,000 Disney downloads were sold in the first few days following the addition of movies to the Apple's iTunes, bringing in about $1 million in incremental revenue, CEO Bob Iger told analysts and investors today.

Yahoo sees Q3 rev at lower half of range, shares drop — NEW YORK (Reuters) - Yahoo Inc. (NASDAQ:YHOO - News) said on Tuesday it expects third-quarter revenue at the bottom half of its forecast range due to weakness from two of its biggest advertising segments, sending shares down as much as 13 percent.

Apple to update MacBook lines in time for holidays — Apple Computer plans to update both its MacBook and MacBook Pro lines of Intel notebook computers in time for the holiday shopping season, but may take some time before it does so, AppleInsider has learned.

Toshiba recalls 340,000 Satellite, Dynabook batteries — Aight everybody, we've got a fresh one comin' through here. Sony's faulty cells apparently made their way into Toshiba Satellite and Dynabook machines — apparently about 340,000 units in all — which are being recalled.

Blogs About Business Travel Begin to Feel the Power — LIKE most other business travelers who publish blogs, Steve Broback discovered their power by accident. — He had reserved a room at the Muse Hotel near Times Square, with the understanding that the rate would include free Internet access.