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Google CEO Dr. Eric Schmidt Joins Apple's Board of Directors — CUPERTINO, Calif., Aug. 29 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — Apple® today announced that Dr. Eric Schmidt, chief executive officer of Google, was elected to Apple's board of directors at their meeting today.
Valleywag, Mathew Ingram, AMCP Tech Blog, Tech Beat, John Furrier, Mark Evans and

Apple + Google = Worries For Everyone — A few days ago when Google announced what is a precursor to Google Office, many saw it as a big move against the long term nemesis, Microsoft. We read things differently, and don't really believe that it is going to have much of an impact.

Universal backs free music rival to iTunes — Universal Music, the world's largest music company, is backing a start-up that will allow consumers to download songs for free. It will rely on advertising for its revenues, offering a different business model from that of Apple Computer's popular iTunes music store.

Universal to try ad driven music downloads through SpiralFrog - still with DRM — If you're familiar with this story, see the updated details at the end. Universal Music, the corporate parent behind labels like MoTown, Geffen Records and many more, announced this morning that they will be making …
GigaOM, Boing Boing, Good Morning Silicon Valley, CrunchGear, Fast Company Now and Digital Music News

Welcome to the public beta for! — It's with great pleasure, a lot of late nights, and barrels of caffeine, that our team launches the public Windows Live QnA beta. — For all you thousands of beta testers who took a chance on us, nagged us, mocked us, and made us better - we thank you.

Blogs Start Job Boards — Sites like GigaOm and TechCrunch are rushing to list help-wanted ads, but is there room for all? — The next wave after blogs targeted at particular interest may be niche job sites. — On Friday, GigaOm, the blogging network started by former Business 2.0 writer Om Malik, launched its own job board.

Sprint Launches First EV-DO Revision A-Capable Mobile Broadband Card in the Nation — Sprint Media Contact: — Amy Schiska-Lombard, 913-794-2947 — Novatel Media Contact: — Carolyn McCartney, 858-320-8822 (phone), 858-812-3401 (fax) — — Novatel Investor Relations:
Gizmodo, Engadget,, GigaOM,, Phone Scoop, Texas Startup Blog, Daily small biz tech news … and Mobilitee

Blu-ray and HD-DVD to freeze competition until 2007 due to laser diode shortage — Since manufacturers of blue laser diodes are still unable to improve yield rates, the shortage may result in pushing back the competition between Blu-ray Disc (BD) and HD-DVD optical disc drives in the market …

Microsoft adCenter inviting selected advertisers into ContentAds pilot — Interested in the Microsoft ContentAds beta? Selected advertisers just received invitations to participate in the new ContentAds pilot, which begins running this fall. — The email invited advertisers received mentioned …

Wired Wiki — Attachments: — In an experiment in collaborative journalism, Wired News is putting reporter Ryan Singel at your service. — This wiki began as an unedited 1,059 word article on the wiki phenomenon, exactly as Ryan filed it. Your mission, should you choose to accept it …

Leaving Search Engine Watch — After ten years, I'm leaving Search Engine Watch and almost certainly leaving the Search Engine Strategies conference series as well. My contracts with their owners Incisive Media are expiring, and we've not been able to agree on new ones.
Matt Cutts, Search Engine Roundtable, Frank Barnako, Valleywag, ResourceShelf, WebMetricsGuru, Bruce Clay, Inc. Blog, SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog, SEO by the SEA, Daily SearchCast, V7N Search Marketing News,, Google Blogoscoped, Bloggers Blog, Jim Boykin's Internet …, Niall Kennedy's Weblog, Online Marketing Blog, Pronet Advertising, John Furrier, Search Engine Watch Blog, John Battelle's Searchblog, Greg Boser, InsideGoogle, The Jason Calacanis Weblog, Search Engine Guide Blog and

A Watchdog Group Warns Against AOL's Free Software — Dealing yet another blow to AOL, a leading software watchdog group warned users away from AOL's free client software yesterday on the ground that it displayed characteristics consistent with "badware." — The term badware describes …

Microsoft already on their way to patching FairUse4WM — Leave it to the Hawthorne Effect, right? It's been three days since we spilled the beans about the PlaysForSure-stripping FairUse4WM app, and already Microsoft's Windows Digital Media Division is issuing notices to its PlaysForSure licensees regarding patching up the problem.

Next Google Apps targets: Intuit QuickBooks, MS Money? — Google has unleashed an integrated suite of Web-based software-as-a-service office productivity applications—Google Apps for Your Domain—featuring four services, with two more on the way: … What's missing?

Three Ways to Ride the Long Tail — The following is also my column in this week's Advertising Age. — Three Ways to Ride the Long Tail — What Marketers Should Know About Reach, Niches and Big Media in the New Landscape — One of this summer's hottest beach reads is "The Long Tail" by Chris Anderson.
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