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Wal-Mart prepping a download store, too? — We've heard rumblings for a while — and Wal-Mart's purported intense opposition to the iTunes Movie Store might've had something to do with it as well — but now the rumors are coming hot and heavy in regards to a movie download store from the retail giant.

Wal-Mart moves on digital movie downloads — The No. 1 retailer is believed to be pushing to launch its own digital movie service later this year. — NEW YORK ( — Wal-Mart, which has been eyeing the downloadable movie waters for some time, is now preparing to dive in.

Walmart preparing to offer movie downloads — Reports are coming out that Walmart is gearing up to offer movie downloads in the coming months. The impact of the move on pricing could be big; Walmart sells almost half of the physical DVDs bought in the US and the company could be a major player …

iPod fans 'shunning iTunes store' — Despite the success of Apple iTunes, few people stock their iPod with tracks from the online store, reports a study. — The Jupiter Research report reveals that, on average, only 20 of the tracks on a iPod will be from the iTunes shop.

A Video Business Model Ready to Move Beyond Beta — VIDEO mania is in full swing. Amazon is finally doing movie downloads. Apple is touting a new wireless gizmo to beam movies from laptops to TV screens. NBC is introducing a video syndication service that might pit it against Google and Yahoo …

For sale for £1,000: gadget that means you'll never lose at roulette again — Professional gamblers are rushing to buy £1,000 devices that they believe will enable them to win millions of pounds in casinos when the gambling industry is deregulated next year.

The Demise of Radio — In the New York times article about the plight of traditional radio, Richard Siklos sums up the problem in one sentence, while talking about a particular commuter who has tuned out over the air stations: … It's a two-headed monster that is killing traditional radio.

Changing Its Tune — The radio industry keeps losing people like Danny C. Costa, a senior at Boston University who grew up listening to radio in New York and New Jersey. — For the last few years, Mr. Costa has tuned out radio in favor of Web sites where he can get access to downloads or videos he heard about from friends.
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Please don't videoblog (vlog) — At the blogger panel at Fall VON (repurposed to be both video on the net as well as voice) Vlogger and advocate Dina Kaplan asked bloggers to start vlogging. It's started a minor debate. — My take? Please don't.

Video-blogging isn't for everyone — Wise words from my friend …

To videoblog or not to videoblog — There's a whole debate …
Steve Newson DOT net

Why you shouldn't order your Series3 from — If your like us and you just can't wait to get your hands on a Series3, you might want to avoid and try your local big box store instead. We ordered one 15 minutes after the official launch and have yet to receive it despite paying next day shipping.

Wikipedia: Resistance is Absent — What happened was, I went to check out the new Microsoft search engine at (it's not bad), and I started by looking for myself. I was kind of surprised when my Wikipedia entry came in ahead of ongoing. (Wikipedia's #2 at Google and Yahoo.)

Google will flex political muscles — PAC to raise money for causes, candidates; lobbyists on board — Under fire on Capitol Hill, Google Inc. has boosted its political muscle by creating its first political action committee while taking steps to reach out to Republicans.
IP Democracy

Zeroing In on Sources H.P. Used — Prosecutors looking into the internal spying operation at Hewlett-Packard are beginning to link together a chain of investigators from the company down to the detective agencies that may have been involved in obtaining the phone records of its directors and a number of journalists.

Minox DC1011, now gold-plated for the casino set — Somewhere, we imagine that there has to be a warehouse (or at least a small storeroom) full of gilded inventory, guarded by a very sad man wondering where his business model went wrong. Still, that hasn't stopped low-end Chinese equipment outfitter Minox …

The only Wii post you'll ever need [update 3] — With the whirlwind of news and announcements swirling around the Wii over the past few days, we thought it might be handy to collect all the newly released information in one place for easy reference. — This round-up will be updated …

Sanger forks Wikipedia — The man who invented Wikipedia now wants to bury it. Larry Sanger, the controversial online encyclopedia's cofounder and leading apostate, announced yesterday, at a conference in Berlin, that he is spearheading the launch of a competitor to Wikipedia called The Citizendium.